Libra Lunar Eclipse Miniscopes


Libra LUnar
Eclipse Miniscopes

Equilibrium in the Ether.

The Lunar Eclipse falls at 5º Libra, 3:00 AM ET on March 25th. Aries Season can always run hot and bring that fiery passion into our lives; however, there is a duality just like everything in life. We will find ourselves with a Full Moon in Libra every Aries Season, reminding us of the balance in life. Libra is the scales: airy, cool, and rational—helping to soothe and direct the fire within.

The Full Moon in Libra is quite active this year, as it is the first of two eclipses this season. There is a level of unearthing and empowerment that can come from this lunation, especially as the Moon will trine Pluto. Pluto is now moving through Aquarius, and it will ask us to face fears and confront things that have remained hidden, especially regarding how we relate and connect with others.

Venus leads this eclipse, sitting in its exaltation of Pisces and in mutual reception to Jupiter in Taurus. Venus works with both Jupiter and Uranus positively to bring some exciting news or positive outcomes. The Venus/Jupiter sextile reminds us that growth is at the heart of everything and that can inspire us in new ways –– especially with Uranus's involvement, supporting us to shake out of outdated mentalities.

Venus also joins Saturn, perhaps pushing us to plant seeds and nourish the garden where fears once grew. Saturn's close partnership is welcomed, getting us to be realistic. It may bring a bit of heavy energy around this Lunar eclipse though. Yet, it can also allow us to maintain focus or determination as we start this astrological new year. Slow and steady wins the race right now. Be intentional, especially with your values.

Use this eclipse to release any pain in your heart, and unfold yourself toward the beauty of the unknown. Libra rules relationships and partnerships, so we crave connections and having the lines of communication open and flowing. Anything established or released now will be lasting. In life, there is always a give and take. Honor this reciprocity while never compromising your value and worth. This Lunar eclipse is like the flowers that bloom in Spring, full of promise and signs of greater days ahead.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 0º to 10º, you will feel the effects of this eclipse the most. Especially those with strong Cardinal placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.


Aries & Aries Rising

It is your season, and the Sun is happily shining in its dignity (your sign). This eclipse is a good reminder for you to find that inner balance and harmony. Things can feel go go go, but the Libra energy can cool you down a bit.

This Lunar eclipse may have your mind on your relationship, others in your life, and close connections. How are things faring for you? Some of you may seek to bring a relationship or partnership to the next level, while others may decide to walk away from one. Keep in mind that this can be non-romantic. Whatever it is, it seems to be working for you. You are seeing how important connections are and how others can increase your sense of self-awareness. The idea of reciprocity becomes really big for you around this time. You are called to pay attention to how you exchange energy with those around you. Who takes too much? Who doesn’t? Where do you need to maintain boundaries? Where can you be more flexible?

Venus leads this lunation from your 12th House, perhaps bringing a matter to a close. It reaches out to Uranus and Jupiter to give a little jolt of excitement around this time. Perhaps there is some unexpected financial news that may arise for you. In addition, with Venus conjunct Saturn, this concept of “closure” feels really important. Are you seeking it and with whom? Venus’s transit through a hidden part of your chart may bring up unresolved feelings or highlight what in your heart needs to be held closer. Nothing gold can stay, but while you have it, it can shine brilliantly. Find pleasure in the quiet moments you have right now.

Use this eclipse to focus on your relationships, whether with yourself or others. Try to make connections that feel inspiring and exciting. Recommit to someone or something and restore a balance in your life. Re-engage with people from the past and rework a long-term goal! You may have to be a little more patient than normal to see any of your intentions or actions develop from this lunation.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Happy Lunar eclipse, Taurus! There is energy flowing and swelling in you, pushing you to focus on your boundaries and your everyday life. It seems as though your attention is shifting to work and finding ways to be more gentle to your body.

The eclipse will highlight your 6th House. So, this can be a great time to get your health together and place priority on your own needs. You may find that you are very busy around this Full Moon, so ensure that you are taking the proper time to rest. You are probably noticing that you’re going back and combing through work you thought should have been completed by now. Alternatively, you could be really trying to get a project completed. Work/life balance seems a bit off right now. One of the big focuses of the 6th House is how you can update, change, or restructure your own routines and daily rituals. If you have something going on health-wise or just need a check-up, schedule it for around now!

Venus, your ruler, leads this lunation from your social sector!With it reaching out to both Jupiter and Uranus, it seems that you may be invited places or have a surprise bit of information come up from a friend. Alternatively, you could be the one who creates the surprise! Venus is exalted, working at its best form, so it seems that you are busy and in demand. Venus joins Saturn as well, which can create a bit of a heaviness during this time, too. The busyness can start to feel obligatory or like a burden if you aren’t careful. This is a good reminder to know your limits and manage your expectations.

Use this eclipse to make changes to your diet, exercise regime, and routines. Maybe go back to a practice that you have not engaged with in a while. You could be reworking projects or paperwork at work, or simply rehashing old issues that arise. If you have had talks of a promotion or growth in your career, those will come back around now, too. Try not to control outcomes right now. Let it unfold and wait.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

An eclipse in an Air sign is just what you were looking for! For the last few lunations, you have been feeling more focused on all work and no play. This eclipse is about to (rapidly) change things as it shines brightly from your 5th House!

This feels like the perfect time to get re-inspired. Now is the time to engage with your inner child and be open to possibility. What do you find pleasure in? What makes you happy? Let’s try diving in with both feet and find the space where you can live on the brighter side of life. Your creativity will be at a peak, and it will be as if a bountiful life force is flowing from you! This also invites you to bring passion, excitement, and a little fun back into your life. This lunation can be super thrilling for you if you really lean into it. Conception and children may also come up around this time, as well. Consider this an eclipse where you could feel full of life!

Venus leads this lunation from your 10th House, so there is still “work to do.” However, it feels more light, easy, or there is a general sense of being valued. Venus is exalted and joyfully traveling through the most public area of your chart. It reaches out to Uranus and Jupiter causing a bit of a stir, but not negatively so. You sort of ready for new growth opportunities or to get a move on from something that is no longer working for you. Venus will ask you to follow your values first and foremost. Venus does join hands with Saturn around this eclipse, so you may also have to face some reality. In the process of living out your dreams or working on your aspirations, there are still details to manage and level-setting that may need to happen. Start small and let things grow from there.

Use this eclipse to get back in touch with what you love. Focus on play, rest, and creating. Re-explore old hobbies and games. Make space for what makes you happy. Talk to your inner child and also give love to the actual kids in your life. Remember that you keep the fire in your heart going. Even in the darkest moments, it can be a source of warmth and inspiration.

Cancer & cancer Rising

Eclipse season is back, and this time it is presenting you with some options! This Lunar eclipse will feel very natural for you, as it falls in your 4th House, which is the house you rule. So, your attention will be on your home, family, and emotional well-being.

You may find that your emotions are running more full than usual, yet the release will feel so good when you can let them go. You are finally ready to let go of the past and no longer be held down by what was. Instead, you are seeing the potential in what is and could be. If you want to buy, sell or rent a new space, this eclipse will have you ready to do so! You may also do some freshening up around your home: redecorating, renovations, etc. Alternatively, the 4th House can signify an ending. So, you may be closing the door on something that has been taking up too much of your time and energy. With eclipses, we sometimes have to be shown what needs our attention before we act. So give yourself some time if you need it.

Venus is the ruler of this eclipse, and it is so sweetly positioned for you. It is in a fellow water sign, Pisces, and is considered in its exaltation. This means it sits in your 9th House, helping you find value in the realms of possibility and potential. It is not always easy to know when or how to take a risk, but you really seem to have a lot of support — more than you realize. Venus reaches out to Uranus and Jupiter in your 11th House, bringing an important figure or community members to your aid. Someone may shock you with how they show up for you right now. Don’t be bashful. Accept whatever comes your way. Saturn will link up with Venus, too, which means that you are really getting grounded and committed to a long-term goal or idea. If you are publishing, writing, going to school/taking a course, working on a visa, or traveling, this energy will help you significantly.

Use this eclipse to focus on your home. Look for property. Put your home on the market. Move. Redecorate. Change your space. But with Venus’s influence, there is so much beauty and potential harmony to come from this eclipse. Family will figure strongly, as will your emotional foundations. Take care of your heart and spend time withdrawing. Answers come more clearly toward the end of Aries season.


Leo & Leo Rising

What could be better than a joyful eclipse in compatible Libra for you? This Lunar eclipse is an interesting one, shining in your 3rd House of communication, contracts, and local community. It seems that you may be finalizing a small project or working on something that is getting ready to wrap up! This lunation will ensure that it is in tip-top shape and no stone is left unturned.

It feels like a conversation that needs to be had will come up or a sense of wanting to create a dialogue could be important to you. Some of you may be making changes to your immediate environment, instead! This Lunar eclipse will gift you with ingenious ideas and active imagination. You seem to be wanting to connect with others and may be engaged in writing or speaking professionally. If you want to get a certificate or brush up on a skill, now is the time to do so! If you have been considering taking a short trip or getting in touch with siblings/cousins, that may arise now, too.

Venus is the leader of this Full Moon. It sits so nicely in your 8th House. There is a commission, bonus, or alternative resource that may come your way. If Venus does not influence you financially, it will be bringing in a sense of peace to you soon. It also highlights the potential of getting very intimate and connected with someone (even yourself). Venus in the 8th House can be quite magnetic, especially in its exaltation of Pisces. Venus will work well with Jupiter and Uranus, so if there is a financial compensation coming your way, it is tied to your work or some big culminating project. Venus will also reach out Saturn in a conjunction, which can have you getting more serious about your investments and the ways in which you connect with others on a deeper level.

Use this eclipse to stop and listen. Interact with those close to you, and engage in deeper conversations. See others as a source of inspiration and open up a dialogue, even if it feels hard to have. Use your words as balm for you and others. Find conflict resolution and facilitate strength in how you conduct yourself.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Financial changes seem to be coming your way! This Lunar eclipse will have your mind on money, and your resources. Of course, eclipses can signal release or endings, but even if this is the case, there is likely going to be a new beginning just around the corner.

Your 2nd House is being highlighted, so not only does this showcase income — but also self-worth and the things you value. This eclipse can help you move on from outdated ways of thinking about material possessions. Do they actually bring you a sense of worth? Abundance isn’t limited to money, but it is cultivated through community and the sharing of resources (emotional, spiritual, and otherwise). The Sun in your 8th House will remind you of this. You may also be working with this idea of ownership and combating a bit of impostor syndrome. Your investments are taking you a long way right now. In addition to this, your sense of morals, worthiness, and values will come up. The eclipse will ensure that you are closely examining how you embody and live in your values.

Happily, Venus leads this lunation in its exalted state of Pisces. It sits in your 7th House bringing up a relationship as the backbone of your success and your joy. Business relationships are fruitful, but romantic ones can be, too. There is a call to share more and find the balance in the give and take. Venus will reach out to Jupiter and Uranus helping you feel more willing to take a risk because of the support you have. Jupiter is asking that you have more self-trust and belief in your growth. Venus will join Saturn as well, during this eclipse. This will point to a long-term commitment or agreement that can be made during this time. If you are presented with some options, take your time before deciding what you truly want or need.

Use this eclipse to find a new source of income or start a business. You may hear some financial news that is helpful. Co-workers may come back around and unresolved issues with self-worth will be more prevalent. Work on establishing your value and redefining what security and success truly look like to you. Recognize what stands in the way of your happiness and prioritize the resources that fill you up.

Libra & Libra Rising

It is your time to shine, Libra! This a Lunar eclipse is in your sign and lighting up your 1st House of identity and self! Now is the time to be you – truly you – without the influence of others. Boundaries are being highlighted, and so is your autonomy.

The eclipse is reminding you that you don’t need to rely on anyone else because you hold all of the power to make your life what you want it to be. This doesn’t mean you have to be isolated or hyper-independent, but more that you are self-generative. There is no need to shy away anymore. What inspires you? What fuels you? What makes you energized? You feel seen, heard, and understood. This is a halfway point between a cycle that began for you last October during the Libra solar eclipse. Partly, the ask here is that you do what FEELS right to you. You can begin again and set yourself up for future success, but first, this may require a little introspection. Alternatively, some of you are very visible right now. How are you handling that sort of light? Are you willing to step into it more?

Venus, your ruler, leads this lunation from your 6th House of work. This is very helpful, as it seems that you are making major strides on the work front. You could be getting recognition, but also seeking to find balance in your routines. A work project is going very well, and it may surprise you to see how positive the outcome is — especially as Venus reaches out to Jupiter and Uranus around this eclipse. There are pieces of information that you are not quite privy to yet. Take pride in what is going on work-wise. Especially so because Venus and Saturn will join hands, creating a long-term success or impact in what you do at work or even with your health/well-being. If you have been wanting to get more serious about being better to your body, then open those doors. If you have been committed to your health, you will start to see things pay off.

Use this eclipse to dive into a world of possibility. Reconnect with your happiness and motivations. What fuels you? What gives you life? Work on re-engaging with your needs and setting your boundaries. Life is about living, and you are being reminded how important that can be. You are center stage!

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

We are just a month away from a Full Moon in your sign, so now is the time to start tying up loose ends and finishing things behind the scenes. Keep in mind that we are fully into eclipse season, so this is your chance to rest.

This Lunar eclipse is in your 12th House. The 12th House is about endings and the closing of a cycle. You are being called to slow down and rest right now. The Sun is positioned in your 6th House, so this release or ending could be health-related. The Sun energizes your need to be good to yourself, and the Moon ensures that this is done through relaxation and rejuvenation – a time for spiritual and emotional health. You also are bringing so much to fruition now. Even in the chaos, you are finding clarity. You are no stranger to this space — as you navigate through the shadows with true power. It doesn’t make how you feel any less difficult. If you are feeling uneasy, know that resolution is on its way. Consider this your calm before the storm in a sense.

Venus leads this Full Moon, and happily so in a fellow Water sign, Pisces. It is considered in its exaltation, so working at its best! It will be in your 5th House, adding some fun and flavor to your life. You are in the prime space to share yourself more authentically with others. If you are attached, it seems things with a partner could be a bit spicy right now (positively so). Alternatively, there may also be some surprising news that comes up with a relationship, collaboration, or close person in your life. As Venus and Saturn separate from being enclosed with one another, you may be exploring the burdens of joy. What stands in the way of your access to and creation of happiness? Venus invites you to play, play, play! Your child self is calling. Are you answering?

Use this eclipse to work through what has been left unresolved. Tie up loose ends and focus on regaining your personal power. Decide what may need to come to an end, but also celebrate the space for a new beginning. Take time to sit with your feelings and listen to what you pick up in the liminal space.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

The past few lunations have been a little harder, as they emphasized your 4th/10th Houses – taking focus away from other areas of your life. So, now you can relax. This eclipse will remind you of your friends and those who love and support you. Your connections and network have your back, and you’re never alone in what you’re trying to achieve.

It seems that you are closing a chapter on something in your life, as a Lunar eclipse signals release. It is positioned around what you thought your future was going to be. However, you are making space for a new future that is opening more opportunities for you than you had initially considered. This is a shift in perspective. The Sun is energizing your 5th House of play, creation, and children. The Solar eclipse on April 8th will highlight this area more for you, giving you the chance to focus on your passions. Now, this eclipse will be making space for you. Rely on your friends to help you. Don’t be afraid of what is to come, and try not to have all the answers. Part of the perfection of life is that it is unfolding.

Venus leads this eclipse in its favorite sign of Pisces. This energy creates a focus on the 4th House — family, home, sanctuary, and your emotional foundations. Right now, this area of your life is bringing you so much more fullness than it once had. It seems like things are coming together. You may be trying to grow your family, redecorating a bit, or even just finding peace in the quiet moments of your life. Uranus and Jupiter work well with Venus, adding an element of excitement right around this lunation. Home may be a place that feels expansive in some ways. Venus and Saturn will also be separating from a conjunction during this eclipse. This may have you getting more realistic and focused on any home/family-related matters.

Use this eclipse to come back to a community you may have left behind. Reconnect with old friends and re-establish yourself in the world. Reimagine your goals and focus on your future outcomes. Pay attention to how the present seems to inform your decisions.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You are restoring balance in your life right now. This Lunar eclipse is helping you shed the doubts you have surrounding your career and life direction. It is opening opportunities for you to make some shifts in the long term that can prove to be beneficial.

The eclipse is in your 10th House, and there can be talks around a promotion, work recognition, or change in work that will leave you feeling more confident. Even with activity going on around the home, with the Sun in your 4th House, the changes are creating a greater sense of security. You are shifting your focus from vision to commitment — ideas to long-term goals. Matters of ‘what you do’ and ‘where you want to go’ will come up. It seems that you have been dreaming up what you desire, and now this eclipse is giving you a chance to take steps toward that dream. You may also feel just generally a bit busier than normal. The most important piece with an eclipse in your 10th House is that you are quite visible. People are recognizing you, seeing you, perceiving you. You may have to release an expectation around the ideas of work ethic or value through your work, as well.

Venus is the leader of this lunation. Happily, it sits in its favorite sign of Pisces and in your 3rd house. Venus will reach out to Jupiter and Uranus. So, it seems that contracts or negotiations could prove to be lucrative. Alternatively, there is a sense of local community being a foundation for you. In addition, dialogue, communication, and your ideas are all well-positioned. You could be on fire creatively and really find harmony in the smaller day-to-day. If you have the chance to take a short-distance trip, get out and see some friends, or even just connect with people you love, do it! Venus will ensure you will have a good time! Saturn is close to Venus at this time, speaking to the sacrifices you have made in the past to sit in your value now — as you reflect on that know that you are in a better place for it in the long run.

Use this eclipse to help you make the appropriate moves in your career or life direction. Pay attention to pathways that open up in front of you, and reconnect with people from your industry. Seek help for any pending projects or issues from professionals. Rethink what you want out of your long-term goals and make commitments to starting the process.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Grow, grow, grow! So far, 2024 has been a series of changes and new circumstances for you as Pluto settles in your sign! This creates room for opportunities and potential that lies ahead.

The Lunar eclipse is in a fellow Air sign, working with you and keeping levity. Your 9th House is being amplified, which has you looking to expand your perspective and push you beyond your boundaries to try something new. Comfort can be the enemy of reward — because it keeps you from engaging in positive risk. Some risks can be helpful as they remind you that sometimes in life you need to have blind faith and trust your gut. The Sun will be in your 3rd House, helping you find more mental clarity as you journey into a new phase in your life. This time of year is all about trying new things and applying the wisdom you have gained from years past. You may also be asked to use a very specific skill, master a craft, or make your place out in the world as an expert of some sort.

Venus is extremely well positioned at this eclipse, which is important. It is the leader of this lunation, and it sits in your 2nd House, sending good energy to your resources. There is a feeling that the tides are slowly changing financially for you. Perhaps you come across a new avenue to create better security for yourself. Venus receives a positive aspect from both Jupiter and Uranus, which can cause a surprise conversation to arise around self-worth, value, resources, and ownership. Some of you could see a person come through for you or go out to bat for you. This could also add some positive, yet surprising financial news to your life. Stay open. With Saturn co-present with Venus, you may also be in a place where you are managing your resources differently. You could be getting wiser and more intentional about how you use what is available to you.

Use this eclipse to reignite the flame. Get inspired and reflect on all the wisdom you have gained in life. Practically apply knowledge from your past into the present moment, and allow your dreams to take flight. Growth is inevitable— so move with it, not against it.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

We just had a New Moon in your sign a few weeks ago. That was one of the starts of your new year! Now, we are being presented with an eclipse in Libra. Perhaps, you are figuring out the space you fit in with a partner (whether in business or in your personal life). You can dive deep and unearth the core intentions of those around you, and even your own motives–– as you aim to understand power dynamics and share your skills with others. The Sun is shining from your 2nd House, reminding you of the power of your efforts and how you can turn what others fear into something valuable.

Some cycles are meant to be broken, Pisces. This Lunar eclipse brings a culmination to a cycle in your life. However, for you, this shift is felt so much more as your 8th House comes to focus. The 8th House rules intimacy, cycles, magic, shared resources, death/beginnings, and the shadows. You are descending into the shadow and are asked to confront what lies beneath the surface. Resilience is key as you walk through fire and ice to get to the core of what keeps you in your holding patterns. Like a Phoenix, you can rise again, burning brighter, faster, and hotter than ever before — but it may require a personal confrontation with your own limitations first. Consider this a transformation and a metamorphosis for you. From the outside looking in, it may be hard for others to see you breaking down old structures and habits. The cycles are ending, and new ones are being established in their place. In the shadow, you now find more clarity than ever before. This is a chance to call back your power in a big way.

Venus leads this lunation in your sign. Venus loves being in Pisces more than any other zodiac placement. Even in the shadowy moments, there are places of ease, pleasure, and genuine self-love being brought to light. Venus is gifting you magnetism and touches of attraction. It seems that you have not felt like this in about a year or so. Happily, Venus will sextile both Jupiter and Uranus, bringing positive, unexpected news your way. This could be related to a speaking or writing matter, or it could just be inspiration coming out of nowhere for you! Whatever it is, you are excited and your mind is buzzing. Saturn will be present with Venus during this eclipse, showing the maturity and wisdom you have gained in the last year. Your values have evolved, and with that, you have as well. You are embodying what you believe and who you are more than you have in a long time.

Use this eclipse to do some shadow work and confront your fears. Open yourself up to the changes in life without controlling outcomes. Focus on reconnecting with parts of yourself that you thought you had lost. Reclaim your power and call back your magic — resilience goes a long way.

AstroStyle Book Pre-Order

What is the AstroStyle Book?

The intersection of astrology and life on Earth is as simple as living and breathing for me. I see the stars in the way I move and the things I create. The constellations drawn across the very fabric of the clothes I wear. I adorn myself in their brilliant light and wear them with pride. I use astrology in mundane life, finding ways to make meaning of their luminescence in the everyday. I blend lifelong passions and work with astrology to create a seamless integration, furthering my connection with the cosmic energy that extends far beyond us. As above, so below.

I have spent many years styling and working in the industry to see the connections come to life in real time. It is a combination of over a decade of work, where the idea is to make the abstract more tangible. Consider AstroStyle your own personal styling experience that has been written in the stars.

AstroStyle will get you thinking about fashion and personal style "from above" by revealing how your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs can serve as the foundation for building a look that’s uniquely your own.

Featuring inspirational mood boards that correspond to each sign of the zodiac and in-depth discussions of palmistry and tarot, AstroStyle offers a hyper-personalized exploration into how each element, sign, house, and placement can affect your style. Along the way, you’ll learn to connect more deeply with your innermost self as you explore the possibilities of dressing based on the movements of the universe.


anthony perrotta