Aries New Moon Miniscopes


Aries New
Moon Miniscopes

Taking Initiative.

The New Moon is on April 11th at 10:30 PM EST. The New Moon during Aries Season will always fall in Aries itself, signifying the start of a whole new cycle entirely. New Moons are a time for planting seeds and new endeavors, and when it is in Aries, it is the essence of fresh beginnings. Aries is bold, quick, and powerful. We charge ahead with confidence and strength. There is no time to cower or for uncertainty. Take that risk. This New Moon is exceptionally potent as it meets with Venus and reaches out to Jupiter while maintaining a strong relationship with Mars. With a stellium in Aries, this is good for matters that need to be handled swiftly and promptly and require you to take a leap of faith. More than anything, you have to believe in yourself and not lose steam.

Mars is the leader of this New Moon, adding fuel to the fire (in a good way), and it’s in perfect harmony with the Sun, Moon, and Venus. Saturn and Mercury are connecting, as well, at this New Moon, reminding us of the power that we have as we push forward. Saturn will ground us and ensure that the foundations we lay are strong and formidable, lasting and solid. Pluto will fight with the Aries Stellium, specifically Venus, so our need to drive ahead will be met with some obstacles. However, this is meant to transform you and have you check in with yourself along the way. We must heal and be willing to dig below the surface. The Pluto interaction can be volcanic if left unchecked.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 18º to 26º, you will feel the effects of this New Moon the most. Especially those with strong Cardinal placements. So, let’s break this down by sign!

Note: Pluto will be in an exact square to Venus. This can be initially very tough. Especially as Venus is looking for freedom, pleasure and joy. Pluto will try to dive deep and can create power struggles. We have outlets though, so we can’t allow for obstacles to hold us back. The fiery energy of Aries can blaze new trails and new paths. So, as Pluto forces us to transform, the Aries stellium will give us momentum. Nothing is ever perfect in life, and this is a reminder to not back down in the face of any adversity.


Aries & Aries Rising

The New Moon comes in with a rush of energy for you, Aries! It will highlight your 1st house, placing emphasis on the self. Here we see that you are ready to start moving forward in your life. You were working the last year to get to where you are, and now you’ve crossed the finish line. This is a new beginning in every sense of the phrase. This New Moon is important as it marks a time where you can reinvent yourself, if you would like. This is all about what you want in life and doing what makes you happy! Your ruler Mars is the leader of this New Moon, and it will be in mutual reception with Mercury in Aries. They are playing off of one another, helping each other out. Mars will be in your 3rd House reaching out to the Sun and Moon, giving you the energy to get your ideas going! There is no stopping you once you set your mind to something! Venus is still in your sign, working with Mars and Jupiter! Jupiter will remind you that you have support from the people around you, a message you will be receiving almost all year and that you are not alone in anything you do. Your friends are showing up for you over and over and over again! Pluto is causing a little trouble, perhaps trying to force your attention to your career. There seems to be some sort of power struggle or perhaps a shift of perspective at work or in your life direction. Take it easy. This is temporary and isn’t meant to throw you off track. It is reinforcing your need to solidify your plans and stay on target. Use your voice, lean into your support and let your ideas run free. Don’t be confined by Pluto. Keep yourself going and stay inspired. There is a stellium in your sign making sure that you are gifted with that fire in your belly!

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Taurus, this New Moon will have your prepping for your next step. You are not quite ready to make a leap, but you’re almost there. There are personal new beginnings on the horizon, but this New Moon will have your eyes on tying up the loose ends as it transits your 12th House. You will turn your attention toward rest, slowing down and finishing up a project. Some of these projects or “endings” do feel work-related, as your 2nd and 10th Houses are being highlighted by other planets. You have been dealing with trying to balance everything in your life, and now this is the start of a new cycle. You are feeling particularly motivated to protect your time and your energy more than anything else. Mars is the leader of this New Moon and will be touring your 2nd House. It seems that money is on the way in some capacity, but it isn’t quite hitting your account yet. Mars will be reaching out to the Sun, Moon and Venus, as well as, Jupiter. You may hear from a promotion, but may have to keep it secret. Some of you may be looking for a new job and find that you are in the final rounds or get the job, but can’t yet let your employer know. There are things happening behind the scenes, but they are helpful and working for you. It seems that by May 11th (the New Moon in your sign), everything will be done. But for now, you have to sort of keep things quiet. Pluto will be causing a few problems at this New Moon, perhaps trying to force you out of your comfort zone. Know that this isn’t going to be detrimental. It actually can be very empowering. You are reminded that you are strong and resilient. Jupiter in your 10th House is super helpful right now and working with Venus in your 12th. So, if you need to take some time off or create a new work/life balance, now is the time to do it. You are being noticed by higher-ups and you impress them, even if you aren’t aware of it yet.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Who are you reaching out to in times of need? What are you dreams? You have been very focused on connectivity lately, and this New Moon will bring this full circle! It will fall in your 11th House of friendships and connections. You are being reminded of just how important the people in your life truly are! If you have big dreams, why go after it alone? You are amazing at cultivating and creating important relationships. Now is the time to use this to your advantage, but this isn’t about being opportunistic. You have to consider what you can provide back. This must be reciprocal. Mars is the leader of this New Moon running through your sign, working with Mercury in a mutual reception. Your words hold power right now, more than normal. We are nearing the end of the Mars in Gemini transit, so whatever you need to get off the ground, now is the time. Mars will be work with the Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter, all creating the ideal formula to set your desires in motion. Be careful scattering yourself, try to focus on only a few things if possible. Trying to do it all, especially alone, isn’t going to be helpful. Actually, it is counter-intuitive. Pluto will be causing a little drama, especially from your 8th House. So you may find that there is a small financial situation that comes up. Alternatively, you may not being forthright about how you feel with someone, and it will come to bite you. Pluto is asking you to be intimate, honest and vulnerable with those around you. Not doing so can result in a power struggle with a friend. Luckily, Jupiter in your 9th House will be pushing you to find new ways to expand beyond the issues that show up. You may have to get creative, but the solution is there. Ultimately, what you may not realize is that other people are rallying around you. You can’t push them away when they are only wanting to help. Strength in numbers, dear Gemini.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Work has been very busy, but not without reward, if you are putting in the effort. This New Moon will highlight your 10th House of career and life direction. If you are considering a change, then now is the time! You may be getting callbacks or even submitting applications. Alternatively, some of you may be trying to move up at your current job or truly just starting to get noticed for your efforts. Unfortunately, if you have been falling behind in any way, this will also be noticed now too. Luckily, there is a lot to suggest you are more well-equipped and work seems to be a place of positive growth for you. Mars is the leader of this New Moon, traveling through our 12th House. So, your energy may be influx right now, but that will all change on April 23rd, when Mars moves into your sign. Your intuition is on fire, literally, and anything that was hidden from view before is now coming out into the open. Mars is playing well with the Sun, Moon and Venus in your 10th House, which is why I believe that work is a positive place right now. The complication comes with Pluto who is squaring up with the 10th House. This suggests that your partner may be more demanding than usual or maybe even creating drama where it isn’t necessary. Pluto may cause some issues in your personal or business relationships, especially if they aren’t sturdy. Whatever the outcome know it is pushing you to transform. You must get to the root of the issue, so that the change can be enacted. On a positive note, Jupiter is helpful, playing nice from your 8th House. So, you are willing to get intimate and do the work to create those important foundations. If you do get a new job or promotion, there may be a bonus or new benefits available to you. Alternatively, Jupiter will present you with an unexpected sum of money or other form of resource. Whatever this New Moon may bring, know you can start a new cycle in your career.


Leo & Leo Rising

A fiery New Moon is just what you needed! You have been caught up in some big opposition with all of the Aquarius energy. This New Moon is coming in helping you out and show you ways to expand and grow beyond your current state! It will highlight your 9th House, and this is a fantastic time to seek a goal out and start working toward it. This house focuses on travel, culture, education and mental expansion. If you work in international business, this New Moon will be amazing for you. If you want to go back to school, get a certificate or simply do some self-studying, I say why not?! The energy is with you. This is about taking risks and ones that can help you get to where you want to go in life. Mars will be super helpful at this lunation, working with the Sun, Moon and Venus in your 9th House. Mars is in your 11th House, reminding you that you have people in your corner that are trying to push you. Don’t be stubborn. Your network is what is keeping you going right now. They are your motivation. Pluto is being a little unruly at this New Moon, trying to keep you down or have you second-guess yourself. Perhaps there are power struggles with work or something just isn’t right. Try not to get bogged down by this. It is a temporary issue. If you have a health concern pop up, get it taken care of right away. Pluto is in your 6th House, so if you have meant to make changes to your routine, health or diet, it is time to do so. Jupiter will be playing nicely with Mars and the Aries stellium from your 7th House. This is perfect for focusing on and working with your partner, as well as, potentially establishing a new partnership. A close relationship is like gold for you, and this person is there for you through thick and thin. They are showing up for you now more than ever. Alternatively, you may be coming to realize what you truly are seeking in a partner. Give your attention to someone who wants to see you grow and that gives you space to be yourself.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo, it is time to heal, take care of yourself and pay attention to the intricacies in your life. This New Moon is creating a new territory in your 8th House. This house is often focused on a rebirth, transformation, hidden resources and money outside of income. You may be starting a group project or find you are being gifted or given money that you had not expected. If you are trying for a new line of credit or a loan, this New Moon will be very helpful to you. Mars is the leader of this lunation, working in your 10th House of career. Work has been a priority for quite some time, and it feels like things aren’t slowing down. Luckily, Mars is playing nicely with the Sun, Moon and Venus in your 8th House. So, your hard work may bring a bonus. Pluto is creating a little drama during this New Moon. It will be in your 5th House, potentially making things feel a little heavy. You may be questioning what you are looking for in love or what brings you happiness. You may have a temporary setback with a creative project or even with children in some way. Don’t let this deter you. This New Moon can be very helpful, if you look for creative solutions to any problems that arise. Jupiter will be very helpful from your 6th House, so even simple daily changes can expand your entire world view. Taking control of your health and your well-being is important and makes things easier for you. Jupiter will be touching on Venus in particular suggesting you can make major headway in healing and unearthing new and helpful information. You must get intimate with yourself and discover what really motivates you. What do you really want out of life? What is at the core of your being? Take that and run with it.

Libra & Libra Rising

We are coming off of the Full Moon in your sign two weeks ago and entering this New Moon in your polarity. Your 7th House is being highlighted now, and partnerships are becoming more clear than ever – especially where does you stand in your current close one-on-one relationships. If you feel you and your partner are unsolid, the relationship will need to be met with a heart to heart. Alternatively, those that feel secure in their partnerships will find a deeper sense of commitment with their partner and potentially even get engaged, married or work toward a goal together. Mars is the leader of this New Moon and will be reaching out to the Sun, Moon and Venus (your ruler). This is important as Mars is traveling through your 9th House, helping you grow and expand in new ways. If you are in school, you will find classes are moving quickly. With Mars in the 9th House, you are more willing to take a risk, which can be unlike you, but it is important. It seems that whatever you’re trying to go after isn’t singular. Remember the stellium in Aries is in your 7th House. So, it would be growth with another or a close friend. You both could be working toward something that will make the relationship more meaningful. Pluto will make things a little challenging at this New Moon, creating some uncertainty around your 4th House of Home and Family. It could be that there is a lack of clarity in how you feel about your home – especially if you are trying to move or sell/buy. Alternatively, some of you may have a power struggle or an intense conversation with a family member that can no longer be avoided. It is coming to a head now. This is only to make the bond stronger or simply remove the excess if that person does not provide value to your life. Luckily, Jupiter comes in providing help from your 5th House. It will remind you to not take things so seriously and try to find time for relaxation and the things that bring you joy. The 5th House is about self-expression, creativity and happiness. Now is the time to discover and decide what truly makes you happy.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

At this New Moon, you will be turning your attention toward your health and your body as it falls in your 6th House. These days have been busier than normal, and you have been in overdrive. At this New Moon, you are being reminded of how important it is to slow down and take care of yourself. You can start a new routine, regime or health practice under this New Moon. If you have check-ups or appointments, keep them and make sure you go! Some of you may have work on the mind, as the 6th House may emphasize your daily work life and environment, as well. If you are looking for a better work/life balance or trying to make a lateral move, this New Moon can help you! Mars is the leader of this New Moon and is also one of your rulers. This is important has Mars is playing well with the Sun, Moon and Venus all in your 6th House. Mars is currently in your 8th House of shared resources and intimacy, which can be great as you are unearthing things that may not have been wholly present to you before. Mars may be helping you find ways to deal with any debt you have or work through anything surrounding money outside of income (including inheritances or even your partner’s money). Mars in the 8th can also be a great time to really get in touch with your desires and figure out what intimacy really means to you! Pluto, your modern ruler, is a bit challenging at this New Moon. It could be creating anxiety or an internal power issue for you as it is in your 3rd House. Perhaps you may not realize just how stinging your words can be to others, even if your intentions are more pure. Having a good conversation around boundaries and healthy communication can be helpful. Luckily, Jupiter is working for you in your 4th House of home and family. So, if you are trying to make any headway in the home sphere, Jupiter will be helping you out. It seems that as you free up time for yourself and create better routines in your life, you find its impact on you emotionally is profound.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Adventure time! This New Moon is lighting you up in ways you have not felt in a long time! It seems like you have taken a risk and decided to make a major leap! This lunation impacts your 5th House, so it is a great one for creativity, romance, fun, conception and artistry! You are really discovering how you are shining now, and the warmth of the Sun is beaming all over your face. You see possibilities can be endless. Use this energy to act on a passion or try something new that will benefit you. If you have kids or are trying to, this New Moon is PERFECT for anything centered on children. Some of you may be tapping into your own inner child. Mars is the leader of this New Moon and is currently positioned in the sign opposite yours. It is transiting your 7th House, possibly having created tension with you and a partner or loved one. This dynamic changes at this New Moon, as Mars is helpful to the Sun, Moon and Venus. Your partner now seems to be in your corner, and you both are working toward potentially taking this new risk together. Pluto is a little challenging right now, however. It is in your 2nd House of income and worth. You may have some uncertainty around money or maybe even end up in a power dynamic that causes you to question your worth. Know this is temporary, as things will change when it comes to money, especially when we hit the New Moon in Taurus on May 11th. Pluto is asking you to transform your ideologies and thoughts around material wealth. Luckily, Jupiter is in a helpful angle at this New Moon. So, it seems that there may be a contract that you are signing that can be lucrative. Alternatively, the 3rd House (where Jupiter is for you) also rules communication and your local community. It could be that you are receiving support for siblings, friends and those with which you have a strong bond. They want to help you. So, let them.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Home is where the heart is, and for you it also seems to be where the mind is. This New Moon is starting a new cycle in your 4th House of home, family and roots. You may be thinking about redecorating, buying, selling, renting – even simply just creating a more comfortable home. Some of you may be even thinking about your family and establishing stronger foundations for your chosen or given families. This New Moon gives you the push you need to deal with past emotional issues, as well. Mars is the leader of this New Moon, working from your 6th House, providing you with ambition in reworking your routines. It seems that your day to day life has been busy and ever-changing, the last few weeks. Now, you are striking the right balance with how things have unfolded. Mars is helpful to the Sun, Moon and Venus in your 4th House. So, as you make small changes to your day to day, it is helping you on the home front. Perhaps, you are simply just spring cleaning and reorganizing — or you could be updating your WFH space. Pluto will be a bit of a pain at this New Moon, asking you to make sure you feel confident in yourself. It is in your 1st House creating tension with you and a possible family member. Know that these power struggles aren’t going to get you anywhere, as Pluto wants you to get to the root of the issue and work from there. On the upside, Jupiter is in your 2nd House. It will be expanding and helping you grow in your income and self-worth. So, as you stand up for yourself and deal with whatever issues arise, you create a sturdier foundation within you. You may also hear news of an income increase or simply get paid more than you anticipated for a job you did.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, this New Moon is one that will have your mind buzzing! The New Moon is in Aries, highlighting your 3rd House of communication, local community and ideas. You seem to be creatively inspired. This New Moon will leave you with endless thoughts and really have you looking to share what is on your mind. You have been really thinking about your life and identity over the last few months, especially with the Social Planets of Saturn and Jupiter touring your sign. The energy is a bit lighter than it has been, right now. Mars is the leader of this New Moon, working from your 5th House of creativity, putting the fire in your heart to just create and make anything! Mars is work with the Sun, Moon and Venus in your 3rd House pushing you to put action to your thoughts and stop just thinking about them. There is a level of healthy risk involved, and you can make pivotal changes that push you toward your own innate happiness. You are reminded of the joys in life. Pluto is a being a little harsh at this New Moon, but for you this is mostly about endings. This is a time where you are finally ready to close the door on something and watch as that sends a rippling effect into your life. Pluto is in your 12th House, so there is a level of self-doubt that may try to creep up. It is best to let that go. Pluto is pushing you to complete a major karmic cycle and embrace the unknown. If you have been putting up with a harmful situation, now is the time to make those changes. Jupiter is adding levity to this, as it falls in your sign. It says that the more you lean into what you want out of life, the more you are able to grow and expand — pushing past limitations and heading toward new horizons. You are limitless in your potential. Time to get the fire burning!

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You can make major headway financially right now. You seem to be really wanting to get a handle on how you make money, potentially increasing that number and finding ways to do it that brings you happiness. This New Moon falls in your 2nd House of income and worth. You are ready to stand up more for yourself and understand you can rely on you first. Dependability on your own resources is important. Mars will be very helpful at this New Moon. It will be poised in your 4th House, working with the Sun, Moon and Venus. You could be looking to buy or sell a home, rent or renovate. If so, the money seems to be there to do so. Even more, it will give you that self-reliance you are looking for. If not home-related, it could be familial or emotional. You may be revisiting past situations and finding ways to come to terms with how things have been handled before. You are remembering what it has been for you to depend on yourself, and you are inspired to bring this back into your life. Not to say you don’t have support, but you see the value in supporting your needs first. Pluto is causing some tension in your 11th House. So, an issue arises with a friend. Perhaps your integrity or worth is in question, and you have to defend yourself. Maybe, your resources or skills are being challenged or depleted. Know this is likely a misunderstanding or temporary. The best thing to do here is work through any issues that arise with open and honest communication. The stellium in Aries in your 2nd House gives you the boost you need to find comfort in your place and protect yourself. Jupiter will luckily be reaching out from your 12th House. So, there may be an unexpected advantage or helpful connection coming your way. You may also decide to close the door on something, and that gives you the boost you need to move forward. Jupiter in the 12th can be very intuitive. So, the level of knowing is coming from a deeper or even higher place. Jupiter will move into your sign in about a month, and all that you have been working on will start to bring more abundance into your life. Until then, continue tying up those loose ends.

New Moon Note

Happy New Moon, everyone! This New Moon is full of fiery energy! It is the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year! The seeds we plant now, we can see take off. We will have a chance to watch whatever we begin reach culmination around the Aries Full Moon in October and then come to a completion or new beginning by next year’s Aries New Moon!

Also, if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter—Astro Notes, you still can! It is my newsletter that details forecasts for the season, energy shifts and new/full moons. You will get exclusive first access to these Miniscopes and my zine, The Astro Edit. The Taurus Edition of the Astro Edit will be out on April 12th, so keep your eyes peeled!

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