Capricorn Full Moon Miniscopes


Capricorn Full
Moon Miniscopes

Nourishing Structures.

Forward written by Anthony Perrotta, horoscopes written by Aubrey Houdeshell.

The Full Moon is in Capricorn 11º on July 3rd at 7:38 AM ET. We now enter a Full Moon phase, where we begin to create foundations and structures from that New Moon. This is specifically true as the Moon becomes full to the brim in Capricorn. We are asked to confront our own personal barriers, walls, and fortresses.

Saturn is the leader of this Full Moon, where it redefines, restructures, and rebuilds all that has come into focus over the last few weeks. We know that path isn’t always easy, but through hard work comes reward –– every time. Saturn isn’t just about obstacles, but also the pinnacle. We have ascended the mountain and made it to the peak, but we have a different perspective on life from up here. So, to rest peacefully on top of that mountain, we must be willing to let some things go. Saturn sextiles Jupiter, making that summit easier to get to. At this Full Moon, we are invited to see how expansion is found outside of the boundaries set before us. This is a commitment to our growth, our fullness, and to those new perspectives.

Actually, this Full Moon comes with ease all the way around. The Sun and Moon both harmoniously link to Jupiter and Saturn. There is a general feeling of homeostasis, as these planets rejoice with one another. Jupiter will add some extra auspicious energy around this time – pointing to where we can feel assured and proud of ourselves. On top of this, the Moon/Saturn trine is quite stabilizing. Allowing us to effectively be in our emotions – claiming and naming every feeling that may arise.

Mercury has just come into alignment with the Sun, and our thoughts are not only meant to be shared – but also to bring full awareness to our desires. To enhance this energy, Venus and Mars are tightly conjunct. We may be asked to be more visible, witnessed, or seen. People are listening, so what are you saying? Mercury’s importance at this lunation teaches us the value of reciprocity and the power we find in our exchanges with those around us. We are told to remain flexible. But how can we find flexibility under a Capricorn lunation?

Perhaps rigidity isn’t permanent, as structures become more malleable than we once thought. We model and mold new pieces out of the clay of our minds from our own hands. Over time, it will harden, but just a little water can bring it back to a working state. This is the significance of the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Nothing is truly as immovable as we sometimes think. With a little nourishment, we can allow ourselves to let go of the “permanent” structures that don’t suit us anymore, making room for new, flexible structures in their place.

It is time to douse and rework the clay in our lives, so we can mold what we need out of what we have.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 6º to 16º, you will feel the effects of this Full Moon the most. Especially those with strong Cardinal placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.

NOTE: The horoscopes below were written by the amazing, Aubrey Houdeshell of the Graveyard Roses! Included with these horoscopes is a recording about the Full Moon between myself and Aubrey. See below!

This recording about the Capricorn Full Moon explores the astrology and themes behind this lunation, as well as upcoming transits and energies! As you have space, please feel free to give this a listen.

To learn more about Aubrey, jump to the bottom of these ‘scopes where you can find her bio, links, and how to connect with her.


Aries & Aries Rising

10th House | Pinnacle 

This Full Moon brings some light to your 10th house of reputation, career, and legacy, Aries, turning your attention to whatever you feel is your calling in this life. Pluto has spent the past fifteen years transiting the highest point in your chart, bringing incredible change and transformation to the ways people know you and the work you find fulfilling. Now, as you wrap up this huge cycle in your life, the Full Moon asks you what's left to be shed in order to truly find fulfillment and satisfaction in this arena.

With the Sun hanging out down in your 4th house with Mercury, who is making a tense square to Chiron in your first house, questions surrounding your self-worth as it relates to your career are likely to surface, as well as the need for a greater work/life balance. You are extremely ambitious, it's true, but where else in your life do you have goals besides work? Remember that your worth isn't defined by the job you have or the money you make. You're more than enough just as you are.

Venus has settled into your 5th house of joy and self-expression, where she will hangout until mid-October, further emphasizing the theme of identity for you. Do you feel empowered by the version of yourself that you're choosing to share with the world? Venus asks you to reassess how you're expressing yourself and whether or not you're truly showing your unique qualities to shine. Uranus reaches out via a square from your 2nd house of resources and self-worth to further expand the value you ascribe to yourself. However, Jupiter also plays a harmonious role in this house, helping to reward you for finding greater self-esteem. Remember that being bold about who you are is your superpower.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

9th House | Horizons 

The Full Moon in Capricorn is hanging out in your 9th house, Taurus, shining a spotlight on things like education, spirituality, and the big picture perspective. After a long period of reassessment and transformation thanks to Pluto’s extended time in this house, the Full Moon shows up to ask you what you believe in now, and how it aligns with the big picture of your life. There may be a need to shed limiting beliefs, or at least outdated ones, that no longer align with everything you desire to achieve now. This lunation reminds you that change is inevitable, and so is growth, and asks you to make more room in your life for both.

Alternatively, the Sun and Mercury reach out from your third house, simulating the mind and inspiring your need to communicate what you know and feel. It's possible that school or some new form of education is on the docket. If so, this would be an excellent time to get the ball rolling. If nothing else, you may find your desire to connect with those around you quite strong underneath this lunation.

Uranus has been moving through your first house for the past while now, shaking up your sense of self, and perhaps even bringing out a side of you that's vastly different than normal. Venus, your ruler, who is currently transiting your 4th house, reaches out to Uranus now, perhaps creating some push and pull between your desire to share yourself with the world and your desire for privacy. Let Venus soften the edges of Uranus and find a way to honor all versions of yourself and their varying needs.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

8th House | Shadows 

The Full Moon illuminates your 8th house, Gemini, bringing light to the deep caverns of the most intimate areas of your life. The themes of the 8th house include sex, death, shared resources, and the cycles of transformation. The Sun highlights your own resources from the 2nd house, highlighting the ways in which your money is tied up with others, as well as the way you share resources in your partnerships. If you live with someone, for example, this is a quintessential theme of the 8th house. In that sense, you may receive some kind of reward from others, but you may also find yourself taking a look at whether or not the dynamics of sharing are still working for you. Remember that Full Moons act as points of release - perhaps there’s a dynamic or relationship that needs to change now.

Chiron makes a difficult aspect to the luminaries from your 11th house of your social circles, which may further serve to bring up some sticking points in your relationships. As the sign of the Twins you embody duality and the idea of the self vs the other more than any other sign in the zodiac. Just because you are understanding and can see everyone else’s point of view, doesn’t mean that others are showing you that same energy. Make a point to connect with those who give back as much as they take.

Your ruler, Mercury, plays a helpful role for you underneath this lunation as it, too, is wrapped up in the dynamic of Chiron. Sharing your feelings with those who truly value you and can help to reflect your worth back to you is important now. Jupiter and Uranus reach out from your 12th house to help you reveal or work through the parts of yourself you normally keep hidden.

Cancer & cancer Rising

7th House | Duality 

This lunation falls into your 7th house of committed partnerships, Cancer, highlighting the relationship axis in a big way. Thanks to Pluto transiting this house for the past fifteen years, you're no stranger to relationships being an important focus in your life. Over the past decade and a half Pluto has unearthed anything and everything you've needed to address in order to find truly fulfilling connections and healthy relationships. Now the Full Moon in Capricorn comes through to illuminate whatever final lessons or patterns need to be fully integrated - or what still needs to be shed - in order to have the kinds of relationships you truly desire. With the Sun currently highlighting your 1st house, finding balance in your connections is super important.

Uranus echoes this sentiment from your 11th house of your social circles, where it's been bringing significant change for the past few years. Undoubtedly, your relationships have undergone massive change, and there's a need to reassess boundaries and your definition of a healthy relationship here. With Venus creating tension from your 2nd house, self-worth is a huge factor here. Remember that you, too, are deserving of nurture and care from others.

Chiron in Aries also creates a tough aspect to the Sun and Moon from your 10th house of reputation and legacy, bringing forward a pain point of vulnerability surrounding how others perceive you. This, too, is something that's been highlighted in your life for the past while, and further emphasizes Venus' desire to boost your self-esteem and feel good about yourself. Lean into the connections you share with others who give just as much as you do. This is your moment to receive.


Leo & Leo Rising

6th House | Nourishment 

The Full Moon pays a visit to your 6th house, Leo, shining light on your daily routines, rituals, and physical health. This has been an area of great focus in your life for the past fifteen years as Pluto has moved through this area of your chart bringing significant change. Now, as you move through the final moments of this journey, the Full Moon in Capricorn shows up to highlight any structures that still need to be implemented, as well as any daily habits that still hold you back from living your life the way you really want to.

Across the way, Venus is transiting your 1st house, giving you a boost of beauty and magnetism, while also asking you to confront any self-esteem issues that may be lurking underneath the surface. With Uranus creating a tense aspect from your 10th house of legacy, there's a real need to look at the ways you're playing small. Don't be afraid to do what Leo does best: shine.

Your ruler, the Sun, is hanging out alongside Mercury in your 12th house, highlighting your intuition, dreams, and most private pieces of yourself. There's a strong need to nurture both your physical body, and your emotional one. Pour into yourself underneath this Full Moon so that you can better offer your gifts to the rest of us.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

5th House | Expression 

This lunation is highlighting your 5th house of creativity, self-expression, and fun my dear Virgo! As serious of a creature as you may be, the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates the need for you to let loose and enjoy yourself right now. The 5th house asks us to step into the present moment and find self-fulfillment and satisfaction. What would truly make you feel good right now? Create more of that. Alternatively, what BLOCKS you from experiencing joy? Get rid of that.

Uranus, who has been transiting your 9th house for about four years, asks the same questions. You've been undergoing a huge shift in your perspective and part of that shift is allowing yourself to welcome adventure and fun and to loosen up a little bit. With the Sun and Mercury hanging out in your 11th house of friendship, this lunation is one to get social with your favorite people.

Venus reaches out to Uranus from your 12th house where she may struggle to be seen or felt. You'll have to work extra hard to unearth the Leonine creativity and flair and allow this part of yourself to be seen more by others. This is your invitation to put down the inner critic and give the special parts of you a chance to shine.

Libra & Libra Rising

4th House | Preservation 

The Full Moon in Capricorn pays a visit to your 4th house, Libra, illuminating things like family, ancestors, roots, and your foundations. You've spent the past fifteen years on a journey with Pluto here, unraveling all kinds of tough family dynamics. Now, the Full Moon comes in to highlight any loose ends that still need to be addressed and, ultimately, released, so that you can move forward in a happier, more balanced way. Perhaps there are some boundaries that need to be fortified, or maybe there's just a strong need for rest underneath this lunation, as the Moon transiting the 4th house often calls for.

Chiron plays an important role from your 7th house this go around, as it reaches out to both the Sun, highlighting your 10th house of reputation, and the Moon. You may find yourself feeling overexposed or tender when it comes to relationships in general. Validation may feel difficult to find. Do your best to stand strong in your own self-worth and reach out to your very dearest ones who you can confide in.

Meanwhile, Venus is hanging out in your 11th house of your social circles, reinforcing the need to look at which connections of yours are still fulfilling. You may not feel as social as you normally do underneath this lunation, and that's okay. The call here is truly to focus on the relationships you know are good ones. Cultivate your inner circle of trust.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

3rd House | Integration 

Underneath this Full Moon your 3rd house is lit up, bringing a focus to communication, learning, and the environment around you. With the Sun and Mercury highlighting your 9th house as well, there’s a strong need to look at the beliefs you hold about yourself. What stories have you been told about yourself that you’ve internalized along the way? Which of these stories are true, and which are you being called to shed now? Remember that others often feel threatened by your power, Scorpio, don’t let anybody else define you except you.

Uranus and Venus come forward underneath this lunation creating tension on the business partnership front. Venus is settled into your 10th house of career until mid-October, and Uranus has been transiting your 7th house of partnerships for the past four-ish years. There may be some kind of issue to resolve here, as Venus asks you to confront whether or not you’re being appreciated for all of the gifts you possess and bring into the work you do. This tension may also manifest as a push and pull between your career and your intimate partnerships. Don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries in either or both places.

Chiron also reaches out from your 6th house, further pushing that pain point at the job. Again, feelings of worthiness may come forward. Perhaps it’s time to assess whether or not you’re truly happy with work. In the meantime, know that your worth exists whether or not other people seem to see it.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

2nd House | Stability 

The Full Moon illuminates your 2nd house of resources and self-worth, Sagittarius, reminding you of all you have and all you're capable of. This house has been a huge theme in your life for the past fifteen years, with Pluto stirring up all kinds of change here. This lunation illuminates whatever blocks you may still be working through that keep you blind to your own capabilities, and asks for you to do what is necessary to let them go once and for all. Self-esteem can be a fickle thing, and you may need to address how your sense of worth is tied up in the money you make.

By this time Venus has settled in for the long haul from your 9th house, asking you what you truly believe in, especially when it comes to relationships. With a tense aspect coming from your 6th house of your everyday life coming from Uranus, there's some kind of push and pull between the way you're living your life in the day to day, and the way you'd ideally LIKE to be living your life. Do your actions match up with these ideals? If not, there's a call to make sure you're walking the walk and not just talking the talk.

Meanwhile, Chiron reaches out from your 5th house of joy and creativity, asking about the ways you're expressing yourself these days. You may find yourself feeling overexposed and uncharacteristically vulnerable. Be kind to yourself and remember that you are inherently worthy. Regardless of others. Regardless of money. Regardless of anything.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

1st House | Motivation 

This Full Moon falls into your 1st house, illuminating your identity and sense of self, Capricorn. For the past fifteen years Pluto has also been moving through your first house, bringing incredible transformation to who you are and how you choose to share yourself with the world. As you are now in the final moments of this transit, this Full Moon acts as a punctuation mark on that journey. Which parts of yourself have you outgrown that you're ready to release once and for all? This is your invitation to step more fully into who you are now; to take up more space in your life and your relationships.

Mercury and the Sun are also illuminating your 7th house of committed partnerships. With a tense aspect from Chiron down in your 4th house, feelings of self-worth, especially surrounding your most intimate connections, may surface. If you're struggling to feel good about yourself, now is the time to lean into the relationships with those you know DO value you, and support every version of who you are, including the one you're becoming. Share your thoughts and feelings.

The luminaries are also receiving support from Jupiter at this time, who is currently transiting your 5th house of creativity and self-expression. This house is truly about self-satisfaction and joy. Utilize this expansive energy to bring levity through allowing yourself to have some fun! There are gifts for you to reap when you allow yourself to lighten up and have some fun. Children may be a wonderful mirror for you in this way.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

12th House | Restoration 

The Full Moon falls into your 12th house, Aquarius, illuminating the caverns of your subconscious that normally stay in the dark. As the only house in the birth chart that never sees the light of day from the Sun, the things we keep buried in the 12th house can feel difficult to engage with or understand, but this lunation offers you a rare gift of shining its light here, asking you to acknowledge the parts of yourself that are normally kept hidden. This is a good time for you to lean into your intuition - something that may often be neglected in lieu of objectivity - to better understand these pieces of your life.

Venus is leaning deeper into her extended stay in your 7th house of committed relationships, now in her pre-retrograde shadow period. Underneath this lunation she forms a tense square to Uranus in Taurus, who has been transiting the lowest point of your chart in the 4th house for almost four years. There may be unexpected events that arise underneath this Moon surrounding family and/or any of your closest connections. However, with Mercury making a supportive sextile to Uranus, there are solutions to be found through conversation.

Keep in mind that Venus will be transiting your 7th house until mid-October. Between that and the Sun and Moon squaring Chiron in Aries, questions surrounding self-worth may feel especially pointed at this time. With the Full Moon in your 12th, perhaps there are certain things you've felt for a long time that you feel pushed to speak up about now.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

11th House | Community 

This lunation is shining bright in your 11th house of your social circles, highlighting different relationships of all kinds for you, Pisces. As we approach the end of Pluto's decade and a half long transit here, the Full Moon asks for some kind of release. What have you learned about your various relationships over the past fifteen years? Who is truly there for you? Are there any relationships or certain groups of people that you know aren't serving you anymore? As difficult as it may be for you, as someone who approaches everyone with understanding, it may be time to let some of those connections go. Or, at the very least, perhaps there are stronger boundaries that need to be implemented.

Venus echoes this sentiment from your 6th house, as she asks about your sense of self-worth and whether or not you're truly appreciated by the people you choose to surround yourself with in your everyday life. You may feel this coming up at your job in particular at this time, as Venus asks you to assess how much of your sense of self-worth is tied up in those dynamics. Uranus also plays an important role underneath this Full Moon as it squares Venus, asking whether or not you're speaking your truth to others.

Jupiter, your ruler, gets a nice boost from the Sun and Moon at this time, however. Reinforcing the fact that when you're able to share your knowledge, you will be rewarded. Lean into the connections you know are right! Spend time hanging out with friends and asking for the support and reassurance you truly need right now.


Aubrey Houdeshell is an Astrologer and Tarot Reader based out of Denver, Colorado. She developed a serious interest in Astrology in her early twenties, and a decade later has made it her career! Before getting into the Astrology business, the bulk of Aubrey's background was in customer service. However, she went to university for dual majors in Writing and French, and has written for several publications, as well as having been an Editor, running her own section. 

For about 4 years she's been building and running her Tarot and Astrology business, Graveyard Roses. The focus of her work is centered around Evolutionary Astrology and helping people acquire the knowledge, tools, and skills they need to be empowered in their lives and to embrace their Karmic callings that are ultimately meant to help each of us grow and evolve into our fullest selves. 

When she isn't busy reading people's charts, Aubrey enjoys reading, writing, traveling, spending time with her family, and getting creative. Aubrey and her partner of 7 years own a dog and three chickens, and love to garden together-- which takes up a lot of their time during the summer. 

You can find Aubrey and all of her offerings via Instagram @thegraveyardroses or through her website at 

Her deck is available for pre-order here!

Also take a chance to read her recent article on Running Press, detailing Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius (it will re-enter this sign in January 2024). Read About Pluto in Aquarius Here

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