Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Miniscopes


Taurus Full Moon
Eclipse Miniscopes

Grounding Through Change.

The Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus falls at 27º on November 19th at 3:57 AM EST. As we begin our ascent from the depths of Scorpio Season and head into Sagittarius Season, we are given a Full Moon in Taurus to bring us back to Earth - the place between Heaven and Hell. This Full Moon will be an eclipse, one that illuminates everything we have been through over the last few weeks. Changes have been made, directions have been altered, and perspectives shifted. Taurus now wants us to get to work. We can use all we have gained to work toward a steady outcome.

Eclipses bring things to light, especially Full Moon eclipses. There is little say in what happens, but a strong flow of energy that sweeps in to give us the answers we seek. The accumulation and potency of eclipses are so powerful that they can be felt a month to the day before or even after the actual eclipse begins. It is wise to not make any sweeping final choices at this time, but to sit back and let the whirlwind of energy unfold before deciding. Taurus is patient, and we have to exercise that skill before we act.

Luckily, the Moon in its exalted state will prepare us. The Sun in Scorpio shines its light on the Moon in Taurus, where we find the power in these polarities – ownership. You are called to reclaim your power and stand your ground. With Pluto intercepting the Sun/Moon opposition, this is found through the transformation that we have undergone this season. Power resides in our ability to hold space for ourselves as much as someone else – to know our limits with another and not become obsessed or enmeshed in their ups and downs. Jupiter’s square to the Sun and Moon tells us the growth happens but not in the extremes. We can’t keep being pulled in two different directions. You are called to return home, back to you and the garden you have long neglected. It is time to till the soil again.

Venus leads this eclipse, this time with a loving energy toward Uranus (who caused havoc at the last lunation). We are inspired again, reclaiming the energy we thought we lost. We feel pulled toward making room, finding that freedom in our own self-confidence. Venus graces the arms of its cosmic lover, Mars — to bring motivation to our heart’s desires. Spontaneity is encouraged and helps to pull you out of ruts.

Try something new on a whim and go to a place you have never been. Explore the earth and feel the ground beneath you. Walk paths in the woods to find clarity in nature.

Mercury chats with Neptune and Pluto, keeping us in a dream state and bringing more out of the darkness from the New Moon prior. Conversation is important and deep. Anything less won’t interest Mercury enough to hold its attention. Mercury teaches us to listen to our inner calling, the voice within telling us that which we already know. Speak your magick and power into existence and watch as the spell unfolds from your exhales into the air — your breath, like ghosts escaping from your lips. It isn’t that you are just speaking, but you are witnessing.

Mars will have finished its opposition to Uranus. This brings up memories from the New Moon’s jolt. Perhaps now is the time to resolve or make moves based on what has been presented to you. You may surprise others with your actions, but sometimes we need this to reignite flames that have burnt out.

Change is how we grow and shed old skin. With this as the start of eclipse season, we know that it is a means for stability later.

Re-engage with your senses this Full Moon and get back to the Earth. We are rising out of the shadows and into the clouds, but we must first touch the ground again. This is only the beginning of what’s to come.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 23º to 29º or 0º to 2º, you will feel the effects of this Full Moon the most. Especially those with strong Fixed placements. So, let’s break this down by sign!


Aries & Aries Rising

Keyword: Ownership 

We are now fully in the embrace of Eclipse Season. Eclipses are like cosmic dustpans and brooms, they come in to shake things up and then clean up. This is to rattle any complacency and stagnation. They create a swell of energy. Full Moon eclipses in particular, like this one, are very illuminating. They shine a light on problem areas or things that need to be addressed. Perhaps something is coming to a climax. This eclipse starts a new series— one that focuses on your resource sector. 

Over the next 18 months or so, you may find that you have changes to your values, self-worth, resources, or assets. There can be a call to open yourself up more but also to find stable ground to stand on. This first one brings an awareness to your 2nd House of ownership, income, value, and worth. It may be time to visit the values and traditions you hold. Do they still align with you personally? Have you outgrown certain views? This is ok. 

With the 2nd House, we stabilize our identity from the 1st House, thus we have to be ok with evolving our view on the world and everything around us. You alternatively could have changes to your income, financial picture, or need to address what you truly have ownership over in your life. The eclipse will highlight where you could improve. This may come as a result of some valuable insight(s) you receive from Pluto’s positive reception to this eclipse. Pluto has been in your 10th House, and you may finally be coming to terms with something in your career that can impact how you make money or what you value in your life overall.

There is a lot of activity around this eclipse, but to keep things simple we should focus a little on Venus, the ruler of this lunation. Venus will be well-positioned to Uranus and Mars at this time. In fact, it will be exactly trine to Uranus. There can be very positive or surprising outcomes as a result of the eclipse (expect them to unfold over the next few weeks or months). Mars and Uranus will be fighting, but Venus intersects this well. It ensures that even during what feels like jolting or uncertain times, that you have  ground to stand on, or a soft place to land. Venus will protect you. If you have money going out or a debt to pay, know that you could receive a sum to cover that. It is almost like a loss with a recovery right afterward. Divine timing, if you will. Either way, it is best not to act around an eclipse and just let things unfold before you. Once the dust settles, everything will be more clear.

Use this eclipse to reflect on your values, morals, beliefs. Also, take stock in what you own and your financial picture. See what could use changing, re-budgeting or refocusing. You will be making major changes to how you handle personal and shared resources in the coming future.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Keyword: Being

You are in the spotlight in a way that you have not been in a long time. This upcoming Full Moon is an eclipse, and that changes the way the energy is conducted. Eclipses are full of evolution and shake ups, but they come with resolve and definitive answers in the end. So, what may feel like chaos is temporary. In all reality, the eclipse ends up being a guiding light. With this one being a Full Moon eclipse, it is likely that there will be a bright light shining on something in your life that may need changing, reflecting, or refocusing. This will start an 18 month journey for you–– where you focus on your boundaries, autonomy, and possibly even relationships. 

Your 1st House is fully lit up at this lunation, which rules the self, the identity, and your motivations. Here, you will be staring at who you are, what you want, and what drives you. This isn’t always easy, especially if you have been in a complacent or stagnant phase. You may have to find peace in discomfort as you know that things around you are changing, and you will be asked to step out of your cocoon–– to transform yourself and the world around you. The spotlight from this lunation will have you questioning yourself, your boundaries, your goals, and really anything that is personal to you. This could bleed into your relationships, because as you change, so will they.

Pluto will be at a good angle for this eclipse, which is helpful. Pluto has been sitting in your 9th House showing you different perspectives, and seeing the world in a new way. Perhaps you are understanding the value in seeing beyond the current moment and starting to witness the big picture and how the pieces play into that. It could shift how you move about your life and your goals overall. Some of you may decide that it is time to take steps to be more spontaneous, adventurous, or focus on improving your life/situation. Almost as if roadblocks are no longer a problem, and you can only see achievement. Now, this won’t mean that the new journey or pathway that you start on will be easy. It just means that you are more ready than you ever have been.

Venus softens this eclipse quite a bit, even with the swirling activity. It leads this lunation and intercepts the harsh Mars/Uranus opposition. Mars and Uranus will be creating tensions with relationships or others in your life. So, you could have an argument, fight, or potentially even a relationship breakdown. Keep in mind, this isn’t just romantic. If there is already a problem with this relationship, the eclipse will bring into full view. Think of this as a cosmic dustpan and broom. If you do break a relationship, know that something better is on its way — especially with Venus working to ease the blow. You already seem ready to let this person go, and Venus is there to guide you to seeing how it will benefit you (and possibly them) in the long run. The important thing is knowing the boundaries you have created and not easing up to appease.

Use this eclipse to work on yourself and focus on your needs. See what needs to be adjusted or refined. Where could you benefit from being more gentle with yourself? Where could you be more disciplined? How can you see yourself more clearly? You can make great strides in standing out and allowing yourself to be seen and heard. You are a path toward really making shifts in your identity and overall life.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Keyword: Solitude 

We are now submerged into eclipse season, and with this comes a full wave of activity. However, for you, things are a bit different. You are craving peace, serenity, and solitude. Eclipses can note an ending of sorts, and this couldn’t be more true as this one falls in your 12th House. However, not all endings are bad. Given the power of an eclipse, it may not be comfortable but it will be for the best. This is the start of a new ecliptic cycle, and one that we will have for 18 months or so. You will have to reckon with your life in its intricacies, routines, grand visions, and the ways in which you may escape. Care and service will be top of mind.

Service is a word you may not actively think about, but it is one that holds value. Service is not always to another person––it can be to yourself, your body, your heart, mind, or soul. You need not always sacrifice to care for yourself. This eclipse will highlight where you could use more balance, rest and realignment. 

Of course, that may come with something being let go or being tied up, but that leaves more room for you. If you have been on a one way train to burnout, it is time to slow that train and take active steps toward recovery. The eclipse falling in your 12th House will have you asking yourself the bigger questions in life, which could include how you find respite, faith, and how you engage in any sort of spirituality. This is a House of healing and suffering — perhaps it is time to end the things that bring you suffering, grief or pain. Make room in the waters for you to swim more freely.

Pluto aids this Full Moon from your 8th House, so it seems you have been gradually considering who can help you and what needs to be addressed. This is a point of rebirth, breaking cycles, and owning your power. You have been reclaiming yourself for years, and with this eclipse activating Pluto, it's time to put it to the test. Pluto asks for you to dig deep, uncover the hidden potential below the surface and embrace your humanity and your soul. Sharing yourself intimately is part of that. As you close a chapter, you will be insulating yourself more, cutting some people out, but you will also have to find those that you trust and share more deeply with them. Asking for help or space is not selfish, especially through change.

Venus leads this lunation where it will come between Mars and Uranus in their fight for freedom. There can be tensions internally and externally that are driving you to be unsure or feel pulled in different directions. As much as you crave rest, life seems to be getting busier. You have to give yourself grace. Mars and Uranus both are very dynamic and erratic when at their worst. However, with Venus being so positively aspected to both, you will be able to adjust and find moments for reflection and healing. Venus grants you care and peace in the quiet moments, and reminds you that you are not alone.

Use this Full Moon to focus on the places that you escape or choose to ignore. See what needs to come to a close and what needs to be expanded. Make peace in the quiet. Find power in resolution. Explore new areas of faith, belief, and spirituality — but also be ok with not knowing or having answers. You are on the precipice of closing a chapter and starting a whole new one. What is needed to fully walk through that door?

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Keyword: Visions 

The future can feel so far away, but we forget that it is unfolding even in this present moment. In layman’s terms, the future is now. And this feeling couldn’t be captured more perfectly than with this eclipse on the 19th of November. This will start a new cycle for you where you are looking at taking more risks and seeking more attention–– but also balancing this with how all of this works with your visions and goals. You will be finding your space in a community. There is a desire to create but also to ensure that the output or outcome not only benefits you, but everyone around you. Some things will have to change in order to make this happen, and part of that may be a readjustment of your plans or goals.

This eclipse will shine a light on your 11th House, where you are reflecting on your friendships, network, hopes, and goals. Because it is a Full Moon eclipse, something may be eclipsed out of your life or need to be refined. Because you are ruled by the Moon, you could feel especially sensitive or heightened at this time. You may have to come to terms with a friendship or community that needs to be addressed. Perhaps you are ready to approach the relationship differently. Alternatively, you may be changing and shifting your outlook on your future self — learning how to better seek support to make dreams a reality. You asking for help or leaning on others doesn’t make you weak. It is a reminder that you can be filled and nourished by others, as much you may nourish them.

Pluto is especially helpful at this Full Moon, so one relationship in particular is deepening. There is a transformation and a stronger connection happening. Pluto has been creating waves in the 7th House for years, pushing to compromise at times or rise up and fight during other moments. You know what you expect now from your important relationships, and at this eclipse you feel more assured than ever. Pluto gives way to intimacy and true healing between you and others, finally bringing to rest an old, outdated dynamic or power struggle that may have been a past narrative. There is only equal ground. So, stand on it.

Venus leads this Full Moon, sweeping its loving arms around warriors, Mars and Uranus. As Mars and Uranus clash, you could see tensions rise and true motives revealed. Perhaps a truth is exposed, one that you had not seen coming. You may be battling issues around self-confidence or expression — maybe not being perceived how you’d like. Mars is racing through your 5th House, and you feel yourself learning to not take life so seriously. A light-hearted approach will do you wonders. The ask is for you to be authentic and let go of the need to please. It's time to stop caring about what others may think. Venus cuts in at this opposition and reminds you who is really important and the relationships where you can truly be yourself. There will be people that may come and go, and there will be those that last a lifetime. Seek solace in the relationships worth the investment. Breathe life into the things that matter.

Use this Full Moon to reflect on your goals and future visions. See where you are and ask for support where it matters. Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to pleasing people. Learn to find the community and friendships that are worthy. Invest in the relationships that challenge you to grow. Your hopes and dreams can become a reality when you truly ask for help. You are finding your strength again.


Leo & Leo Rising

Keyword: Goals 

We know change is inevitable. It comes with sweeping gestures that push us in one direction or another. To see the power in change as a potential new beginning shifts our mindset. Eclipses are known to bring swift and chaotic energy that blossoms into a fresh start. Sometimes, this happens within the 18 month cycle––sometimes it happens during a 4 week period. Either way, we know that things are about to gain momentum, especially as this Full Moon eclipse begins to culminate.

The eclipse falls in your 10th House. A position that sits at the top of your chart. The Moon will be beaming a light here, having you focus your attention on your career, life direction and practical goals. You know that you want to do something different in this area of your life. Is it a new job? A promotion? A complete 180º? Whatever it is, the eclipse will bring it to the forefront of your mind. Some of you may move up, while some may quit or lose a job. Others may feel a general pressure at work, and it can be the catalyst for something new coming later on. It is hard to say how it will all shake up, but new pathways will soon begin to show up for you. Over the next 18 months, any changes at work will feel monumental. Thus, the gravity of it can be heavy — but once it finally reaches a head, it will alleviate all of that compounding pressure.

Pluto is positively aspected to this eclipse, which is extremely beneficial. Pluto has been hanging out in your 6th House for a while. Here, you have transformed your work environment, routines, health habits, or even your daily life. You have re-prioritized your needs. So, now you are asked to take what you’ve learned and apply it. Any minor shift will lead to a greater domino effect for you, but it will unfold beautifully in the end. Pluto drags us through the shadows, and so there may be some fears you  have to face first. But with the Moon exalted, there is no way you won’t end up on top.

Venus sits at the intersection of the Mars/Uranus opposition. Venus is mediating the tension between these two dynamic energies. You could feel pushed and pulled between work and home, family and freedom. There is uncertainty. A risk. You may have to move (maybe for a new job) unexpectedly––or just have something come up with a family member. Whatever it is, it may feel like a headache or a complete upheaval. Because Venus is the ruler of this Full Moon, it will ease this energy. It will come in to ground in the present and remind you to focus on what is right in front of you. You are asked to do something to take care of yourself, even in a small way. It will bring you back to your body and keep your mind calm. Sometimes, even the most mundane tasks can bring about the greatest pleasure or joy.

As there is so much happening around this Full Moon eclipse, use this time to truly reflect on where you are. Are you happy at work? What needs changing? Are you doing what makes you happy? Take steps to get what you want out of your life. Redirect your path. Ask for the promotion. Find new employment. Witness the dynamics at work and then assess your next moves. You are beginning a new cycle where your career and home will be the two areas of your life that will change the most. It is time to lean in and go after what you want.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Keyword: Freedom 

This is not a time to compromise what makes you feel alive. You have worked hard to give yourself more freedom. As we enter the next 18 months, we begin a new cycle that asks you to reach farther than you ever have before. This will require you to rewrite the narratives you had once written in your head. The perception of what is possible may be limited by what you are seeing, and not fully enveloped in what you are believing.

Eclipses shed light on what needs to be addressed or changed in our lives. As this eclipse is the start of the Taurus/Scorpio cycle, there will be changes in how you see the world around you. Your 9th House is being impacted here, and for the first time in a long time, you are willing and able to see the obstacles standing in the way of your growth. In so many ways, this is the beginning of a new adventure for you. One where you are asked to take a leap of faith and trust yourself along the way. You could explore new ways to expand your horizons, whether that be travel, education, spirituality or even through experiences. It can feel like a trust fall into the universe. The big picture perspective will be important, as you can reframe fear into motivation.

Pluto is helpful at this lunation, working from your 5th House. You have been dealing with issues around self-confidence. The work you have put into this over the last many years is now put to the test. Do you feel confident enough in yourself to just go for what you want? You can transform the need for perfection into an unfolding perception––as life is a series of pathways and adventure. You may not know how you are getting to your goals at times, but that is ok. The end result is all the same. Pluto brings up inhibitions and shows you the power in reclaiming your faith in yourself.

Of course, nothing is as simple as it sounds. Mars and Uranus clash, creating a volcanic energy around this eclipse. This can bring surprising or jolting information. Something that you may not have seen coming. Mars is powering through your 3rd House, so news or words hold more weight and can be more sharp than normal. You may speak out of character or could have an argument with someone close to you. Luckily, Venus enters to smooth things over, reminding you that speaking your truth and coming from an authentic place is never a bad thing. Sure, delivery is important, but sharing a real part of you is too. Venus leads this Full Moon and adds that levity that is needed, cutting through the tension like a knife. Find peace in the newfound confidence you have. Lean into your creativity and things that bring you joy. 

Use this Full Moon to assess the big picture. Where could you use more adventure in your life? You could feel a push and pull to act immediately, give things some time to settle. You will see that you are on the brink of a new journey, one that allows you to take the lead. You can explore new perspectives, educate yourself and seek out more spontaneous experiences. Nothing is perfect, but you can enjoy every moment that is set out before you. No time is wasted when you truly are living.

Libra & Libra Rising

Keyword: Depth 

We are now in the midst of eclipse season, where changes are swift and inevitable. You can think of an eclipse as a cosmic broom and dustpan. It comes to sweep away what is no longer working. This is the start of a new cycle, one that focuses on Taurus/Scorpio and will carry us for the next 18 months. We start this series with a Full Moon, meaning that some things may need to end in order for new ones to begin.

As the Moon reaches fullness, it will shine a light on your 8th House. This is an area of your chart that rarely sees the light of day. Here, the focus is on all you share intimately with others — your resources, your emotional nature, your fears, and your healing. There is a call to get deep and reflect on your path up until this point. The 8th House points to cycles, and in many ways, you will be ending and beginning new cycles over the next year and a half. Your resources will be in question or come to mind — in a material sense and otherwise. You could receive unexpected sums of money, have larger debts to pay or even just start to reframe your financial picture. You are asked to share more deeply with those you trust and open up, especially when you find yourself in a place of fear and uncertainty. The 8th House exposes all that sits below the surface. It’s time to swim in the deeper waters.

Luckily, Pluto is very helpful at this eclipse. It has been sitting in your 4th House, so changes can be likely around the Home or with Family. It reaches out to the Moon in a beautiful trine. You may receive financing on a mortgage or loan, sell or buy a home, redecorate or renovate. Alternatively, there could be something that comes up with a family member. Because of the trine, it does seem positive. This could be a gift from someone, inheritance, or even just a very powerful conversation that can spur a closeness that may have been lost. Even through the whirling energy, there is still peace to be found.

Now, Mars and Uranus are fighting in your financial Houses. There could be money coming in and out. Or it could just be a sore subject, as you are trying to regain a sense of security or stability. Don’t fret. Venus, the leader of this lunation, is very helpful to both planets. Consider Venus to be the mediator. It will point again to your 4th House, where there is solace to be found through your home, family, and emotional foundations. Someone or something is really coming through for you in a big way. Probably more than you have anticipated. Accept the support if it comes.

Use this Full Moon to break bad habits. Shine a light on the shadows in your life and face your fears. Open up about things more intimately with people you trust and allow others to support you more deeply. Reframe your financial picture and focus on ways to alleviate a scarcity mindset. Even as the material resources may ebb and flow, there will be plenty of opportunity for a fresh start. Reclaim your power. This is only the beginning.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Keyword: Unity 

The tides change and the focus will shift during your season. The beginning of a new ecliptic cycle has started with this Full Moon. Of course, eclipses are potent energetic portals that bring sweeping changes in our lives. They come and go in waves, and some will feel more powerful than others. The next 18 months will see them fall in your sign and your polarity, Taurus. So, expect to see important shifts in you and your relationships with others.

The first of this series will be in Taurus, lighting up your 7th House. How you relate to others is what comes to mind here. The 7th House rules partnerships — platonic, romantic, business, familial, and otherwise. So you could bring a close relationship to an end or have it taken to the next level. In some ways, the ball is in your court. Alternatively, you may be asked to see more of another person’s point of view. Maybe there have been misunderstandings with someone you care about, and now is really your chance to find peace, resolution, and unity together. Whatever comes of this eclipse, just know that boundaries will change, dynamics may end but new ones will be brought in their place.

Pluto, your modern ruler, aids at this eclipse! It comes in to trine the Moon from your 3rd House. Conversations are very healing now, more than they have been in a long time. It seems you are finding the right words to speak your truth and truly tell others what you feel or have been thinking. A true dialogue is being created in a way that has not existed before. Pluto gives you the power to choose your words wisely and well. You are being heard.

Now, there does seem to be some sort of battle between autonomy and freedom vs how you relate to people in your life. Mars and Uranus are clashing, creating tensions, arguments, and aggravations. Some of this will come about all of a sudden. Almost as if it has been brewing for a while. You could be surprised by someone else’s behavior. But Venus is very positively aspected to both Uranus and Mars, helping to wave a white flag in the middle of their battle. Venus is sitting in the same House as Pluto, gifting you the diplomacy and tact to create a very powerful conversation around anything that arises. Communication is key. If you need an outside opinion, talk with a close friend or a sibling to gain a different perspective.

Use this Full Moon to focus on the others in your life. Figure out the dynamic and how you show up to your relationships — and how the other people show up for you, too. This is all about the two way street. You could have to make decisions or find a conclusion. Create boundaries where necessary and allow for the right relationships to flourish for you. You are on the brink of so much change.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Keyword: Connection 

As we shift from one eclipse series to the next, you will start to feel the weight you have been carrying lift a little more. This Full Moon will start the Taurus/Scorpio cycle that we will carry for the next 18 months — whereas the Gemini/Sagittarius series will end on December 4th. Everything you have been working toward over the last year or so will start to reach a finale or resolution. This new series will highlight some of the changes you have already made, but ask you to dive a little deeper.

The Full Moon will be bright in your 6th House, where your health, daily routines and even work will come into play. You are being faced with ways to reschedule your life and create better rituals and regimens. If you have been dealing with health issues, this is not a time to sweep that under the rug. You will have to face the facts and get the answers you need. Some of you could be trying to get healthier or just find the balance between work and life. You will be busier than normal around this eclipse, so care for yourself. If people try to overstep your boundaries, you have the power to let them know. Your workplace will likely be going through changes — try not to internalize them or bite off more than you can chew around it. If you work for yourself, consider how much you can realistically take on right now.

Pluto will be very helpful at this lunation, creating a trine to the Moon. You may receive a raise, promotion, or gain additional responsibilities at work. If you work for yourself, give yourself a raise/review your pricing. Pluto has been transforming your 2nd House — where you have been dealing with your resources differently. So know that there seems to be a reward around the work you are doing or even a place of savings. Pay attention to how you invest your time, energy, or money. If you are presented with an opportunity to move up, just make sure that you are getting paid fairly. 

Uranus will fight with Mars at this eclipse, and this can cause you to feel a little bit like you are in overload. There is a push and pull between resting and productivity. But forcing yourself to do work isn’t helpful. Sometimes, you just need to slow down. You might have to face something coming to an end that you had not seen coming, but it will work out for the best. Venus is helpful here, as it leads this Full Moon and intercepts the opposition. You are learning your worth and seeing your value in a new way. Venus says that even if a resource ends, a new one is on its way — it may show up just in time.

Use this Full Moon to focus on your health and body. Take control of the details and mind the little things. Create better boundaries with work and cultivate a work/life balance. Seek a job change or shift in responsibilities if you are not happy with what you are doing. Find new clients if you work for yourself and implement a better way to be of service to your needs first.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Keyword: Expression 

We know that change is inevitable. It comes with sweeping gestures that push us in one direction or another. To see the power in change as a potential new beginning shifts our mindset. Eclipses are known to bring swift and chaotic energy that blossoms into a fresh start. Sometimes, this happens within the 18-month cycle, and sometimes it happens during a 4 week period. Either way, we know that things are about to gain momentum, especially as this Full Moon eclipse begins to culminate.

We see the Full Moon shine a light on your 5th House, a place of creativity, conception, expression, love, and children. This is an area of joy and pleasure. So, what makes you happy? You could be reflecting on how to bring more fun into your life and opening yourself up to new adventures. You feel ready now. However, this means repairing the relationship you have with your self image. Why shy away from the spotlight? You deserve space as much as anyone else. To allow yourself to be seen, is to be proud of who you are. Don’t hide for the sake of someone else’s perceptions. If you are looking to conceive an idea, a project, a child, or a relationship, let this Full Moon help you. It takes a level of risk to make it happen, but what do you have to lose? You are becoming more aware of your ability to manifest your desires into reality.

Pluto is working well with the eclipse, having you face personal limitations and fears that have been brought before you in the past few years. There is no evading. Instead, you are called to bring back your power and hold it confidently in your hands. You have truly transformed your view on yourself over the last 5–10 years. It has not been easy, and you are still not fully finished yet. However, you are more aware and able to see the value you hold. Pluto wants you to put yourself first right now. To consider that through the fun and exciting things you want to do, you have to be all in. You can’t waiver. As you seek new experiences, you have to go in with both feet.

Mars and Uranus are fighting at this eclipse, creating chaos. You will feel pulled between what is best for you or best for the group. But in reality, you can’t control their views or perspectives — only your own. You will have surprises arise with a friend or an acquaintance. There could be an argument with someone, a budding romance or a need to find a new group of people to spend time with. It seems that you are ready to expand your network. You have to find the support you need, especially with people who see you for who you are. Venus is very helpful during this clash of the titans. It leads this Full Moon and eases the tensions. Venus is traveling through your sign, so the outcome will be positive for you. Venus wants you to really focus on your self-worth and embrace the new values that you create over the coming months. You aren’t for everyone, but the right people will see you for the star you are.

Use this Full Moon to play, create and get in touch with your inner child. Repair the relationship with your self-image and feel more confident in how you express yourself. Open your heart up and show people what you are made of. Take new risks and really put yourself out there. This is a time to be seen and take up room like you never have before. You are worthy of this.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Keyword: Foundations 

We are now submerged into eclipse season, and with this comes a full wave of activity. However, for you, things are a bit different. You are craving quiet, stability, and emotional peace. Eclipses can bring swift change, and for you this may come on the Homefront. Given the power of an eclipse, it may not be comfortable but it will be for the best. This is the start of a new ecliptic cycle, and one that we will experience for 18 months or so. Family, home, sanctuary, space ,and your emotional past will come into play during this new series.

Your 4th House is being lit up at this eclipse, where you see changes in your family and home. There can be dynamics that alter. You could be confronted to deal with your past and find peace with your memories — even if they were hard. The 4th House is about emotional foundations, and it is from here that everything is built. Stabilizing this part of your life allows for the security you seek. Some of you may bring in new members of the family, change your living space or even update your decor. You are being asked to take control of this private part of your life. Home is where the heart is, and you have to ensure that your heart is safe and protected.

Pluto is very helpful at this eclipse, so it seems that if something comes to an end, it is brought with peace. There is a serenity around doors that close. Almost as if the ending needed to happen to bring the change you were seeking. You could be called to spend more time with yourself and find peace in the solitude. Pluto has been teaching you to trust yourself and your intuition more. Follow your feelings and watch things unfold for you. This would be an excellent time to really tune into the power you have in your own magick, faith, or beliefs.

Venus leads this lunation, which can be very helpful — especially as it intercepts the opposition of Mars and Uranus. Mars and Uranus are both creating tension — where you may be compromising your peace based on external factors. You will be pulled between your life’s direction and your home. Are you working toward the career or things you want? Are you happy with what you are doing? It seems that you could be overloaded with work or feeling more busy than normal. But don’t allow this to take up space in your private life. You have to create separation. Venus tells you to focus on care in the quiet. Tend to what needs to be addressed and find time for respite, especially as it travels to your 12th House. You may have to end something financial, but Uranus says something new is about to open up for you. It could come out of the blue or be a surprise.

Use this Full Moon to bring it all back home. Spend time with your family. Redecorate or reorganize your home. Prepare yourself for a move or a change in the home/family front. Focus on your emotional well-being and tend to places where you feel more vulnerable. Create stability in the quiet and make time for personal reflection. You redefine your peace and carve out space for you to process how you feel. Your foundations are changing.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Keyword: Flexibility 

You may be weary to use your voice, but sometimes speaking up can be the greatest tool we have to reclaim our power, peace, and freedom. You will be changing how you use this tool over the next 18 months, especially as we begin a new eclipse series with this Full Moon in Taurus. The stories you have been told change, especially as you are the one who will write the next chapter. Your flexibility will be tested, and this will be a testament to your growth. 

The eclipse comes to shine brilliantly on your 3rd House. You will feel as if your phone is ringing off the hook. It seems that a lot of people are contacting you and trying to get ahold of you. The 3rd House rules communication, so dialogue is going to be very important now. Watch what you say and how you say it, listen to what others are saying as well. You could be signing a contract or need to make something more official. Whatever it is, you are busier than you have been in a while–– and it seems that it is coming from all sides. This is also a space of learning, adapting, and integrating. It is in this House that we find power through words, but also through what we learn in daily life. Perhaps you are being asked to be more proactive and take more control of your daily affairs. Scheduling and organizing will be helpful. 

Pluto is really a powerhouse at this eclipse, helping to amplify your voice to a crowd. You are in a highly visible position, which is not always natural for you. Pluto is bringing a wave of support around you, and people are rallying to your aid — but this is only possible if you speak up. Pluto has been teaching you which friends to trust. So if you are feeling overwhelmed, reach out to someone. Pluto has also been helping you reshape your future, and part of this comes from what is happening in the current moment. Your perception of tomorrow is changing as every second passes. This is that flexibility I was speaking of. It can be hard to know what the future holds, but knowing that you aren’t alone will ease any of your fears. 

Mars and Uranus create tensions — and this can lead to questioning your beliefs or the faith you have in yourself. You could receive shocking or surprising news. Alternatively, you could be battling intuition vs anxiety and feeling torn in two doing what feels right vs what you think is right. Mars is giving you an itch to grow and seek adventure, but you have to free yourself from the worries that you hold. Uranus is asking for you to take a leap of faith and just know that even if you can’t see the ground, you will be ok. Venus, the leader of this Full Moon, creates a soft spot for you to land. You are supported. There is literally a network of people around you that will catch you when you fall. Don’t be afraid to lean on them. Speak up about what is plaguing you. You are not a burden. No one can guess what you are thinking if you don’t say something.

Use this Full Moon to work on your dialogue. Use your voice as a tool for change and growth. Speak up and talk about what is happening below the surface. Establish strong relationships with those you trust and take a leap of faith on the things you believe in. Discern anxiety vs intuition and find peace in knowing you are still working toward what you want — even if it feels unclear. Perfection is unfolding. Right now, you have to address today to get to tomorrow.

Full Moon Note

Happy Full Moon, everyone! This is an eclipse, so not necessarily a time for magick or rituals. However, this is an ideal time to listen to yourself more, meditate and uncover truths.

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Scorpio Season is almost over. The energy was one of sweeping changes, celebrating your roots and finding your innate power. You can read more about Scorpio Season and all it entails in the latest issue of the Astro Edit!

The Astro Edit - Scorpio (Special Edition)

Our October 2021 edition of The Astro Edit is a digital zine focused on Scorpio Season and Samhain. This zine is a blend of all things astrology, design, food and art. This issue a special edition as it explores traditions from over a dozen contributors, each with a different background or culture. We dive into ancestral connections, lineage, heritage and the beauty of this time of year. This issue is 95 pages long and comes jammed packed with information you can use year after year! This is essentially two Edits in one.

Product Details:

  • Digital Download PDF

  • 8.5x11” Letter Sized Page Design

  • Special Issue

  • 12 contributors

  • 95 pages of content

  • Seasonal Playlist

  • Exclusive Podcast Episode with IJAT

  • Includes rituals, recipes, art, poetry, reflections and much, much more!

*Download Disclaimer: This is best viewed in Adobe Acrobat or Goodreader for the full spread view (double page view, no cover option). Otherwise, it will download in single page view.

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