Pisces New Moon Miniscopes


Pisces New
Moon Miniscopes

Boundless Opportunities.

The New Moon falls at 20º Pisces, 5:00 AM ET on March 10th. This is a Pisces New Moon, where we will think about our hopes and inner desires. We can consider this a time to ask ourselves what we are of service to and what we sacrifice to be of that service. The archetype of Pisces is both the savior and the victim. Perhaps we don’t always need to save others, and, similarly so, we don’t always need to be saved. The recognition of our vulnerability is a strength, not a crutch, which keeps us from falling into martyrdom.

Our intuition will be heightened during this lunation, especially with Mercury sextile Pluto and so close to Neptune. Together they are asking us to be guided by the unseen and tap into our more mystical side. This is enhanced by the whimsical sextile of the Sun, Moon, and Uranus.

Jupiter leads this New Moon and works well with Saturn. It is a call to expand and grow in ways we have feared before this moment. Jupiter asks that we leap into the vast ocean of the unknown. We will be lost in our own worlds, blurring the boundaries between reality and surreality. Our dreams come to life, like a tangible poem. Don't fear what you can't see. Trust your feelings.

But even in the most surreal of moments, reality will set in — and sometimes it can feel harder to deal with. The Sun and Moon may work well with Uranus, but Mars creates a little chaos. Mars and Uranus push us outside of our comfort zones, and not always in a way we’d like. This energy has us acting more impulsively or trying to push something that is not ready to form just yet.

This is the final New Moon of the Astrological Year and the final lunation before eclipse season. Watch what pieces of you have rotted away or are starting to decompose. Do not consider this a bad omen. Instead, bury those pieces in the ground and use them to nourish the ground you walk on. Life comes from death — and what you leave behind sets the groundwork for what is to come.

Watch the months following this lunation and remain open to any opportunity that comes your way. You determine your growth. If you believe it to be possible, it is. Never lose sight of that.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 15º to 25º, you will feel the effects of this New Moon the most. Especially those with strong Mutable placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.

Before reading this, I always wanted to share that I have written a personal reflection on this year, this New Moon, and some of my own feelings that I have been sitting with. If you feel so inclined, you can read that here: Personal Note 2024


Aries & Aries Rising

Aries, it is time to turn in a bit more. This New Moon comes to remind you that rest is important, and now is the time to tie up loose ends. This lunation will impact your 12th House, where the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Neptune are all sitting. What awaits you in the quiet moments?

The 12th House rules solitude, rest, endings, and spirituality. During this time, you can finish up the projects you are working on behind the scenes and focus on restoration. This New Moon is meant to help you prepare for the new cycle that will begin as the Sun will move into your sign (or rising sign) on March 20th. The pile-up in Pisces will be a good one for you as you tap into your intuition more and let go of what is no longer serving you. You can begin a new spiritual path or open the doors to a new understanding outside of yourself. Feelings can come to the surface — and your dreams may be more prophetic than usual.

Jupiter leads this lunation. It sits in your 2nd House, showing you ways in which you can grow your self-worth and your resources. For the next few months, there may be more abundant financial opportunities or chances to reallocate what you already have. You can work through feelings of scarcity. Jupiter and Saturn will work well together, bringing something from the past back around. You may decide to rethink an idea you have or reconnect with someone. You could also be actively moving through old habits or patterns that keep you stagnated.

Uranus is a key player at this lunation. It works well with the Sun and Moon but squares Mars. Here we must discern intuition versus anxiety. The Sun and Moon in prophetic Pisces want you to feel your way through things and follow the threads of whimsy, but Mars can add some chaos. Try not to get caught up in the whirlwind of uncertainty, but listen to what you need. Learn to trust yourself and know that your path is nonlinear.

Use this New Moon to unwind, open up, and release. You are beginning again, and this is the last leg of the year for you. Consider what doesn’t deserve your time and energy anymore. Close those doors and make space for what the future holds. The best is yet to come.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

People have your back, more than they have in quite a while! This New Moon is an excellent reminder that your friends and colleagues are there to help you. You are not alone, and you never have been. People are coming to your aid and making sure that whatever you seek will come to fruition.

There are a host of planets in your 11th House of friendships, hopes and dreams. The future is on your mind, and it is looking lovely. Neptune will have you daydreaming of what could be and will be. Venus will be there finishing its transit, and the Sun and Moon will pick up where it left off. This is a wonderful time to reconnect with friends and loved ones. This is also a day to dream your wildest dreams of what the next few years might hold for you. There is a feeling that perhaps you need to be more open or receptive to the ways in which you can receive personal blessings. The 11th House tells us that we are connected: to people, places, ideas, and the greater world around us — even the unseen. You can’t lose that connection, for you may lose hope. Quite literally, your future is in your hands.

Jupiter leads this lunation and is currently sitting in your sign. It links up with Saturn and helps to expand your horizons. Its support aids Saturn and helps you find grounding energy in your community in the process of your personal growth. Jupiter’s benefic energy will motivate you. There is a sense of maintaining perspective and staying true to your desires and aspirations. Don’t allow them to be clouded by anyone or anything else.

Uranus, in your sign, positively reaches out to the Sun and Moon creating some exciting, spontaneous moments for you. You could receive some unexpected news or connect with people in a new way! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Mars will square Uranus, however, so there could be some tension on the work front. You may feel overwhelmed or overloaded with responsibilities. This is only temporary. Don’t let it color your experiences now.

Use this New Moon to chat with friends, start an organization or join a networking group (even virtually)! It seems like there is no end in sight to what you can achieve and the potential you possess. The last few weeks have been very tough for you. Now, you have a breath of fresh air. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help. Speak up, speak out, and watch for unexpected surprises!

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Where do you want to be? What does a career mean to you? This New Moon will bring to focus your work and your profession, potentially even your life direction. If you want to make changes to your job, this New Moon will wholly support you. Really this is setting the stage for a new cycle in your life.

There are 4 planets in your House of career, 10th House — and you have so much working for you now! Neptune will make sure that whatever you are working toward is a dream come true, just don’t get blinded by misinformation. Saturn, luckily, will be there to rescue you and keep you from getting caught in the fog. If you want to work for yourself, you have everything you need at your fingertips. Just make sure to read over ANY contract you have to sign VERY closely. If you get a promotion or a new job, this is even more so reinforced. Saturn will also prompt you to re-evaluate how you are seen by the “public” or those around you. There is something to be said about emerging with a new look, image, or even branding. If you work for others, you may find this to be a turning point in your career this year — alluding to what the next few years may bring to you.

Jupiter has been sitting in your 12th House for quite a few months, and it has been allowing you to play in the fields of your inner sanctum. Intuitively and emotionally, you are growing. In many ways, you are not quite ready to emerge out of this expansive cocoon, but you will be soon (peep Jupiter in Gemini starting May 25th). Jupiter will inspire Saturn in your 10th House. There is a fair amount of recognition and empowerment between these two energies.

Uranus acts as a point of liberation for you, as it reaches out to the Sun and Moon. It seeks to the world a new version of you that is bursting at the seams to come to life. However, with Mars square Uranus, there can be some tension. Not everyone is going to like this “new you”, but it isn’t for them to like. You can’t judge yourself on other’s perspectives. Instead, you have to fight for your right to be witnessed as you are — and truly for who you are.

Use this New Moon to get ahead and find a job or direction in life that inspires you and makes you happy. Dreams do come true. If you are self-employed, this New Moon will be amazing for you. Be open to what comes your way and watch how the unexpected unfolds into something more meaningful.

Cancer & cancer Rising

The ways you grow, expand and change are fruitful and worthy of your attention. There is beauty in your everyday life, and you get to take hold of all that you have created and push past every limitation that may stand in your way now. How do you allow yourself to see that possibilities are endless? How can you cultivate more faith in where you are going?

This New Moon falls in your 9th House of exploration, expansion, education, and growth. You are no longer in a stalemate. The doors are open, the light is shining, and you get to take that leap of faith. You have not experienced this energy in quite a while. This New Moon only happens once a year. So, whatever you want to go for — now is the time (even in the small and gentle ways). You can connect with people of all different cultures and challenge your own beliefs to change your perspective on life. If you want to go for a certificate or schooling, you have the support now. If you feel that something is a bit risky, maybe it is more plausible than you realize. Some of you may travel around this time, while others are deepening their spiritual practices. It seems that you are a bit more insatiable when it comes to learning, perfecting, mastering and exploring. Consider this your reminder that the sky's the limit.

Jupiter leads this New Moon from your 11th House. Friendships are expansive and inspiring. People are showing up for you left and right! It seems that you are being shown how truly loving your community is and can be. It works well with Saturn in your 9th House, keeping you on your toes. There is something to the spontaneity now. Perhaps this is a time of adventure — seeing where things go as you take a leap of faith. Be careful of self-doubt or hidden information. Don’t allow that to deter you from exploring or reaching new heights.

Uranus works well with the Sun and Moon, meaning that there is an exciting and electrifying energy building up at this lunation. Whatever you begin will move with gusto, power, and direct motion. Don’t keep yourself small now, even with Mars square Uranus — which can have you feeling like you’ve lost pieces of yourself. Uranus’s relationship with the luminaries tells you that things aren’t lost, but instead only emerging in ways we don’t know yet. Let the old pieces of you die so that the ground is fertile for what’s to come.

Use this New Moon to see that life holds endless possibilities. There are no limitations when you choose to expand beyond every horizon and know that the future lies in your hands. Re-ignite lost inspiration and know you are fully supported when you risk it all for your growth. Try not to hold onto old patterns or ways of doing things. Open yourself up to what could and will be.


Leo & Leo Rising

You may be facing your fears now. This New Moon in Pisces will fall in your 8th House, so whatever you will or have uncovered, will bring to light what has been holding you back. For many, it will be fears of loss, loneliness, and/or intimacy. However, it seems that this is bringing a breakthrough for you. You no longer want to be limited by your fears. Instead, you want to see the world in a new way and heal. You are regenerating your own internal energy and rising up stronger than ever. This is especially true as four planets travel this area of your chart.

You are seeing the talents and strengths that have not always been obvious to you. The 8th House also rules money outside of income. So, you may receive a surprise aid, financial gift, or bonus that you were not expecting right now. Understand the terms of the money that shows up. If you are looking for additional resources, Venus will help you in gaining that. This could come in terms of a loan, tax refund, credit, investment, etc. Alternatively, this New Moon can bring a chance for you to explore your ideas around intimacy, sexuality and your own innate power — perhaps how you share these things and what you keep for yourself. So, as the Sun and Moon connect in your 8th House, just remember who you are and what you are made of.

Jupiter rules this New Moon and sits in your 10th House. It seems so much of your growth is happening externally and even visibly to others. Your work and career are on fire — people are taking notice of you. Jupiter works well with Saturn in your 8th House — so there may be a financial opportunity directly related to your work or reputation that comes in as a result, too.

The Sun and Moon work well with Uranus, which means you could also receive unexpected news regarding a project, a higher-up, or a new role/responsibility. This bodes well for you! However, there is someone who isn’t exactly rooting for you in the process. Mars squares Uranus, and this can create some tension. Watch for how others celebrate (or don’t) your successes and be mindful of whom you keep in your circle. This aspect can also remove someone from your life that isn’t supporting your overall growth.

Use this lunation to focus on getting intimate with yourself or a partner. Work on shedding old skin and recuperation. Find alternative resources that could be available to you. Heal the wounds that hold you back. Share in ways that nourish you. Remind yourself of your power. Rebirth comes as we let old pieces of ourselves die. Nothing lasts forever, but on the other side of this comes a brand-new cycle — a brand-new adventure.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

What an absolute dream of a New Moon for you. This New Moon opposes your sign, highlighting you and others, your relationships and understanding of the world outside of you. This heavy influence of Pisces energy can be helpful to push you to believe in yourself and others more. It is time to hang up that critical hat and know that not everything can be done alone now.

With this lunation falling in your 7th House, some of you may get engaged, married, or make a stronger commitment. Others of you may end a relationship, but it only reinforces your ability to love yourself more. Just know that a one-on-one relationship is coming into a strong focus. This New Moon could simply even impact a close friendship or business partnership. You are being uplifted by others. You are loved and being shown how loved you are. If you are attached, use this energy to get closer to someone. You could be tasked with reinforcing boundaries, keeping connections alive, or recognizing how your actions impact those around you. This is a social New Moon for you, too. So reach out to those you trust! Connection is at the heart of everything over the next few weeks.

Jupiter will have a strong influence on this lunation as it transits your 9th House. Feelings of longing for exploration and travel will be strong. There is a hunger for more and to expand or grow. Saturn will support Jupiter and show you that others want to see you grow, too. In many ways, your close relationships will be important. The one-on-one dynamics you create can be a place of adventure if you allow it to be. Commitments can prove to be supportive.

Uranus works well with the Sun and Moon, adding some spontaneity and whimsy to the lunation! You could be asked to break the mould and move outside your comfort zone. This is not a time to think small — as new ideas can come at the speed of light! Mars squares Uranus, however, which can create some tension or chaos. You may be trying to control too much at once, and you will learn quickly that the over-responsibility is not helping your well-being. Release the need to have everything in order and let things flow as they need to right now.

Use this New Moon to build and establish boundaries in your relationships. Also, work on cultivating stronger foundations in those relationships. This is an ideal time for coupling, committing, and/or communing. See how things flow. Share where you can. You can truly mirror and reflect the power in yourself to others. Tell people who you are– and listen when they tell you.

Libra & Libra Rising

Are you listening to your body? How are your daily routines? What sorts of practices are you taking part in that are nourishing you? This New Moon will highlight your 6th House of health, work, and routines. This is an excellent time to integrate better self-care into your life. You can enact stronger boundaries and focus on the details in life that support you further. If you want to start a new workout routine or try a new wellness program, this New Moon is perfect for this!

Some of you may be busier than you have been over the last few weeks, and now you are starting a new phase in your work. So, be mindful of your work/life balance. If you have had a health scare pop up, make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Get all the appointments you need. If you have had some work issues or chaos ensues, try working out the kinks to have things run smoother. There is actually a lot of positive energy around this lunation, so even in the busyness, there seem to be golden moments. It is likely there will be changes or growth to your work environments or responsibilities. Many of you may be making lateral moves, taking on new projects or clients, and/or changing your working situation overall in some way.

Jupiter will inspire this New Moon as the leader. It reaches out to Saturn and could bring a lucrative or profitable project/client your way. Additionally, if you need a medical procedure done or need a check-up, this energy supports you. Long-term, grounded wellness practices can be adhered to now, as can anything that creates more work/life balance. Be realistic about how much you are taking on and be ok with saying no.

The Sun and Moon work well with Uranus, adding some unexpected and delightful moments around this lunation. It seems that you or your partner may receive some positive financial news and/or have some important relational breakthroughs. Mars will square Uranus, however, which can create temporary chaos. It may be that you are not seeing something clearly or are too reactive right now. Try to take a step back and allow things to unfold as they need to. The Sun and Moon will help to ease anything you are feeling.

Use this New Moon to turn your attention to your work, health, and everyday life. If you need to make a change or want more flexibility, make it happen! You could be looking to make updates to your job, impact your lifestyle habits, or shake up your routines. This is all about being grounded in what is happening in the present. Slow down and be more intentional.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

It is time to explore the fun in life, perhaps even your sexy or playful side! This New Moon is in a fellow Water sign, and this beautiful alignment gifts you with endless possibilities. It is time to tap into your creative reserves and let loose.

It will fall in your 5th House of love, creativity, children, and pleasure. So, now is a time to connect with your child self and find new ways to have fun! This is about taking risks for yourself in new ways. If you have hobbies, this New Moon will bring you boundless joy from them. If you want to have kids, this New Moon can be very helpful in the process. Some of you may meet a new potential partner, so know that your attraction is high! Many planets are well aligned at the New Moon to make sure that you are magnetic. If you are attached, you may find ways to bring some added spice into your relationship. Honestly, this New Moon is just so joyous for you! With the 5th House being impacted, we learn that the world is our oyster, and we can manifest our heart’s desires. But that is the thing, it must be from the HEART. You have to be confident and bold in your intentions and actions!

Jupiter is the leader of this lunation, and it sits in your 7th House. It seems that you have a support network — specifically certain people showing up as important relationships. In many ways, your growth is through external encouragement. Jupiter is supported by Saturn, which is reminding you of your joy, passion, and happiness. Right now, those are areas that deserve to be celebrated and explored. Find groundedness in what makes you happy.

The Sun and Moon positively reach out to Uranus, which adds some exciting and spontaneous energy to the lunation. This is a time to circulate, get out, meet people, and be more open in your affections/desires. Explore new hobbies and allow yourself to have some personal freedom! Mars does square Uranus, however, so you may have some things going on at home that make you feel less inclined to get out. But don’t let that stop you! The chaos or strife you feel with your home life will pass.

Use this New Moon to embrace your inner child and make room for play and joy. Seek creativity and happiness. Listen to your heart more and let loose. You have a chance to express yourself in a new way. Don’t hide pieces of who you are. Ease up a bit more and really just take things one step at a time. It feels like brighter days are around you right now.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Home, foundation, roots. These are words that are going to be echoing and true for you, especially around this New Moon in Pisces. There are 4 planets all working together to help you in finding your dream home or connecting with your own family/lineage. It seems that you are moving, renovating, buying/selling a home or even establishing stronger ties to your family (or chosen family). Whatever it is, it is all working out perfectly.

It feels like a literal homecoming for you in some way. You may be looking to nourish your emotional well-being more than normal, and the practices you begin will create beautiful foundations for the future. This is a call to root yourself a bit and explore your emotional nature. Family, home, and ancestral connections are all part of this journey. Work through the past and leave behind the memories that haunt you. Take time to nourish your inner foundations. This is especially true as the New Moon lights up your 4th House. Even if you aren’t moving, you are definitely making your house a home. The four planets in your 4th House are suggesting that you are looking to expand or grow your family or space — and there could be gifts waiting for you as you do.

Jupiter will lead this lunation from your 6th House. You will see an influx of work or projects now. Additionally, there may be some new routines or regimens emerging for you. Health-wise, Jupiter is supportive, asking that you shake up your wellness practices. Saturn reaches out to Jupiter positively, suggesting that family and home-related matters are contributing to some ease in your life right now. Perhaps it is your inner-circle support that is making other things possible for you. Don’t turn a blind eye!

The Sun and Moon reach out to Uranus positively, adding some exciting and unexpected joy to this lunation. This energy is supportive for moving furniture around or going on a family trip — if even just for a spontaneous picnic! The barriers in your inner sanctum can be lifted now, too. Anything that felt heavy from the past is slowly starting to melt away. Mars does square Uranus, however, and this does add a little chaos into the mix. This may come from misguided or misdirected behaviors. Perhaps expectations were not met or you are being confronted with a conversation that needs to be had.

Use this New Moon to focus on your rest. Pull yourself in and withdraw a bit. Reflect on the past and make peace with your journey. Reach out to your family (given and/or chosen) or loved ones. Update your space or make changes to your living situation. Your home is your heart right now. Good things are coming from it.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Words have power, and your ideas are on fire. Your mind could be rapidly moving from one idea to the next, and you are working through so many exciting new projects. There is a stellium of planets in your 3rd House of communication. So no matter what, sharing what is on your mind is important.

You are more shy to speak up, but this New Moon is encouraging you to do it. You have to be willing to open up and let whatever is going on in your head be known. You will be recognized and elevated as a result. Neptune will you have psychically sensing the world around you, while Saturn may even bring in some monetary gain as a result of one of your ideas. So, don’t wait. Take action. There is a feeling that the local community will be important, too. So with whom are you connecting? What are people saying about you? This is about perception — but more about how you are telling your own story. At this New Moon, consider what pieces of your story need to be shared more openly. Touch base with people who can give you new ideas or help to adjust your perspective. If it is encouragement that you need, it is there waiting for you. Ask for it. Seek it. Validation isn’t always a bad thing — it reinforces what you know to be true.

Jupiter will be influential at this lunation, as it transits your 5th House. Creativity, children, fun, and joy are all top of mind. In many ways, you are exploring new ways to welcome more happiness and lightness into your life. Saturn will support Jupiter, as it gifts you the ability to speak up and share what you have on your mind. A sibling, neighbor, friend or colleague may really show up for you now. Ground yourself in the important relationships you have and allow your self-expression to flourish.

Uranus is a key player, as it reaches out to the Sun and Moon positively. You may find yourself very creatively inspired or like you are wanting to bring more fun into your life. Follow those threads! You deserve to have a bit more ease and pleasure. Of course, Mars does square Uranus, adding a bit of uncertainty. So you could feel bound by obligation or have a sudden expense that makes you feel less inclined to be more relaxed. This is just temporary — and in some cases, it may even be a false alarm. Try not to let it derail you.

Use this New Moon to practice what you preach and balance. Ask for advice and chat about your ideas. Reach out to people in your life to connect. Reprioritize what you are doing and create less “busyness” in your life. Your words hold power. Community is important. Learn, adapt, and integrate.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Money is on the mind more than it has been in a long time. The last few months have been tough for you, but now we are turning a new leaf. This New Moon opens financial opportunities for you. Meaning, that what you start now will bring in a greater sense of wealth and abundance. This could also be a call to pay attention to where you are spending — your time, your money, and your resources.

If you are looking for a job, this New Moon will have offers ready for you or show you new positions that opened up. If you work for yourself, clients will be coming in or new financial relationships are formed. On top of this, you are really coming to terms with what wealth means to you. Are you emotionally and spiritually wealthy? Where does your self-worth tie into this? Is your value in what you own and what you make? Is it outside of that? Now, you can decide. This is yours and yours alone. With your 2nd House being highlighted, anything that involves ownership and value holds power. This is about feeling self-reliant and strong in who you are and what you have. Don’t let money rule your life, but find a place where you can feel comfortable.

Jupiter is touring your 4th House and leads this lunation. It reminds you that growth can be quiet, internal, and emotional. Jupiter has been helping you make changes to your home and family — while expanding the ideas of what your traditions can be. Saturn supports Jupiter at this time, bringing a financial opportunity to you. There may be money needed for a home project or even a small bonus or raise that shows up. Additionally, you could feel good about using some money you had set aside. Alternatively, this energy could suggest family being there and reinforcing your self-worth/value.

Your modern ruler, Uranus, plays a big role in this New Moon. It positively reaches out to the Sun and Moon, suggesting that an unexpected project or resource can show up now! It may be something that you were not expecting but in a good way. You may find yourself feeling like this could ease some of the burdens you have been feeling. However, with Mars in your sign square Uranus, it may also feel like you need to fight a bit to enjoy whatever the resource is. Some obligations at home or with family may diminish the value of what you are receiving.

Use this New Moon to focus on your self-worth and your resources. Change how you see value in what you do. Ask for what you deserve and provide yourself a seat at the table. Own up to your talents and be proud of how far you have come. You are secure.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

A new year, a new cycle, a new chance. This New Moon is so promising, and there is nothing you can’t do. You are floating along in a golden ray of light that is shining on you right now. Truly, the world is your oyster. You are standing out, standing up, and being as bright as can be.

With a New Moon in your 1st House, you are focusing on yourself for the first time in a long time. Your identity, your needs, your confidence, and your ability to be bold. This is a new era for you, so take a stand and do what inspires you most. Neptune is your co-ruler and ensures you are making dreams come true. Whatever you create will be a pure success. Take advantage of this New Moon and put yourself first, please. It is a once-a-year opportunity to be in the limelight. This is about your independence, drive, motivations, identity, and things that set you apart from others. You are asked to take up space — to no longer sit like a wallflower waiting your turn. You are invited to take a seat at the table, but more host that damn dinner! Consider this your power moment, where anything your heart desires can be yours with a little motivation! Don’t shy away from opportunities that come up. Take the lead. Take initiative. Run with newfound confidence toward your goals.

Jupiter is the leader of this New Moon, and it sits in your 3rd House. There is expansion and growth in your words and how you relate or connect with others. You may be filling your time more, being invited out, and/or seeing the pace of life pick up a bit. There is also a feeling that community support is with you if you ask for it. Saturn is helping Jupiter from your sign, and it points to how you show more of your authentic self. You are reforming your identity and becoming a new person. Right now, that is being generously delivered to those closest to you — and people are seeing how far you have come.

The Sun and Moon in your sign reach out to Uranus positively. In this case, unexpected news or information can come your way, but it is likely very welcomed! You could find that you are excited by what arises. This could be a contract or agreement, too. Conversations are lively and electric! Mars does square Uranus, however, so there may be a need to find some closure now, too. In the promise of something new, something else may need to end. So this energy asks that you prioritize and pay attention to what you may have to let go.

Use this New Moon to focus on yourself and your growth fully. Leverage your resilience, your softness, your grace, and your strength. Find what fuels you and drives you forward. Listen to your heart and make room for your passions. Desire can take you far. You can walk into the spotlight now. It is time to be seen.

AstroStyle Book Pre-Order

What is the AstroStyle Book?

The intersection of astrology and life on Earth is as simple as living and breathing for me. I see the stars in the way I move and the things I create. The constellations drawn across the very fabric of the clothes I wear. I adorn myself in their brilliant light and wear them with pride. I use astrology in mundane life, finding ways to make meaning of their luminescence in the everyday. I blend lifelong passions and work with astrology to create a seamless integration, furthering my connection with the cosmic energy that extends far beyond us. As above, so below.

I have spent many years styling and working in the industry to see the connections come to life in real time. It is a combination of over a decade of work, where the idea is to make the abstract more tangible. Consider AstroStyle your own personal styling experience that has been written in the stars.

AstroStyle will get you thinking about fashion and personal style "from above" by revealing how your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs can serve as the foundation for building a look that’s uniquely your own.

Featuring inspirational mood boards that correspond to each sign of the zodiac and in-depth discussions of palmistry and tarot, AstroStyle offers a hyper-personalized exploration into how each element, sign, house, and placement can affect your style. Along the way, you’ll learn to connect more deeply with your innermost self as you explore the possibilities of dressing based on the movements of the universe.


anthony perrotta