Cancer New Moon Miniscopes


Cancer New
Moon Miniscopes

Fluidity As Formidability.

Forward written by Anthony Perrotta, horoscopes written by Suprasensory Shahir.

The New Moon is in Cancer 24º on July 17th at 2:31 PM ET. The Moon comes home, back to its position where it feels most comforted and nourished by the soft energy of Cancer. We can let the waters rush in to cleanse us and prompt us for a new beginning. This is a baptism of sorts – we are renewed.

We watch the Moon itself closely, as it is the leader of this lunation. Just as the Moon goes dark, we too, turn inward to reorganize our inner world. The Moon touches the Sun, where they meet in a warm embrace. This energy is one of fresh starts and a reorientation of our internal and external worlds. We are taking stock of our emotional natures and trying to ensure that our needs are being met before we venture out into the world. This is especially true as both the Sun and Moon sextile Uranus. We must understand what keeps us limited or bound before taking steps outside of ourselves.

Uranus is a planet of revelation, change – so when it engages in a harmonious aspect, it may have us itching for growth or new potential. We may feel ready to embark on a journey that pushes us beyond our limits. This may mean that we step outside of our safety. Neptune also plays along this lunation, as it trines the Sun and Moon. The energy can feel dreamy, inspiring, and romantic. Neptune is newly retrograde, which actually has the inverse impact on us. We tend to gain clarity during Neptune retrogrades. So, its relationship to the Sun and Moon will be extra energizing and clear. We are willing to see what we once ignored. Our intuition will be especially heightened at this New Moon. Listen to what you are feeling.

Mars is also a key player around this New Moon. It is pulled into the hands of Saturn, where we must review where our energy is being placed. We are reworking and re-evaluating. However, this is not all bad, as Saturn can stabilize Mars. It helps it deconstruct what holds it hostage and create new pathways of revitalization. The Mars/Saturn opposition is a doorway toward intentional action and mindful movement, when we balance the energies. Whatever we begin now will have long-term impacts with a slow, but attainable, build.

Mercury will square Jupiter, and it seems that we are feeling stuck between blazing new trails and remaining comfortable with what we know. Instead of allowing them to battle one another, let them work in tandem. Because when we create comforts, we feel inspired to explore, quest; from this, everything else begins to steadily bloom in our lives.

Evaluate your sense of security, and who or what you turn to in your time of need. Who is your home? What brings you safety? These things create the backbone of your next adventure.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 19º to 29º, you will feel the effects of this New Moon the most. Especially those with strong Cardinal placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.

NOTE: The horoscopes below were written by the incredible and insightful, Suprasensory Shahir! To learn more about Shahir, jump to the bottom of these ‘scopes where you can find their bio, links, and how to connect with them.


Aries & Aries Rising

4th House | Intimate Belonging

Home is where we retreat to feel safe with who we are and be with our chosen loved ones. Perhaps, ever since Pluto was in Capricorn in late 2008 opposing the Cancer sign, each Cancer season lunation felt like a catharsis and soul-reckoning of what “home” is to you. This New Moon is a reminder that home has always been your self-definition of it: the forever space of intimate creation between your inner-child and your inner-parent. You are in a more resourced space, be it materially, spiritually, psychologically, etc. to create new ancestral patterns for yourself, and your loved ones. Tap into this lunation to set the intention of creating the definition of home that brings the deepest sense of belonging - integrating the whole being and soul-longing of everyone involved.

There is unseen magical help available to you right now to orient toward your dreams with the lunation trining Neptune in Pisces - perhaps it is your beloved ancestors who have always been your #1 spirit guardian, perhaps it is the oceanic temple or healing garden you access through meditation, or perhaps it is just a meditative time and reflection with yourself.

With Mars, your chart ruler, in Virgo - there is an inherent desire to serve, to be discerning of your physical capacity and mental health. Sometimes, confronting the limits of our body capacity - makes us feel limited. What if, rather than feeling limited, we also feel liberated from knowing that we do not have to do it all? Knowing our physical limitations is a form of spiritual transcendence, and perhaps the secret recipe to feel like a winner in life. With Mercury and Venus stationing in Leo, you are clarifying the methods of how-you-play in life to derive the utmost pleasure.

With the North Node freshly entering Aries, there is an undeniable hunger to become more of the maverick and pioneering person that you are, always have, and forever will be. I hope the New Moon provides a spiritual and nurturing home base for everything that is to come.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

3rd House | Intimate Mind 

The mind is the origin. This New Moon occurs in your 3rd House of Locality, Communication, and Inner-knowing amongst other themes. In spiritual and psychological teachings, there is a belief that our mental framings surrounding any events happening to us are such important factors to determine how we experience and judge life itself. This New Moon invites you to be more intimate with your innate and accessible power of creating new realities.

In ancient astrology, the Moon rejoices in the 3rd House, and part of it is because the Moon cares the most about our life on Earth, as it is the closest astrological body to us. In order to create new realities in our lives, we have to care about the people and places around us, because your environment shapes your mental framings, and your ideas shape your environment. Perhaps this New Moon is a reminder that your mind is a holy place for an intimate renewal.

What if I told you, whatever you believe and think about in the next two weeks will become true with this lunation? Sometimes, the process might also evoke a sense of fear because everyone has a different relationship with how powerful our minds are. Do not underestimate the mind. With Jupiter in Taurus, you might feel more spiritual and adventurous with life, and you might internalize the wisdom that the greatest teacher in your life is YOU. You have to be the one walking the path you believe in.

With your chart ruler Venus stationing retrograde in Leo, co-present with Mercury, another mental-focused planet, there is something about your authentic values which are changing, and undergoing a revision or a remembrance. Perhaps growing up you were taught certain values about yourself by your caretakers or family members, yet later you realized there is another pathway to go about those ingrained values - more authentically.

Allow your mind to be transformed, allow your mind to birth new words and new worlds. If you receive any spiritual insights during the New Moon phase, journaling might be a helpful practice to assist your channeling process.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

2nd House | Intimate Resource 

The concept of self-resourcing might put money into the equation of everything. The lunation happens in your 2nd House of Money, Livelihood & Value. This is a great time for a spiritual reset around your value of money and tangible resources. Perhaps you are realizing that money is less important or more important for you to experience the things you wish for in life wholeheartedly. Sometimes we judge ourselves harshly for wanting and needing money, yet the deeper reasons why have always been our motivators for desiring money. This is the time to be more intimate with your relationship to self-resource, of knowing and loving what feels enough for you, what feels excess for you.

In ancient astrology, the 2nd House is called the Gate of Hades because of its initiatory relationship to the underworld houses, with transit Capricorn Pluto (God of the Underworld) in the opposite house with this lunation - there is a desire to adjust our personal resourcing process towards collaborating with the resources of another, of reaching the value of another as a support. Sometimes we feel like a sacred sacrifice is needed for us to transform ourselves - and perhaps that’s true. Because sacrifice is a pathway toward soul liberation and rich collaboration with another.

With chart ruler Mercury in Leo, there is a desire to speak your heart’s truth because speaking our truths is a luminous process that would break patterns that have been imposed on us by societal systems. If speaking your truth creates conflicts, know that healthy conflicts are needed to voice out our needs. Voicing our needs and desires is also a process of confronting our fears of being misunderstood, and feeling not enough.

The New Moon is a calibration towards enoughness, remember you are enough and perhaps this is an opportune time to initiate how enough feels in your heart, bones, and body. Allow the renewal of enoughness to move through your body and spirit.

Cancer & cancer Rising

1st House | Intimate Self 

This lunation focuses on the revitalization of your life force. The Moon is at home in your 1st House of Body, Identity & Beginning-Of-All. The lunation trining Neptune in Pisces might bring about poetic dreams regarding your future travels or the next mythical stories you are about to live out as reality. Make time to be receptive and rest accordingly during this New Moon. This is absolutely the time to center yourself and your world.

The lunation opposition to Pluto in Capricorn is reminding you that soul-centered connections should and could make all parties feel powerful and empowered, rather than powerless and oppressed. The exaltation lord of Cancer sign is Jupiter, rejoicing in the fixed earth sign of Taurus - perhaps you are embodying new ways of showing up to community, and those who you would consider as allies. To realize the vastness of our hopes, we need other people who are also attuned to the bigger visions and move toward the direction we are going with them. For some of you, you are being invited to be a mentor for your community through physical or spiritual health needs.

The lunation also interrogates how much you value authentic communication between yourself and your inner-heart chambers - be bold with your intentions. With the North Node in Aries, freshly entering your 10th House, there is a desire to pioneer your next legacy - to bring originality to greater heights.

Naturally, the South Node in Libra will be in your 4th House, to release any past relationships and allow spiritually aligned relationships to support your next adventure. This is your time to lead the more aligned life you have always wanted - an opportune time to reassess all the skills you have acquired and how you implement them with care and with precision.


Leo & Leo Rising

12th House | Intimate Shadow 

The New Moon might be more subtle for you as it is happening in your hidden 12th House of Subconscious & Suffering. An invitation is to look into how much have you had to hide your-hidden-self from certain parts of yourself because it could be coded as something shameful or undesirable. Or perhaps you are being invited to explore deeper into the spiritual realm about who you are, and who you were. There is nothing to be ashamed of being human: messy and forgiving. Our relationships with our past experiences have a way to empower us to move forward or to pacify us from moving forward.

This lunation is a reminder of the choices available to your life right now, no matter how small those choices are - small is all. With Jupiter in Taurus in your 10th House of Legacy and Public, there is a desire to be a teacher for others - to lead by faith and example of the possibilities of manifesting the world one could ever imagine. You might discover greater support for your ideas coming from creatives or institutions advocating for transformation. It takes so much inner-work for you to have faith in this new transformation - no matter how visible the outcomes are, you are committed to the gradual change.

Both Mercury and Venus in your 1st House have an effect on your relationship to self-love and communication of your heart. Like the lion you are, be loud and be proud of the things you have manifested for yourself. Maybe some of those things require a re-assessment, yet still, be proud of having to realize those things for yourself.

With Mars in Virgo in your 2nd House, you will feel energize to work on yourself towards greater heights yet remember to understand when the universe is signaling a “no.” Take time to reassess your values in life through and with Venus - she is spending a special and longer time with you with her retrograde phase!

Virgo & Virgo Rising

11th House | Intimate Community 

Community is a form of care, and sometimes, everything feels better when we do it together. This New Moon occurs in your 11th House of Good Spirit, Friendships, and Allies. There is an opportunity to leverage your community towards your next soul-led creativity, where there is creative tension, there could also be an opportunity for further support and creation. You might feel that there is help coming from the people around you to support your next vision. Perhaps some of these supports come from places abroad or through the exchange of cultures with Jupiter in Taurus. Or perhaps you are learning something new and revealing about yourself from your mentors that resonates deeply with your body.

With Mars in Virgo, you might be given an extra dose of energy to make things happen right now, and you have always been one of those signs who are discerning of ways to make the transformation work more efficiently - for yourself and for others. Allow this New Moon to reveal to you the true supporters and allies in your journey.

With your chart ruler, Mercury, residing in Leo there might be a doubt that exists - a healthy amount of skepticism should remain healthy and should not be blown out of proportion. Trust that everything is working out as it should be in the background. And everything in life eventually comes to light, and sometimes those are beyond your responsibility. All we have to do is: trust the authentic process of unraveling who we are.

With Saturn in Pisces in the opposite house, you might feel you are facing an obstacle or a person who might not agree with your intentions, whether it be real or illusory - still an obstacle. Perhaps this is where we learn how a challenge has a way of teaching us something long-lasting about ourselves and the support systems we have available.

Libra & Libra Rising

10th House | Intimate Legacy 

What is your highest aspiration in life? The New Moon is revealing something important for you to know and to remember for the long-term aspect of your life. Perhaps you are ruminating about your next home, perhaps you are initiating the steps toward your next career change, or perhaps you are pivoting yourself from whatever you are currently doing. This is an opportune time to think about how you want to be remembered in the long term, how you want to be known in your community, what kind of steward of the world are you, and which realm exactly. You might realize that a literal move might be required for you to be closer to your intimate visions.

With Venus stationing retrograde in Leo in your 11th House, you realize how important it is to surround yourself with friends and people who value the things you value too, or perhaps to start finding communities aligning more with your greater passions in this world. This is the time to make those connections because all relationships have a sacred way of changing who you are - especially with Jupiter in Taurus in your 8th House of Transformation. Venus in Leo transit is asking you to light the fire that has been kept hidden, and perhaps with Mercury in Leo - there would be information and messages delivered to you to make you feel more excited about the next thing!

With the fresh North Node in Aries in your 7th House, romantic and business partnerships are becoming more important to you, while you are de-centering yourself from any identity attachment. The South Node in Libra will bring about themes of dis-identification of the self, because when we allow ourselves to be an empty cup, we realize the true essence of our spirit. This is one of the pathways to being crystal clear with our desires.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

9th House | Intimate Perspective 

This is a lunation of intimate perspectives. This New Moon in your 9th House of Religion, Travel, and Spirituality might bring an element of surprise into your life through your encounters with people from foreign lands or those with positions of power. Perhaps these folks are providing you with different perspectives of how things could be transformed for the betterment of your career direction. For some of you, perhaps you are planning a much-needed vacation with your loved ones. Regardless, this is the time to rely on the expertise of another to inform your own field of mastery.

The 9th House is also the place where the Sun is rejoicing because the 9th House is regarded as the House of God in ancient times - and the purpose of “god” is to illuminate. If you have been seeking clarity from divinity, this is an opportune time to make that prayer and intention-setting regardless of your belief system. Do it for fun, do it as a trial, do it to remember your power. Setting a sacred intention has a way to open up our hearts toward something bigger-than-us, it is how we communicate with the universe within and without.

With your chart ruler, Mars, moving through Virgo - the time to plan for the next bigger change is now. Mars in Virgo demands practical steps to build our version of hopes and dreams. You might also find others who are willing to be the advocate of your dreams together with you in your career space.

With Venus stationing retrograde and Mercury in Leo, your career space is bound to change direction and priorities with this lunation, and the important messages regarding them are being clarified. Potentially, there could be conflicts and crises within the lunar month, yet the purpose of Venus in your 10th House is always to harmonize different points of view and show you the truest selves of everyone who deemed themselves worthy of your support.

Allow the softness of time (patience) to be the one helping you out with your pacing, and do not allow time (Saturn) to be the one who is blocking your path.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

8th House | Intimate Rebirth 

Sometimes the idea of rebirth is such a loaded word, perhaps because for some of us - dealing with certain endings has been difficult enough for us to accept, preventing us from even considering the next journey of a new beginning. The idea of rebirth forces us into believing that there is still life in death, and there is death in life - how everything is a cycle, perhaps.

The lunation is exactly a sacred space for rebirth for you. The lunation occurs in the 8th House of Grief, Rebirth, and Resources of Another. Perhaps for you, this lunation is a sacred reminder of how much you are needed in this world, and how much your thoughts and feelings matter to the people who find so much value in you.

With your chart ruler, Jupiter, residing in another astrological dark house - the 6th House of Labor and Illness, you are reckoning with your sense of importance with the work that you do for others. Your role in the lunation equation is to release yourself from any form of expectation of abundance but rather know your work holds so much value for others. This could be a wonderful time to tap into any new or existing collaborations to inform them of your sacred worth. To trust others is to trust the universe working its magic for you, rather than against you. You might feel guided to spend some time alone with this lunation, thinking about the parts of you that have died and how much the things that have died also hold a sacred and intimate treasure within them.

With Neptune in Pisces, you might be communicating with the dead ones for guidance - both the chosen and given ancestors to empower your next rebirth process. Endings have a memorable way to make space for new beginnings, a reminder to always choose life, because our stories have yet to end here.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

7th House | Intimate Arrival 

The lunation occurs in the furthermost part of the chart - the 7th House of the Other - be it a personal or business relationship. How does it feel to have trust in another? To give them the support they need to create their realities with you playing an important role in those realities? If you have been single and searching, this could be an opportune time to set greater progress in partnership. If you are partnered, this could be a time to renew your commitment to each other for the relationship to flourish. For others, there could be important business or legal contracts to tend to that would transform your life direction. Regardless, know that you are not in a rush to solve whatever gifts and/or challenges life presents to you.

Saturn has been slowly threading waters in Pisces, and you have been slowly and intimately trusting the waves of your intuition and foresight. Trusting the softness and slowness of time is a difficult process sometimes, especially when others are hungry to rush the process for you. This is the time for you to tune into how it feels like to be taken care of by another person so deeply that you lose a bit of you sense of self.

The themes of love are transforming in your 8th House of Death & Rebirth. Perhaps there is a hidden desire resurfacing for you to feel authentically aligned with your sense of self. Your career space is also undergoing similar revision and transformation with this collaboration with another.

With Jupiter in Taurus, you are upgrading your skills to play and to be the teaching source of fecundity. I hope the lunation elevates your relationship with everything - especially the ones you felt most distant and unavailable to you throughout your life… I hope those things also arrive.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

6th House | Intimate Silence 

The New Moon initiates you into establishing a supportive routine to support your process of intimacy with another. The 6th House of Labor, Illness, and Service is one of the astrological dark houses. It reminds us both of our power and our powerlessness in life. With the lunation taking place in the 6th House, it reminds you of your unapologetic needs when it comes to maintaining different partnerships in your life. If people at work have been draining your time and your energy, ask yourself whether you need more to feel replenished for your efforts.

With your chart ruler, Saturn in Pisces, trine by sign with the New Moon, there is a question of whether the unseen labor you are putting in would bear something fruitful. Perhaps it would be for some of you, for others, perhaps there is a need to reset your relationship with others who are extractive of your energy rather than having an equal give-and-take.

With Venus stationing retrograde in Leo soon, with Mercury co-present, there could be heartfelt communication from your loved ones that might change the direction of life. With Jupiter in Taurus in your 4th House, this is the time to allow the idea of home and privacy as something you truly value for yourself first before prioritizing others you love. Allow the spaces you love to go to in your house to teach you something deeper about yourself and your limitless worth.

The North Nodes shifting into Aries will increase your hunger to elevate your education and skills and the desire to connect better with your local environment, while the South Node in Libra will demand you to let go of certain ideas and perspectives which are no longer for you to carry about yourself. This lunation feels subtle, as it moves efficiently and quietly in the background - like new habits slowly forming and solidifying in silence.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

5th House | Intimate Playtime 

For you, the process of play and care is something inherently intertwined. The New Moon occurs in the 5th House of Erotic, Play & Romance. I believe this lunation brings about your desire to teach others about how to play more with their creativity.

With chart ruler Jupiter in Taurus in the 3rd House of Skills, interacting with the lunation in the 5th House of Play - you are being asked to pave the way for a fertile future for others who would love you as their teacher or facilitator. Perhaps part of your magick is to allow others to unearth the potency of their own magic and creativity. On the other hand, this lunation could also remind you of your own creative breakthrough that you desire to make space for the future. Making space for your creativity in life has always been a central priority to tap deeper into your emotions and intuition.

With Mars in Virgo, you could be dealing with others who are eager to move forward efficiently, meanwhile, you would rather take your time trusting cosmic time. As Venus is stationing retrograde in your 6th House of Labor and Illness, it is always wise for you to take it slow and have mastery over your rhythms. Even if an inspiration comes, know that if such inspiration is important enough it would stay and it would come to visit again and again.

You are not at a loss when you wait and reassess your ways of serving the world - you are actually winning by waiting because there is always something better on the horizon. Especially since the fresh North Node in Aries is aligning with your 2nd House of Money & Resources - there will always be more to acquire and manifest through this transit. This lunation pulls focus towards how you play with your world, and how the intimate elements of the erotic make you feel alive and resourced.

About Shahir

Suprasensory Shahir is a love devotee, a queer muslim brown southeastasian mystic who believes there is love in everything. Shahir shows up as an astrologer, tarot reader, and spirit guide bridger, by tapping into their spiritual crafts and relationship with the hidden realms. Shahir also loves writing everything that inspires them on their substack titled “love as origin, love as destination, love as intermediacy.” Recently, Shahir completed a Venus Embodiment series interviewing 12 different astrologers on their Youtube channel. Shahir loves showing up to their combination of astrology and tarot reading, as well the birthday blend offering!

You can find Shahir and all of their offerings via Instagram @suprasensoryshahir or by checking out the links below:

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