Aries Solar Eclipse Miniscopes


Aries Solar
Eclipse Miniscopes

The Confrontation of Creation.

The Solar Eclipse falls at 19º Aries, 2:20 PM ET on April 8th. This year Aries Season is sitting in a vacuum of swirling energy thanks to the eclipses and Mercury retrograde. We kicked off the Astrological New Year with a Lunar Eclipse and now we sit in the heat of the season with a Solar Eclipse, an all too poetic moment of Spring’s desire to begin again.

The first, and maybe most important, thing to note about this New Moon is that it’s an Eclipse. Occurring along the Aries/Libra axis, this lunation marks a potent shift for the collective, as we now look back to the start of this series on April 20, 2023. What did you start? What has changed? What is opening and closing? Even more, go back to 2005 when we had an eclipse at on exact same degree/day in April (April 8, 2005). What happened then? Perhaps that eclipse can give you a lens into this one.

As far as eclipses go, they are notorious for change; it is very often that they end up eclipsing something - or someone! - out of our lives. Here in Aries, we are given the opportunity to say goodbye to old versions of ourselves, and hello to new, more authentic ones. Aries asks us to look at themes surrounding our individuality, our ambition, drive, ability to act and assert ourselves, our passions, and our rage. As this Solar Eclipse is also conjunct Chiron, we are gifted a moment to reflect on our healing journey in the last several years and what it has brought into our lives while transiting the sign of the Ram since 2019.

The leader of this lunation is Mars, now about halfway through its journey in Pisces, marking a momentous conjunction to Saturn. Energy levels are going to move with ebb and flow. Mars wants speed, but Saturn restrains and refocuses our attention. If we move too quickly, we may miss something important. With being in the thick of eclipse season, it may be best to just sit back and let things transpire as they are meant to, rather than trying to charge full steam ahead. There is a need to make sure that intention and desire are both present before acting in any way.

Jupiter is moving toward a conjunction to Uranus underneath this lunation, bringing a further element of surprise to the already strange landscape of this energy. Uranus can feel exciting, electric even, as it brings flashes of insight and revelation via conversations or news. Jupiter is expanding the unpredictable nature of Uranus. So while the end result may be sweet, it can feel a bit like chaos now. Between this conjunction, the retrograde energy, and the eclipse energy, it may be best to expect the unexpected and try to relinquish some control. Eclipses are potent portals, so doors are opening. Once the dust settles, we will see more clearly what awaits us beyond the threshold.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 15º to 25º, you will feel the effects of this eclipse the most. Especially those with strong Cardinal placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.


Aries & Aries Rising

Happy Solar Eclipse, Aries! It falls in your sign and is the start of an entirely new cycle for you. We now in the Aries/Libra eclipse series, where you have been at the forefront of the eclipses! Right now, what you should be looking at is to nourish yourself.

This lunation falls in your 1st House, bringing you back to your place in this world. Who are you? What do you want? Doors are opening for you, especially as the eclipses have been clearing a path. You may have been trying things out or in search of ways to expand or grow. This eclipse will give you a chance to find what WILL work for you and what won’t. You get to decide how you live your life and make strides in building a new you. Now is the time to be unapologetically yourself. Celebrate your individuality. Take pride in where you are right now.

The Sun and Moon are closely held by Chiron. They are being shown discomfort in the face of growth and healing. It can feel hard to have to bear witness to some harsh truths. But this conjunction is keeping you mindful of your space and where you are putting your energy. Old habits die hard and this is a time when cycles are breaking before your very eyes. Don’t resist the changes that bubble up to the surface, as they are remarkable road openers to a new you…a you that brings you closer to your vision of yourself. Live authentically.

Uranus is a key player at this eclipse as Jupiter closely joins it in a conjunction. It adds an aura of excitement and surprise, perhaps triggering an unexpected event. This could come in terms of your resources, as these two planets sit in your 2nd House. Whatever crops up, try not to worry or fret, there is a positive outcome around the corner, especially as the exaction of this conjunction happens on April 20th. Uranus’ presence at this lunation adds energy and verve, almost as if you are feeling ready and willing to take on whatever comes your way! It motivates you to take hold of your worth, pushing you closer to recognizing how valuable you are.

Use this eclipse to focus on yourself. Work on discovering new pieces of your identity and releasing parts of you that no longer serve you. Be fueled by your desires and passions, and run with your ideas. Motivation is key. You can make anything you want come to fruition, especially as the doors swing open just for you. Stand in your power. Embrace the spotlight. Own every facet of your being. This is the start of something good!

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Taurus, take time to rest. Please! We are heading into your season shortly, but first, we have the eclipse that is setting the record straight for you. So, you will have a very full plate in the coming weeks. There is a feeling of being run down, tired, and needing space to recollect yourself. Honestly, you need to listen to that feeling!

This Solar eclipse is perfectly positioned in your 12th House, so right now is a time to find a balance in work, pleasure, play, and rest. Work quietly behind the scenes and slow down. You are turning inward and focused on preserving your energy. You know you will be expending a lot of it soon. The 12th House can bring insights that we were not privy to before. So, you may discover information that was hidden from view. Now is a time to listen to your intuition and focus on how to best navigate quietly. If you need a respite, take it!

Chiron joins up with the Sun and Moon, acting as a catalyst for healing and change. It highlights a need to let go and find some closure on something that you have been holding onto too tightly. The fear of loss is overtaking the need to relinquish control. Sometimes, when we let go, it turns out to be easier than we could have ever imagined. As Chiron sits in your 12th House, you are being shown the value of belief and self-trust. Painful, repetitive patterns can be broken down and new, healthier cycles can be born in their place.

You may be the harbinger of excitement, surprise, or spontaneity around this lunation! I know this may seem out of character for your steadfast nature, but Uranus is closely linked to Jupiter — both in your sign! There is a jolting feeling and an inexplicable need for freedom! Some of you may take a fool’s leap or make a shocking discovery around this time! However, I don’t want this to scare you. Even through this whirlwind energy, there is a lot of support. You will realize/actualize some of this energy closer to April 20th, when Jupiter and Uranus perfect their meeting with one another. Try something new and go your own way if you can. You will be happier that you did.

Use this eclipse to withdraw a bit where you can. Find more peace in everyday life — including work/life balance. Take time to rest and recharge. Tie up loose ends and close doors that need to be shut. Re-engage with yourself, replenish your energy, and enjoy downtime (by creating it). Listen to your intuition more and record your dreams. This is an opportunity for you to truly let go and open yourself up to something greater.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

We enter the highly anticipated Solar Eclipse in Aries, where you will have endless support. This eclipse is unlike many others we have experienced in the last few years. So many aspects align to make this one a powerhouse with added excitement!

With this lunation hanging out in your 11th House, you will be looking at your connections and friends as a way to help you move ahead. You may even just want to catch up with people, feeling a little more social than normal. You are realizing that community is becoming increasingly important to you, and you may be trying to find where you want to align yourself. Budding friendships become lasting ones, and old friends are showing up left and right. Bask in this! People are showing you love, and you deserve that. Support seems like magic.

Chiron joins in with the Sun and Moon, to highlight a wound you have carried or a healing process you have been undergoing since 2019. It may be around the feeling of being an outcast or misunderstood when in reality many people desire to support and understand you on a very deep level. You could feel a little alienated as you seem to find yourself removed from others in some way. But the ask is to not find community, instead build and create the community you desire. You don’t need permission from others to be seen, grant it to yourself and welcome those who want the same thing. Healing for you will happen in connection and relationships now. So, open yourself up to those you love and trust.

Uranus is so interestingly positioned at this eclipse! It sits close to Jupiter. So you may get an overwhelming sensation or intuitive hit at this time. Some of you may get news that sends you into a pause or a need to reflect! Alternatively, there could be a missing piece of valuable information that comes to light. Don’t let this scare you though. Jupiter will bring a happy ending, even if it is delayed. It seems that you will have more sense of what you need or what was missing after April 20th, when Jupiter and Uranus meet more exactly.

Use this eclipse to call on your community. Ask for support where necessary and seek out new methods of networking. Focus on your friendships and nurture the ones that prove to strengthen you. Look at your goals, your future, your hopes. What do you want out of the next five years? Three years? Who can help you get there? How can you make this happen? These are questions to reflect on — just remember to not let your dreams die. Keep the faith alive.

Cancer & cancer Rising

This season has had you working hard! However, there may be points of refining and reflecting, especially as Mercury has recently stationed retrograde. But we may not find the slowness we usually do at this time, as we welcome the energy of a much anticipated Solar Eclipse in Aries! Your career life is about to see vast changes and improvements very soon.

This New Moon (Solar Eclipse) will bring you to new heights! It falls in your 10th House, so you have the chance to plant seeds in your career or make important moves in your life. You are becoming more aware of your direction and what you want. Nothing you’ve been doing has been in vain. The right people are taking notice. If you do change jobs or careers, you may find that the work you want to do will be something completely different or distinct. Perhaps that is the change you want, as well! Alternatively, some of you may make discoveries about your passions that drive you into a new field or up the ladder into a new role/position. Whatever it is, a career or work-related matter seems to be at the forefront of your mind.

The Sun and Moon join with Chiron. This pushes you to the edges of your comfort in visibility. You could be gaining some attention, for better or for worse, and are grappling with this newfound sense of being seen. There is discomfort here. Maybe you are afraid of being incorrectly perceived. However, this leads to greater recognition of your work and efforts, which does work in your favor overall. Even if the impostor syndrome settles in, you are to break the cycles that keep you feeling small. You are a leader and you don’t need anyone else’s permission for your success but your own. If you have been trying to “uplevel” in any way, it is all coming to fruition now. Use this time to plant those seeds that you want to see grow in terms of your work, career, image, and legacy.

Uranus plays a key role in this eclipse, Jupiter aligns closely with it. Uranus acts as a wildcard, but almost positively so! It seems that a contact, friend, or someone in your sphere of influence will surprise you! You can get unsuspecting news or be asked to do something you least expect! It feels that something is coming to light in a whole new way — and this may even be concerning your future. Maybe you are being asked to shift your priorities to make way for something more exciting! Mars, in a fellow Water sign, is very helpful to you as it meets with Saturn. If there are goals you want to achieve, it seems pathways will begin to open. But don’t rush. Be intentional about your next moves.

Use this eclipse to focus on your career and your life direction. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Be noticed and seek opportunities that make you more visible. Call the shots and show your leadership qualities. Strive for new goals and scale ever-higher mountains. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and relish in your successes. See the power within you and let that be what pushes you into the next phase of your life. You are moving toward such great things.


Leo & Leo Rising

You are reaching new heights! You have recently taken a leap of faith, and you know that there is no way you can go back now! This eclipse is a New Moon, one that opens doors of opportunity and creates possibility — a portal into something new. Eclipses hold compounding energy, where we find ourselves at a crossroads with multiple avenues to explore. For you, in particular, you will see that obstacles that were once present begin to dissipate. Perhaps this is a change of perspective or maybe roads starting to open for you.

With this Solar Eclipse in your 9th House, you are actively growing and trying new things! You are taking the experience you have had and applying it future-forward. Now is a time to be bold and optimistic about the journey that lies ahead. The Moon will make sure that you are bold in your approach while remaining open to the beautiful changes that life can bring! Flexible structures. Here, you will see that your world is shifting. The 9th House is about limitless potential. You realize the world truly is your oyster in this realm, and you can make what you want out of it. You will likely see your goals more clearly than you have in a long time and thus change your priorities in achieving them. Nothing is too far out of reach. All it takes is a little faith.

Chiron is sitting close to the Sun and Moon, perhaps highlighting some doubts you are carrying right now. You could be faced with wanting/needing to speak your truth but feeling limited in your ability to do so. Know that truth will set you free, even if conflict comes with it. You may also want to try do things in a new way and are pushed against the status quo…it may be time to dissolve the traditions of the past to support new structures in the future. Know that as you reach the edges of what you believe to be possible for yourself, new ones will be formed, only opening up more and more. The potential is limitless for you if you allow it to be.

Now, there may be a surprise at this eclipse! Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct, caught in an embrace. This adds an aura of excitement, whimsy, and even a shock factor! Perhaps new information comes to light about your job. Some of you may up and leave, while others may witness a restructure, or even the opportunity to take on a new role. Alternatively, you could just receive unexpected news. It is hard to say what it will be, as Uranus is a wildcard. However, it does seem to work out best for you in the end, especially with Jupiter being involved. You may get more clarity or answers on or after April 20th.

Use this eclipse to explore new places — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Challenge your perspective, open your mind, and reach beyond current limitations. Seek help to achieve your goals and put yourself out there to gain notoriety. There is so much happening around you. If you feel confused, take a step back and pull yourself out of the details. See the big picture and soon, you will know which path to take.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

We are in an eclipse series that impacts your finances and resources. You have been taught lessons but also gifted opportunities around value, worth, and shared resources. As we go through this cycle, you have seen that a large part of this experience is to provide a sense of closure and conflict resolution. New pathways that you had not expected will open up.

The eclipse is a New Moon in your 8th House, opening doors for resources that have been untapped or previously hidden. This could be emotional or material. Some of you may find out about an unexpected gain, whether through you or a partner, perhaps an inheritance, or some sort of windfall. Alternatively, you may find that you are working toward paying off debts and feeling more secure — that you don’t owe anything to anyone. This could also apply to how you feel about emotional debts, almost washing your hands of old situations or people that no longer serve you. This eclipse may also bring about a transformation. One that has been a long time coming. In some ways, it will feel like a re-emergence — a butterfly coming out of its cocoon after a long period of reflection, healing, and dealing with shadows that have sat beneath the surface. Becoming more intimate and preserving your inner peace will be of the utmost importance.

The Sun and Moon will join up with Chiron, highlighting a healing journey you have been on since 2019. It seems that roots of your exploration of personal power will deepen. You may be confronted with some inner shadows at this time, as Chiron brings up what you once thought was worked through or healed. This eclipse serves as a chance to put something to rest once and for all, but it may be uncomfortable. You will be stretched to your limits when it comes to intimacy and sharing with others, allow trust and vulnerability to sit as guiding lights for you now. The cycles you break will be profound and release a weight off of your shoulders.

You may have some surprises crop up around this time, as Jupiter joins up with Uranus! This is like a whirlwind and wildcard energy that seems to tell you to expect the unexpected! You may really feel the itch to have some freedom or start a new adventure at this time! This is unusual for you, as you often like to take a more grounded approach. However, Uranus seems to be sending lightning bolts to jolt you! But it isn’t bad at all! It will shake you out of your rut and stagnation. The need to get things going will feel really high, so be careful of impulsivity. Look to April 20th and the days/weeks after for some more clarity.

Use this eclipse to reflect on your growth and how you have transformed in the last year. Seek new resources. Get intimate with a partner or close relationship — even yourself. Focus on the power you hold personally, finding new ways of sharing who you are. Explore your depths, take hold of your fears, and no longer be held back by cyclic patterns that keep you trapped. This is about seeing new pathways that had once been hidden from view. You hold the keys.

Libra & Libra Rising

You are one of the two stars of this current eclipse series. The eclipses have been sitting in your sign and your polarity, creating waves and pathways that were not present to you before. You may see your life change in ways you have not expected. Some of you may take on more autonomy and independence and/or change how you engage in your relationships. Others have seen growth opportunities and significant relationships strengthen. Whatever it is, there has been a flowing exchange of energy that will lead to massive personal growth.

Now, the Solar Eclipse enters your 7th House. You will likely see dynamics shift between you and someone you are close with. Some of you may dissolve broken or irreparable relationships, while others will get closer — forming impenetrable bonds. You are seeing the value in the give and take and understanding your boundaries in a new way. If you are seeking out a new relationship, you will likely find it. Alternatively, the relationship you’re working on could be one with yourself. Sometimes we think that we need to find “wholeness” through others and forget that we are whole on our own. So, consider this eclipse an exploration of what you need, deserve, and desire. Understanding your boundaries and seeing how you fit into the picture will be imperative. With the Moon in your polarity, it seems that sharing a part of your life with others can be very invigorating but scary. Receptivity is huge now.

The Sun and Moon move close to Chiron at this time, so old thought patterns and wounds in relationships may surface. You could feel like you are not being seen or heard now, but also you may be the one not hearing or seeing others, too. It always goes both ways with the 7th House. Chiron will bring up feelings you have been stewing on or sitting with. As you sit in these feelings, you have to ask yourself if these reflect your current situation or something that is long gone now. One of the best things you can do now is share with those you are closest to and be open/honest. Conflict resolution will be big for you, as you navigate speaking your truth…and listening to others’ truths, too. Consider where you have given up too much, and where you have not been receptive enough. It is time to balance things out again because it seems that the scales of tipped.

The energy of this eclipse is magnified by the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus! Uranus adds a dash of whimsy, spontaneity, surprise, or unexpected news! Some of you may get a bonus or receive a financial gift around this lunation, while others may surprisingly have a very intimate conversation with a partner or someone close to you. It seems that issues are not as scary to face, and you are more willing to confront them! Because this is happening in your 8th House anything dealing with inheritances, gifts, windfalls, and other people’s resources that you benefit from will be impacted. There may also be a new, profound approach to working with your own shadow self that will seemingly set you free. Watch April 20th and the days surrounding for more answers around this energy.

Use this eclipse to focus on your boundaries. Understand the roles that you play in others’ lives and what they play in yours. See where you can receive and know what you have to give. Form new relationships and bury old ones that don’t support you. Seek out ways to create a better relationship with yourself above all else. Nothing will ever be as solid as the love you can give to yourself.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Knowing your limits can be important. This month you are tasked with closing doors, learning to be better to your body, and focusing on the things in your immediate present. You have been taught the value of your needs and the difference between service/sacrifice. We can’t save everyone or really anyone at all.

This eclipse falls in your 6th House. Here, you are told to prioritize well-being more. Your health, work, daily life, and routines all fall in this area of your chart. You may have seen major changes in this more mundane setting, yet you may not have realized how impactful the small shifts have been. This eclipse opens a door of opportunity for you (or even several), where you can take more risks with work, find better solutions for your health, and retake control of your life. Consider this a chance to organize the chaos. You are settling into new routines, so be mindful of what you begin. You can kick old habits and start new exercise regimens. The call is to bring your physical self to the forefront. Alternatively, some of you may see the eclipse manifest through your work environment with co-workers, your job tasks, or even the job itself. If your job is eclipsed out, then know that something similar is coming along. If not, then perhaps there are ways to update your work/life balance.

The Sun and Moon will be close in an embrace to Chiron, the wounded healer. It brings to the forefront things you have been dealing with since 2019, especially in regard to your health and well-being. If you have been actively avoiding tackling a health issue, you will have no choice but to deal with it now. Alternatively, you could be feeling overworked, overwhelmed, or like your routines have been thrown off. This lack of control is creating a harmful internal dynamic, where you may be trying to control what you can since other things feel chaotic. Just be careful here. Chiron is seeking some surrender and asking that you make peace — finding ways to bring more healing and rest into your daily life.

Uranus brings an unexpected bit of news or energy around this eclipse. Jupiter joins Uranus, acting like burst or a wildcard! A person may show their true colors, for better or for worse. Some of you may be whisked away with whimsy and spontaneity with someone you consider to be close to you or you and a partner could get exciting news. Others may have to face a reality that they were not entirely ready to see. However, this isn’t quite as scary as it seems. The truth always makes things easier in the end. April 20th will mark a time when you may have more answers or focus in regard to this conjunction. Don’t force clarity if it isn’t ready yet.

Use this eclipse to bring everything together. See how the small things in your life impact everything else. Pay attention to your body and work on making amends with how you may have abused it in the past. Work on getting healthier — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Look for opportunities for growth in your work, daily life, and routines. Be flexible. See that perfection is not the goal — the process teaches us more than the outcome. Work on taking care of yourself.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

It is time to restore your sense of optimism! This eclipse comes in to remind you that life can be fun and playful! Over the next few weeks and months, you will learn the value of personal joy and collective happiness. Now, as this Solar Eclipse ushers in a new pathway, you can walk forward in a more focused manner.

The eclipse will highlight the area of your chart that rules play, joy, happiness, pleasure, love, and creation. This is about leading with your heart, listening to that inner child, and making time for more fun in your life. This is very welcomed. This eclipse reminds us that life is something to experience and celebrate. You can manifest your heart’s desires into reality, simply by taking more risks on yourself. What makes you happy? What do you love? This is a time to explore new ways to play and seek out pleasure. Let loose. Because this is a place of creation, some of you may be creating something entirely new: a project, art, music, relationship, or even the conception of a child. Alternatively, consider this eclipse a chance for you to sit in the spotlight a bit. It is ok to be recognized for your efforts and to celebrate your successes.

Chiron does take a big role at this eclipse, since it sits so close to the Sun and Moon. This will highlight any fears you may have around seeking joy or pleasure — perhaps a need to work with your inner child, especially if it is starved. Chiron will have you confront the limits you put on yourself and how you may shy away from taking credit for your creations. The discomfort can come from visibility and knowing how to celebrate yourself, but know that as you allow yourself to be seen, you find the love and validation you truly want. Also, don’t let others take your joy away from you. That is yours and it is time to reclaim it.

Uranus enters the chat in a surprising manner — and we wouldn’t want it any other way! Jupiter and Uranus meet to bring about a unique or exciting opportunity regarding work or a project. Alternatively, some of you may see a major reorganization at work that leaves open spaces where you may end up fitting — just make sure you get the compensation you deserve. If you work for yourself, there will be chances for an unexpected connection that may lead you to a successful project! Your daily life is about to get very busy, so prepare for some twists and turns, and changes to your routines.

Use this New Moon to find new ways to have fun. Follow your heart more and listen to your inner child. Seek new ways to engage in pleasure and creativity. Let loose. If you are looking to conceive (a child, a project or anything), let this eclipse be the thing that pushes you to start or get more focused on it. Anything that pulls at your heart will be favored. So really get in touch with what you desire most.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You will see major changes to your internal and external worlds. With the eclipse series falling in fellow Cardinal signs (Aries and Libra), it will be impacting your 4th and 10th Houses. After what feels like a cycle of constant evolution and change – you can now start a new phase in your 4th House.

The 4th House rules family, home, roots, and your emotional foundations. Here, the eclipse will turn your attention to these areas. Perhaps you are looking to do some work around the house — renovations or redecorating. Maybe you are just on a house hunt overall, looking for new places to call home. Some of you may be finding more quiet time or family time, while seeking solitude after a busy few months. Whatever it is, you are bringing it all back to your center. Home is where the heart is. Family could take a central focus as there may be changing dynamics in this area of your life. You will be redefining what family truly is, or what it means to you. You may be putting down stronger roots and really focusing on your emotional well-being. This eclipse tells you all of that work isn’t for nothing. You can rejoice in the power you may call back and honor the peace you will create.

The Sun and Moon meet up with Chiron, bringing up some fears or disagreements with family members at this time. Home can be tricky for you, and maybe the lack of comfort you have felt in the past will inspire changes to your present and future situations with home/family. The concept of home can be healing, and working with your idea of it (along with a reimagination of your idea of family) can yield profound results for you. If old generational patterns are feeling like stuck on repeat, you can wash your hands of it now. But it requires seeing things for what they are, not what you want them to be. Healing comes through change, not the status quo. Alternatively, Chiron will help you confront what safety may feel like in your body and life. This sense of safety is entirely personal, so find what it feels like to you and hold it closely. You deserve safety as much as anyone else.

Uranus adds some whirlwind at this lunation, as Jupiter and Uranus meet. This creates surprising circumstances — perhaps more surprising yourself than anything else. Uranus is sitting in your 5th House, giving you some gusto on proving to yourself that you are worthy enough to take risks. You know that you have some exciting opportunities that lie ahead, and it seems that part of that is giving yourself more credit and having more faith in the journey before you. Some of you may find out about an unexpected conception, a new project, meet a new person of interest, or even just feel creatively charged! Whatever it is, Uranus wants you to have fun and really just lean into anything that brings pleasure and adventure to your life.

Use this eclipse to settle in and come back to center. Focus on your roots and your family. Find security in your emotional foundations and create a sanctuary for yourself. Find peace in the quiet. Work on things around the house and spruce up your space. If you want to move, this eclipse could give you the boost you need to find the right place! It is all coming together now.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Your head is filled with so many great ideas! This eclipse is a New Moon, one that creates possibility — a doorway into something new. Eclipses hold compounding energy, where we find ourselves at a crossroads with multiple avenues to go down. For you, you may find yourself faced with needing to use your voice more — perhaps being flexible in ways that you had not been before.

The eclipse falls in your 3rd House where you are tasked to learn, adapt, and integrate. This is about how you communicate not only what you are saying — but also what you are hearing. Part of shifting your perspective comes through dialogue and the conversations that you have with others. Your voice is your power. Now, it is time to learn how to use it. Through the 3rd House, we learn to express ourselves and say what is on our minds. Sharing is an integral part of your personal exploration — and how you choose to share is important. There can be a feeling of people inundating you with messages around the eclipse. Perhaps you may hear news that you have been waiting for! You can start a new journey for yourself by applying the skills you have in new ways. Your local community will figure strongly as well, especially those close to you. They are here to uplift you and support you, but they won’t know what you need unless you tell them. Asking for help isn’t weak – especially if it is meant to help you grow.

Chiron is showing up as a superstar at this lunation, as the Sun and Moon join closely with this asteroid. Chiron is the wounded healer, and in your 3rd House, it is breaking down the fears or limitations you have in using your voice. Perhaps you have felt that your ideas aren’t enough or that you may not be able to communicate effectively. Ask yourself this: are those patterns or wounds based on others’ perceptions or your own? You could also be confronted with some friendships that need to be re-evaluated now. Chiron speaks on the ways in which we are unheard and misunderstood in these relationships. You don’t have to continue engaging with people who doubt you, especially if it creates more doubt within you, too. Break the patterns of feeling obligated to friendships, and work on speaking your truth now.

Uranus is closely tied to Jupiter, where you may receive some surprising news. It impacts your 4th House, perhaps adding a dash of wildcard energy into your home life. There may be points of closure, where you are told to prepare for a new cycle in your home/family sphere. You could be making great discoveries in terms of your heritage or roots. Others of you may happen upon the right home, contractor, or rental! It is hard to say how Uranus will manifest as it is unpredictable, but don’t be afraid! Anything that felt stagnant will start to move at hyper speed, especially as we get closer to April 20th — the exaction of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction.

Use this eclipse to speak your magic into the world. Communication is key, and your words hold more power than they have in a long time. Don’t be afraid to tell others what you are thinking, but also be open to what they have to say. Create important dialogue and have those tough conversations. Be flexible and adapt to the ever-changing tides in life. You are being asked to integrate your experiences and open yourself up to new possibilities.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

We are now in the thick of Aries season, and the attention remains on your stability. We are entering a pivotal time, eclipse season, opening new doors of opportunity for you. So, turn your attention to planting what you can, if you can — especially at this New Moon. You may hear that eclipses are not a time to do manifestation work, but this one is quite beautiful and powerful.

This Solar Eclipse is in your 2nd House, so your focus can be turned toward resources. Are you being valued for your work? What is your compensation like, even outside of income? Some of you may be looking for a raise, promotion, or change to your financial picture. Use this New Moon to push that forward for you. The Moon is bold in Aries, so it is working to showcase your pioneering spirit! Remain grounded in your approach, but charge ahead knowing that you can grow an abundant garden from all that you decide to plant. A major theme will be personal value. You are asked to own every facet of your talents and your experience. Notice what comes easy, what feels natural — this is where you will be most abundant. You don’t need to work so hard to achieve the success you desire. You are inherently worthy.

Your values and worthiness may be challenged now, too. Especially as Chiron is close to the eclipse. You could find that you are re-evaluating what is important to you and how you embody what you believe. Chiron speaks to the wounds we carry around stability, resources, and self-worth. Your confidence is something you have been working on since 2019. As this eclipse culminates, you will be pushed out of your comfort zone to take up space. You are asked to witness your growth and how worthy you truly are! People notice qualities in you that you now need to see in yourself. So, your cycles of self-sabotage must come to an end to actually stand in your own power. You are more than you give yourself credit for.

New and insightful information seems to factor strongly, especially as Jupiter and Uranus build to a meeting at this lunation! Surprising news or new contacts can pop up now. You may feel busy or in demand in some way. Uranus is ensuring that you are finding the right people and the right words. Dialogue and conversations are a point of growth. You could be buzzing with excitement or seeking to learn as much as possible right now, too. Uranus could also show up as an unexpected support or newfound inspiration. Mars is very supportive in your sign, as well. It meets with Saturn, so you have the motivation, drive, and energy to move with whatever comes your way! But it requires intention and focus to make this come to life.

Use this eclipse to focus on the ground you stand on. What do you value? When was the last time you showed yourself respect? Seek out ways to show yourself that you can rely on yourself. Build a greater space for personal security and understand the value of owning every aspect of your own humanity. Find new resources and open up doors for working through financial stress and abundance. There’s no scarcity in the world you have created for yourself now.

AstroStyle Book Pre-Order

What is the AstroStyle Book?

The intersection of astrology and life on Earth is as simple as living and breathing for me. I see the stars in the way I move and the things I create. The constellations drawn across the very fabric of the clothes I wear. I adorn myself in their brilliant light and wear them with pride. I use astrology in mundane life, finding ways to make meaning of their luminescence in the everyday. I blend lifelong passions and work with astrology to create a seamless integration, furthering my connection with the cosmic energy that extends far beyond us. As above, so below.

I have spent many years styling and working in the industry to see the connections come to life in real time. It is a combination of over a decade of work, where the idea is to make the abstract more tangible. Consider AstroStyle your own personal styling experience that has been written in the stars.

AstroStyle will get you thinking about fashion and personal style "from above" by revealing how your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs can serve as the foundation for building a look that’s uniquely your own.

Featuring inspirational mood boards that correspond to each sign of the zodiac and in-depth discussions of palmistry and tarot, AstroStyle offers a hyper-personalized exploration into how each element, sign, house, and placement can affect your style. Along the way, you’ll learn to connect more deeply with your innermost self as you explore the possibilities of dressing based on the movements of the universe.


anthony perrotta