Aquarius Full Moon Miniscopes


Aquarius Full
Moon Miniscopes

Hope Among The Field.

The Full Moon is in Aquarius 9º on August 1st at 2:31 PM ET. This Full Moon comes as a marker, an illuminated pinnacle. It signifies the power of release and finding our way through the tensions we may have faced since November 2021. With Aquarian energy so prominent at this Full Moon, we will have our eyes fixated on our hopes, dreams, and wishes—perhaps even our network, community, and friendships. We have to recognize where we are and who we surround ourselves with and see how that impacts the big picture (not only in our lives personally but also collectively). Aquarius brings truth, unmoved and undeterred, in the pursuit of understanding where we belong in the grand scheme of it all.

Saturn traditionally leads this Full Moon, making aspects to Mercury. It meets in opposition to this winged messanger to highlight the release of pre-conceived notions. Saturn’s opposition can add a bit of heaviness to this Full Moon, almost as if letting go isn’t as easy as we hope. Unfortunately, the tense aspect of this lunation does not end with Saturn. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and will also partially lead this lunation. Uranus represents a need to be free. Saturn and Uranus—two powerhouses at odds with one another. Uranus reinforces an ongoing narrative with Venus as they meet in square again, this time with Venus retrograde. With Fixed energy being the central focus, we must find ways to free ourselves from outdated or overly traditional mindsets. Uranus is swirling like a radical storm around this time, pulsing seismic activity to show us cracks in our own inner foundations. Where Saturn will ask us to stabilize, Uranus will tell us to upheave. But not all hope is lost; the Moon is in Aquarius, after all.

As I mentioned, not all hope is lost at all! Luckily, the outlet of this tension is Mars and Jupiter. Mars is receiving positive energy from Jupiter. It is travelling through Mutable Virgo, allowing us to shift and be flexible. Jupiter will encapsulate us in its expansive vision, pushing us to move through whatever difficulties could arise from this lunation. With the Sun and Moon both square Jupiter, there are even more golden beams to be had. When Jupiter squares the luminaries, we find strength and power in our talents and abilities. This is insurmountable energy. Even through any harsh realities, we face at this Full Moon, both Mars and Jupiter will give us the gusto to overcome; a resilience unmatched.

Don’t give up on something you feel passionate about, but do know that sometimes things take longer to achieve than we realize. It is important to recognize the collective focus of this lunation. The gifts of Aquarius are connection and idealism. Keeping that in mind means that as we pursue our goals, we must make sure we have people around us that want to see us succeed and will help us arrive there. Accepting that support will be monumental. You never have to face anything completely alone.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 4º to 14º, you will feel the effects of this Full Moon the most. Especially those with strong Fixed placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.


Aries & Aries Rising

11th House | Connection 

At this Full Moon, the big questions are: where do you find hope? Who is there to support you? You are someone who may often try to do things all on your own. But at what cost? As we enter this Full Moon, your hopes, dreams, wishes, network, and support system all come into focus — as this Full Moon falls in your 11th House. Who do you call upon in your time of need? We can’t be the stabilizing factor for others all the time. Sometimes, we need people to rally around us too. Luckily, this Full Moon ensures that you have that. Friends are showing up for you, and a dream seems to be within reach. Yet, there is an air of uncertainty.

Uranus and Saturn lead this Full Moon. Uranus squares Venus, throwing thunderbolts of electricity from your 2nd House. You could be facing self-confidence or self-worth issues. Maybe this creates doubt in how you expend your energy. Alternatively, you could be battling something financial around this Full Moon that is making it harder to keep your cool. There could be an unexpected bill, or maybe a dream/idea comes at a cost. Uranus is a wildcard, and it is hard to see how it may play out. Expected the unexpected.

Saturn adds to this energy in a way. It opposes Mercury, bringing with it a sense of restraint. Saturn is telling you that it is time to actually leave the past behind. You have to trust your intuition more than you ever have before. Saturn gifts you spiritual wisdom and the knowledge that you can still move ahead without a fully formulated plan. You may feel you may need to make some sacrifices or compromises along the way. This isn’t forever — and really it may not even be the case at all. Saturn is also teaching you the value of an ending and closure. The resolutions we may see in the coming weeks, months, or year will be telling of the future that will unfold before you. Nothing can stay as it is forever, but evolution is what makes life so precious.

Use this Full Moon to open yourself to possibility. It is time to ask for help and see that the future is co-created. It requires that you have the will to seek support. Everything is in flux, but the outcome will present itself soon. Things may come and go in life, but focus on the people that remain a constant.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

10th House | Purpose 

What is the pinnacle for you? The Aquarius Full Moon usually turns your focus toward your outward life, publicity, and career. This also encompasses your direction and achievements. The last 6 months have had you working hard and making decisions that impacted your future — and now it seems that you are either beginning or about to begin a new phase. This Full Moon falls in your 10th House that rules all of these things: career, direction and publicity. You may not realize it, but you are in a position of power right now. The ball is seemingly in your court. You could be going for a promotion, looking to switch careers, move, or even change what you do for work. Whatever it is, how you build foundation and security in the world is in focus.

There may be hiccups as Venus will square off with Uranus. Uranus is sitting in your 1st House, creating waves for the last few years. You have been finding new ways to change how you approach your identity and motivations. This is about freeing yourself from past versions of yourself. Because of the tension between Venus and Uranus, one of the freedoms must be around expectations. If things have been rocky, it is time to clear the area. Uranus will create surprises, so watch people’s behavior. Don’t try to control what or who you can’t. We just have to go with the flow with this Full Moon.

Saturn’s influence at this Full Moon is equally as strong as it opposes Mercury. Perhaps there is a limitation created in the area of your dreams. A friend could be going through a hard time or weighing heavily on you at this time. So, as much as others may show up for you, you may feel the reciprocal need to do the same. Alternatively, you could be looking at how you can lessen a burden you’ve been carrying, as Mercury seeks to free itself from the confines of Saturn. Saturn rules time and in the case of your aspirations, give yourself grace. Longevity is a big part of what you are working toward. Immediate results are unlikely. You may even feel there is a trade-off or sacrifice you may need to make in order to achieve what you hope for.

Use this Full Moon to start a new journey in your life direction or career. Go for a promotion, a new job, or even a career change. Put yourself up on a pedestal more and see your worth and value as it is in the light of day. Work on your long-term goals and start making moves to bring them to fruition. You have a lot of power in your hands right now. How are you going to use it?

Gemini & Gemini Rising

9th House | Experience 

Faith — a word that you must work with more. You must learn the power of having faith in yourself and taking a leap toward your goals and dreams. The Aquarius Full Moon brings the energy to nurture areas of growth in your life. There is a sense that your paths to growth, evolution, change, expansion and new territory are opening up. This can happen through education, spirituality, work, or even just your personal next steps. You have been sitting with “where do I go from here” for quite some time. This is your chance to make moves. Of course, that requires that keyword: Faith.

Perhaps you have been overthinking things lately or just not focusing – thus scattering your energy into too many things. Venus is under fire from Uranus, creating tension. Uranus sits in your 12th House. You are trying to talk things out, but you aren’t being heard. The 12th House rules all that’s hidden: secrets, dreams, subconscious energy, and even enemies. Someone may show you their true colors now — and not in the way you had anticipated.

Emotions will run high at this Full Moon, but know with Uranus in the 12th House like this, it will bring an ending. Maybe it is time to finally let go of something or someone in your life. Uranus wants you to trust your intuition more than anything. Saturn will oppose Mercury at this lunation, trying to keep things in order. It can feel heavy, but also help us with long-term planning. Even through the work you are doing in your career or public image, there is a dismantling, breakdown, or restructuring coming. You could feel limited in what you are able to share or speak upon. But ultimately, you know that are you building toward a long-term future goal. It may feel heavy at first, and not everyone is going to receive what you are doing well. However, do not let this be a deterrent. Saturn reminds us that in time everything will balance out. You have been here before in your life. The weight you feel will subside.

Use this Full Moon to truly believe in yourself, opening up the floodgates of potential. Take time, and see the sky’s the limit. You have to learn that some risks are worth the reward. You are itching to travel, go to new places, meet new people, or simply engage in new experiences overall. You are seeking a fresh start, and this Full moon can give it to you. What are you waiting for?

Cancer & cancer Rising

8th House | Intimacy 

It is time to get intimate. You have to face the shadow eventually, and right now, you are asked to see what has been hidden from view or deal with what has been left unchecked. The Full Moon shines a light in your 8th House. This is a time of transformation, change, and evolution – but also a time of healing and sharing the deepest parts of yourself with someone else. There is a level of fear that can be associated with this, understandably. You are very close-lipped about your emotional nature. But sometimes, stability requires sharing what lies beneath the foundation. Questions around worth, shared resources, sexuality, close partnerships, and money could come up now.

Uranus, a co-ruler to the Full Moon, is creating activity and little tension from your 11th House as it squares Venus. It seems that a friend, relationship, or dream is being questioned. They could be depleting your resources (emotional and financially), as well as having you think about the longevity of it all. If it is a dream, maybe you are trying to figure out how to fund it. Well, with Uranus — inspiration can come! If it is a friend or relationship, Uranus is much more unpredictable. It is hard to figure out the outcome, but know you must have open and honest communication. The 11th House, where Uranus is, rules the future. So, your future is coming into focus and something needs to be addressed that impacts that. It will take some tact and maybe overcoming the fears you hold to help you see things through.

Saturn is the other ruler of this lunation. It sits in tight opposition to Mercury. Here, it helps us seek grounding and focus in the chaos that is Uranus’s energy. It reminds us that in the uncertainty, we may have to let go a bit or seek out space for sharing how we really feel about a situation. Saturn brings you experiential wisdom, where you learn hands-on, or through the process. Be careful when traveling at this time, as Saturn could bring delays. In the pursuit of your goals, know that you will not see immediate results. You are creating foundations for the future.

Use this Full Moon to start a new cycle for yourself and embrace your shadows. Commune with your inner world and transmute grief into strength. Find new ways of investing or saving financially, but also investing in yourself. Work on getting more intimate with your needs — find the hidden power that lies within you. Form deeper bonds with those you trust.


Leo & Leo Rising

7th House | Relation 

The tone shifts from the New Moon to the Full Moon, where we focus on the “we.” Especially as your 7th House is coming into play under the energy of this Full Moon. From late 2020 through early this year, you had been dealing with Saturn going through your 7th House, restructuring your relations with others. This impacts how you engage in the world around you — and most importantly your one-on-one relationships. That period may be over, but this Full Moon brings an opportunity to make changes on the partnership front. This could look like anything, but the main factor here is that you have a choice. You can take things to the next level or choose to walk away. Some of you may be very happy in your relationship and seek to settle more into it. Others see that they may need to have conversations about reciprocity. Equality and level-setting seem to be coming up as well. This could be outside of romantic relationships – seeping into other personal or professional unions you have (friends, family, work).

Uranus squares Venus in your sign, creating electricity from your 10th House. There is something going on at work. There could be a restructure, a surprise, or a change in your career, office, work — or even in your own life direction! You may be questioning your vocation or might need to reframe your perspective to align with where you want to be. This could encompass working for yourself, changes to your personal life, or even a promotion. But whatever it is, Uranus is definitely bringing a call for attention — and possibly action. Know if something comes to an end, there will be something new that comes just as quickly. Uranus is the liberator, so you could be freeing yourself from the confines of your work and moving into a new field entirely (whether by your own accord or not). But it is unpredictable, so we have to roll with the punches with Uranus.

Saturn co-rules the lunation with Uranus, and it sits in an opposition to Mercury. Here, Saturn is a grounding force. Saturn may bring weight to feeling or shadow that sits in your heart, body, or soul. What feels like a limitation now is a point of power for you. This is a reclamation of sorts. Look your fear in the face, name it, and no longer let it control you. Saturn is helping you build long-term structures in the way you give and receive. But the requirement is to get intimate, real, and honest. The weight of the world is not on your shoulders. Put it down.

Use this Full Moon to start something new with other people in your life. Enact boundaries and keep them. Stand up for yourself. Form new relationships and alliances. Seek counsel and re-evaluate people who have been disrespecting your energy. Strengthen the partnerships that truly matter. Some of you may even decide to take your romantic relationship to the next level. Whatever you do, know that you will likely surprise those around you.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

6th House | Service 

This Full Moon is a call to connect with yourself, your body, and the world around you. You are asked to get organized. Sometimes, order can help you focus, and this energy is with you to get down to business. You can make turning points in your health and work while creating new routines and rituals that fit your needs now. If you need medical care, this Full Moon will highlight that. You should schedule routine visits and simply do what you can to honor your body overall. If you are looking for freelance work, a new job, or even just a lateral move, this Full Moon can help you too.

Uranus, a co-ruler of this lunation, is sitting in your 9th House, so you could be questioning your next leap in life— your next steps. Your goals and future are being reflected upon. Perhaps you are trying to find new ways to grow and this requires a shift in perspective. Morality and education will come up here. You will have to take a stance on something you believe in and not be afraid to share this viewpoint with others…even if it upsets them. You may also be facing a crisis of consciousness, trying to learn to have faith, even when you may doubt yourself. Uranus squares Venus, creating some tension.

Saturn, the other ruler of this Full Moon, will oppose Mercury. The relationships you establish or reinforce now will have longevity — including the relationship you have with yourself. It could be a good time to commit. There may also be a heaviness you feel around others and the processing of your own boundaries. You could feel disappointed by the actions of someone close to you. Ultimately, Saturn is creating a space for you to share with others exactly what you need.

Use this Full Moon to find new routines and regimens that work for you. Create daily practices that you can keep while maintaining your love of variety. Try new workouts and adhere to a healthier diet. You may be asked to let go of a bad habit or improve something in your life. Watch how much you take on and make time for rest and self-care. Take care of your body, and your needs, and know it is ok to nourish yourself too.

Libra & Libra Rising

5th House | Risk 

Full Moons are a time of illumination. This one comes in to remind you of your happiness, joy, and pleasure. It falls in your 5th House of creativity, conception, love, and children. You are asked to have the courage to be yourself and find ways to do things that set your heart on fire. This fiery area of your chart activates pleasure-seeking and learning to embrace our sense of expression. The Moon shines to bring about ways for you to take center stage. However, Venus (your ruler) is under siege by Uranus, throwing thunderbolts of electricity from your 8th House.

Uranus is in your 8th House of intimacy, shared resources, and healing. There needs to be a bit of a death…metaphorically of course. An outdated idea or mentality has to go so that you can actually achieve a dream. This also requires that you get intimate with yourself and others. Are you sharing the deepest parts of yourself? Do people know what is really going on behind the scenes? You can’t hide forever, and Uranus will have you feeling electric as you are itching to break out of your own skin. You have to be willing to confront your shadows or your demons. Seeking counsel will be important— even if it is just from a friend. You have to get out of your own way.

Saturn, a co-ruler of this lunation with Uranus, will be opposite Mercury. Saturn can have weighted energy. It is helping you restructure your routines and daily life. Saturn has been teaching you lessons on work/life balance and asking for you to know your limits and what you can take on. If you accept a new position or job, Saturn will ensure that this is a long-term choice, but it comes with more responsibility. Be aware of what you commit to. Understand the implications of the decisions you make. It is ok to take your time before rushing into anything.

Use this Full Moon to let loose and have a bit of fun! Work on finding your strengths and using them to your advantage. Follow your heart and your creativity — let it all flow. Get in touch with your inner child and open yourself up to new experiences. Most importantly, take time to stand out and shine radiantly! You deserve to be happy as much as anyone else does. It doesn’t make you selfish. It just makes you human. Have pride in who you are.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

4th House | Foundation 

This Full Moon falls in a Fixed sign like yours, so the energy will feel more potent for you. With a Fixed Full Moon, what we find can last for a long time. With it in Aquarius, it impacts areas of your life that need attention. This would be your 4th House of home, family, foundation, and roots. You may find that you are having to face familial matters you have been avoiding. Alternatively, you could be doing work around the home: buying, selling, moving, and redecorating. Whatever it is, it seems that you are sitting at the center of this space. There may be hiccups, as Venus will square off with Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of surprise, with an unpredictable nature. You may be shocked at what you discover around this Full Moon – particularly around your partnerships or closest one-on-one relationships. You may be ending a partnership (business or romantic) or be presented with something you had not considered before. Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem you were privy to the reaction or information. Of course, this could be a good surprise — as you never know with Uranus. Some of you may unexpectedly get a job offer, asked to be engaged, or take a relationship to the next level! With Uranus at play, it is best to not try to control the circumstances. This is a time to take a leap and see where it takes you, even if it shakes your sense of security. Keep in mind the 7th House, where Uranus is, rules all one-on-one relationships: business, familial, platonic, romantic, contractual, etc.

This Full Moon also comes with a strong opposition between Mercury and Saturn, one of the rulers of this lunation. Saturn has been teaching you lessons of actively giving yourself space to seek pleasure. Saturn may remind you of the value of doing things that make you happy. It can keep us grounded in the face of Uranus’s chaos. There may be some disappointments or recognitions around how you put your heart forward. You may need to carve out time for your joy and make long-term commitments to yourself in a new way. The heaviness you may feel now is temporary through the process of giving yourself what you need to feel loved.

Use this Full Moon to focus on your home and family life. Redecorate, renovate, or move. Try resolving past issues with family that may be residual or seek to create better boundaries with them. Take time away to rest and reflect on this lunation. Lean into your nostalgia a bit and make peace with the past. Open yourself up to ancestral guidance, learn more about your lineage and connect with those you love — living or deceased. Know that you create the security and safety you seek.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

3rd House | Understanding 

It’s that time again! The Full Moon is here! This one falls in Aquarius, shining a light on your 3rd House. The 3rd House rules communication, connection, understanding, local community, siblings, and writing. This is the area of our chart where we tell people who we are and where we process information. This Full Moon will have you with no shortage of ideas or things to say — but you may be feeling caught in analysis paralysis. Perhaps you have been overthinking things lately or just not focusing, thus scattering your energy into too many things. To add to the matter, Venus is under fire from Uranus, creating tension.

Uranus is sitting in your 6th House. Work or your daily life seems to be busier than ever, almost a little overwhelming. You have been running around with no clear direction. It is muddying what you hope for and causing you to not see the big picture…your goals. Uranus is creating changes with work, health, and routines. Some of these are outside your control. It could be feast or famine, or maybe you are just looking to free yourself from the norms you have always known. Uranus pushes you toward understanding that you can’t control the circumstances, but you can control the outcome. You need to reframe your security. If you are having health issues, take charge. Alternatively, if this is about lifestyle, then maybe you need to rethink how you go about your routines. Make health a priority so that you can live out your future goals.

Saturn co-rules this lunation with Uranus, where it will oppose Mercury. It grounds us from the chaotic nature of Uranus and here you reimagine your idea of home or your role within your family. Now, you are focused on creating a more sturdy foundation here. You may have to face a harsh reality in relation to your inner world or home space. What you thought brought you safety may no longer. Alternatively, you could explore a redefinition of family or home in your own right. Saturn pushes us toward long-term decisions. The energy will feel heavy around this Full Moon, but it is temporary.

Use this Full Moon to really lean into using your voice. Listen to what others have to say— but also share what you need or think. Start a new project or reach out to those around you. Connect with friends and siblings. Write down all of your ideas and seek adventure close to home. Be flexible, use what you know and adapt to the situations that are around you.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

2nd House | Worth 

This time of year can have your mind on finances. The Aquarius Full Moon always brings up questions about money, value, and worth. This is because the Moon goes through your 2nd House of income, self-worth, and material possessions. Actually, it seems that you could have the potential to make changes to how you earn money. You could be looking to bring in more or simply change your relationship with money. You may also have higher expenditures than normal. So, pay attention to your financial picture (especially with the Uranus square I will be talking about shortly). Alternatively, you could be making changes to your self-confidence and what you stand for or believe in. The last few years have seen you grow, evolving into a new person. Thus, you are making shifts in what you choose to find value in. What would you consider to be a tradition for you? What gives you a sense of worth? Don’t allow this to be tied to other people, as Uranus (see I told you we would get there) is squaring Venus.

Uranus is making things a little unpredictable. There is an air of uncertainty around this Full Moon. Uranus sits in your 5th House of expression, creativity, love, and self-confidence. You could feel that your confidence is shaky or that you are not expressing how you feel correctly. Uranus is itching to help you break free from limitations and choose to take that plunge, that leap. You have to put yourself out there, even if it seems hard so that people can see the real you…all of you. You can’t hide anymore. The ways in which you have made yourself small are coming to a head. Positively, this can be a very inspiring creative time for you! So lean into this aspect.

Saturn, your ruler, is in a prominent position at this lunation. It opposes Mercury, keeping you grounded and level-headed — but also adding to the restraint. It asks that you focus on what you say and how you are saying it. If you sign a contract, it could have a long-term impact. Saturn may also keep you feeling boxed in, which is where Uranus’s energy is conflicting. You could find that you are having a hard time sharing how you feel or even being heard. Understand that your voice is a point of power right now. Don’t quiet yourself in the face of criticism.

Use this Full Moon to open doors to new resources and focus on what you have and what you can gain. You may have to let go to receive. Seek alternative sources of income or money. Look to new pathways of earning. Confront your feeling of being unworthy. Hold yourself in high regard and own your value. Your talents bring you everything you want. You own, create, and hold all of the potential in your own hands.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

1st House | Independence 

It is your time, dear Aquarius! Don’t let anyone dim your light. This Full Moon is a call to come home back to yourself, finding clarity in your identity, and what you actually want in life. It falls in your 1st House of self. You are carving out a new space for you to be more…you. This is important, as you have been working hard the last many years to figure out what you actually want. Saturn had been in your sign making it difficult to get ahead without effort or hard work, but that period ended in March of this year. Saturn does co-rules this lunation now, so it asks you to put what you’ve learned to the test! It isn’t just that you have gained new insight, but what you actually do with it.

Uranus is in your 4th House, squaring off with Venus. So, it seems that you may feel pulled in two directions. You could have shifts coming at home that you were not privy to. There may be surprises that pop up, and in turn, this could place stress on you. This Full Moon makes alterations to how you view your family. Perhaps shifting your home/family itself (is there a new member coming, or is your family dynamic restructuring/changing?). You may feel the need to nest or ground yourself. This is a call to withdraw a bit. It is hard to tell what will happen, as Uranus is a planet of unpredictability. However, it is your co-ruler, so the outcome could be favorable for you. It helps you bring an end to something that may have been holding you back — or it could allow you to listen to your intuition more.

Saturn, our friend we spent time talking about, is in a tight opposition to Mercury. The energy here can feel binding. As if to say, whatever you start now will have a long-term impact on your resources and financial picture. This may create some pressure for you, however. So be mindful of the feelings you are placing on materiality and worth. You don’t need to make a passion or hobby a financial obligation. Actually, Saturn is helping you separate your feelings from your personal and professional life. You can leverage a talent in a way that creates a new type of security. It just requires some restructuring in how you feel about it.

Use this Full Moon to call back your power. Stand in your body and fully own who you are. Run for what you want and start a new cycle in your being. Seek wholeness in your identity and share yourself unapologetically. Give yourself space for freedom and open the doors to change. Don’t resist what unfolds, instead leap into it. Embrace the present. Own your shadow — and your light.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

12th House | Intuition 

It is time to withdraw a bit, Pisces. You know your time is coming, but this Aquarius Full Moon highlights a time to go within and take time to rest. It falls in your 12th House, bringing something to a close and asking for respite. You could be working behind the scenes on a project, finishing up something personal, or even just taking some time off. The 12th House asks for you to get in touch with your intuition and pay attention to your dreams. You could be re-engaging with a more spiritual and hidden aspect of yourself now. You are asked to have faith and let go of control. This is a timely message as Uranus comes in to create tensions at this Full Moon.

Uranus is in your 3rd House. So, it seems that you may get unexpected news that shakes you up a bit. There may be information that comes out that really changes your perspective. It may come from a friend, sibling, neighbor, or someone in your local community. Alternatively, you could be signing a contract or dealing with paperwork and discover something you had not found before. Make sure you read everything VERY carefully before you commit or put your name on the paper. Uranus can create some general anxiety, but the Sun and Venus in the 6th are helping you maintain focus — if you choose to control what you can. You may even get an unexpected offer for a job! Uranus is unpredictable, so it is hard to know how it will manifest in your life completely. One of the best ways Uranus can manifest is through inspiring ideas in your 3rd House. Uranus may push you to be more vocal or share — perhaps in ways you had not considered before.

Saturn has been teaching you lessons about letting go over the last few months. Saturn will oppose Mercury in Virgo, your polar sign. Here you are told to really remain grounded, secure, and focused. Saturn wants to know that you are unshakeable, and it grants you the ability to be just that. It offers you a chance to recognize how resilient you are — even in your gentleness. This is a fine time to refine how you see yourself and what you want out of life. The decisions you make may feel life-altering or heavy. But in reality, they will evolve as you do. Know that some things will take time, as Saturn rules time. So try not to seek immediate gratification.

Use this Full Moon to slow down and focus on completion. Take time for rest, reflection, and respite. Turn your attention to what needs to be addressed and seek resolution. Close doors on what no longer holds value in your life — let go of limitations. Ease into the spiritual space and commune with your spirit. Give yourself forgiveness, grace, and peace. You deserve it now.

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