Scorpio Full Moon Miniscopes


Scorpio full
Moon Miniscopes

Deeper Transformations.

The Full Moon falls at 4º Scorpio, 7:49 PM ET on April 23rd. Taurus Season is known for its fresh, lush landscape, perfect for creating a foundation for growth and abundance. However, below the earth lies a slow-burning fire at the core that can’t be ignored. This is the Scorpio Full Moon. There is a connection between Taurus and Scorpio that is often overlooked; they are polarities. Where Taurus can be fixated and stable, Scorpio brings in a sense of change and clears out the old to make way for the new. We can’t have one without the other, as release sets the stage for what’s to come.

We reflect the dichotomy of our natures with a Full Moon: the internal & external, intimate & exposed. Pluto will be in a hard angle to this Full Moon, pushing us to evolve and change from the inside out. It will be coaxing the Scorpion from its lair and forcing up its defenses. Luckily, Mars, the leader of this Full Moon, will be in a supportive position. It will be in compassionate Pisces, which can remind us that our energy lies in our ability to live confidently in our vulnerabilities. This message is reinforced by the Scorpion’s need to expose our fears and break down the phobias that keep us from fully unearthing our potential.

This Full Moon will make us dig in the gardens of our past to rediscover pieces of ourselves. Mercury invites us to reflect and step back to see what we have growing right in front of us. Even if fresh flowers are blooming, know that the further we go, the more room the roots have to grow.

Jupiter and Uranus have just finished their conjunction, reminding us that we can embrace change and revolution. Transformation occurs when we step into our own power and take control of every facet of our being —no matter how shadowed, how deep, or how misunderstood.

Let go, to grow. Release to Rise. The Phoenix has been awakened.

If you have any personal planets in your chart at 0º to 10º, you will feel the effects of this Full Moon the most. Especially those with strong Fixed placements. So, let’s break this down by sign! Always read Sun, Moon, and Rising.


Aries & Aries Rising

It is time to rely on those you trust intimately. This Full Moon is very healing for you and can bring you close to a partner or friend. Now is the time to share your resources, your fears, your desires, and your motivations. Your 8th House is being activated, so nothing is off-limits.

As the Moon reaches fullness, it will shine a light on your 8th House. This is an area of your chart that rarely sees the light of day. Here, the focus is on all you share intimately with others — your resources, your emotional nature, your fears, and your healing. There is a call to get deep and reflect on your path up until this point. The 8th House points to cycles, and in many ways, you will be ending and beginning new cycles. Your resources will be in question or come to mind — in a material sense and otherwise. You are asked to share more deeply with those you trust and open up, especially when you find yourself in a place of fear and uncertainty. The 8th House exposes all that sits below the surface. It’s time to swim in the deeper waters. In some ways, this Full Moon will feel like a re-emergence — a butterfly coming out of its cocoon after a long period of reflection, healing, and dealing with shadows that have sat beneath the surface. Becoming more intimate and preserving your inner peace will be of the utmost importance.

Mars and Neptune are in a very harmonious position at this lunation. They collectively bring a sense of awareness around an ending or an area that may need closure in your life. Mars leads this Full Moon, and it helps to give you the gusto you need to start bringing something to a close. The endings are not bad. Instead, it feels much like something that you have been meaning to review or reflect on for a while. This is especially true as Mercury retrogrades during this Full Moon. Take time to consider where you could use some proper closure. Remember that oftentimes, closure is internal more than anything.

Use this Full Moon to break bad habits. Shine a light on the shadows in your life and face your fears. Open up about things more intimately with people you trust and allow others to more deeply support you. Reframe your financial picture and focus on ways to alleviate a scarcity mindset. Even as the material resources may ebb and flow, there will be plenty of opportunity for a fresh start. Reclaim your power. This is only the beginning.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The focus on “me” vs “we” has been very prevalent over the last year. Autonomy is important, but so are the relationships you cultivate. You can do a lot on your own, but sometimes you need to be reminded that you don’t have to. There are close relationships that want to help you and support you.

This Full Moon will be lighting up your 7th House. How you relate to others is what comes to mind here. The 7th House rules partnerships — platonic, romantic, business, familial, and otherwise. So you could bring a close relationship to an end or have it taken to the next level. In some ways, the ball is in your court. Alternatively, you may be asked to see more of another person’s point of view. Maybe there have been misunderstandings with someone you care about — now is really your chance to find peace, resolution, and unity together. Whatever comes of this Full Moon, just know that boundaries will change and dynamics will end, but new ones will be brought in their place.

Now, Mars and Neptune are very helpful at this lunation. They work well from your social houses. Friends, connections, and those around you seem to be willing to aid you. Mars leads this lunation and welcomes the chance for you to find power in community and communication. Maybe you need to reconnect with someone or a group you have not spoken to in a while. You may be needed, or they could help you in your time of need. Mercury retrogrades at this Full Moon, bringing up pieces of the past and asking you to reflect and reconnect. Your value and worth will be re-iterated to you by those you keep close. Don’t be too afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Use this Full Moon to focus on the others in your life. Figure out the dynamics and how you show up to your relationships — and how the other people show up for you, too. This is all about the two-way street. You could have to make decisions or find a conclusion. Create boundaries where necessary and allow for the right relationships to flourish for you. You are on the brink of so much change.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Knowing your limits can be important. This month you are being tasked with closing doors, learning to be better to your body, and focusing on the things in your immediate present. You will be taught the value of your needs and the difference between service/sacrifice. We can’t save everyone, or really anyone, other than ourselves.

The Full Moon will be bright in your 6th House, where your health, daily routines, and even work will come into play. You are faced with ways to reschedule your life and create better rituals and regimens. If you have been dealing with health issues, this is not a time to sweep that under the rug. You will have to face the facts and get the answers you need. Some of you could be trying to be healthier or just find the balance between work and life. You will be busier than normal around this lunation, so care for yourself. If people try to overstep your boundaries, you have the power to let them know. Your workplace will likely be going through changes — try not to internalize them or bite off more than you can chew. If you work for yourself, consider how much you can realistically take on right now.

Mars and Neptune work well this Full Moon from your 10th House. It seems that others may not fully see what you are working through, but there is a strong sense of motivation to make a dream come to fruition. Mars leads this lunation, and it finishes its transit through Pisces. You could find out some really good financial or career-related news in the weeks following this Full Moon. Alternatively, you could see yourself rethinking how to spend your time and resources. This may require some self-reflection and re-imagining of what those resources even mean to you.

Use this Full Moon to focus on your health and body. Take control of the details and mind the little things. Create better boundaries with work and cultivate a work/life balance. Seek a job change or shift in responsibilities if you are not happy with what you are doing. Find new clients if you work for yourself and implement new routines.

Cancer & cancer Rising

It is time to restore your sense of optimism! This Full Moon comes in to remind you that life can be fun and playful! In the last year, you have learned the value of personal joy and collective happiness. Now, as this lunation ushers in a new pathway, you can walk forward in a more focused manner.

We see the Full Moon shine a light on your 5th House, a place of creativity, conception, expression, love, and children. This is an area of joy and pleasure. So, what makes you happy? You could be reflecting on how to bring more fun into your life and opening yourself up to new adventures. You feel ready now. However, this means repairing the relationship you have with your self-image. Why shy away from the spotlight? You deserve space as much as anyone else. To allow yourself to be seen is to be proud of who you are. Don’t hide for the sake of someone else’s perceptions. If you are looking to conceive an idea, a project, a child, or a relationship, let this Full Moon help you. It takes a level of risk to make it happen, but what do you have to lose? You are becoming more aware of your ability to manifest your desires into reality.

Mars and Neptune are also quite helpful at this Full Moon, luckily. They bring harmonious energy to the Moon from your 9th House. There is a possibility of you needing to take a risk, or feeling motivated to leave an unhealthy dynamic. Mars leads this Full Moon and tells you to seek adventure — acting from a place of seeing the big picture. Once you take a leap of faith, you may gain the clarity and closure you seek. Mercury retrogrades, so it seems that your mind will revisit an area of your life that you have left unresolved. Maybe part of that leap of faith is tying up that loose end and having the courage to do so.

Use this Full Moon to play, create and get in touch with your inner child. Repair the relationship with your self-image and feel more confident in how you express yourself. Open your heart up and show people what you are made of. Take new risks and really put yourself out there. This is a time to be seen and take up room like you never have before. You are worthy of this.


Leo & Leo Rising

This Full Moon is going to have you more withdrawn than usual. You are turning your focus away from the outside world — and becoming a little more introverted (yes, even you need time to recharge). You are rediscovering your inner sanctum and establishing a new home base.

Your 4th House is lit up at this lunation, where you see changes in your family and home. There can be dynamics that alter. You could be confronted to deal with your past and find peace with your memories — even if they were hard. The 4th House is about emotional foundations, and it is from here that everything is built. Stabilizing this part of your life allows for the security you seek. Some of you may bring in new members of the family, change your living space, or even update your decor. You are being asked to take control of this private part of your life. Home is where the heart is, and you have to ensure that your heart is safe and protected.

Luckily, Mars and Neptune are also very helpful at this Full Moon. They sit in your 8th House, bringing a willingness to find some quiet. You may actively decide to do something that betters your healing or break a specific cycle/habit that no longer serves you. Mars leads this lunation, and it could even make you feel like you need to slow down, sewing things up behind the scenes. Mercury retrogrades in your 9th at this Full Moon, so this would be a powerful time to reconnect with people from your past. There may be good opportunities for you there. You could travel back to a place that brings you joy or where you have connections, as well.

Use this Full Moon to bring it all back home. Spend time with your family. Redecorate or reorganize your home. Prepare yourself for a move or a change in the home/family front. Focus on your emotional well-being and tend to places where you feel more vulnerable. Create stability in the quiet and make time for personal reflection. You redefine your peace and carve out space for you to process how you feel. Your foundations are changing.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

You spend a lot of time taking care of others, but never enough time taking care of yourself. This Full Moon will fall in your 3rd House, asking you to use your voice and speak up. This is about walking away from overthinking. You deserve to say what is on your mind as much as anyone else.

The lunation comes to shine brilliantly on your 3rd House. You will feel as if your phone is ringing off the hook. It seems that a lot of people are contacting you and trying to get ahold of you. The 3rd House rules communication, so dialogue is going to be very important now. Watch what you say and how you say it, and listen to what others are saying as well. You could be signing a contract or need to make something more official. Whatever it is, you are busier than you have been in a while —and it seems that it is coming from all sides. This is also a space for learning, adapting, and integrating. In this House, we find power through words and through what we learn in daily life. Perhaps you are being asked to be more proactive and take more control of your daily affairs. Scheduling and organizing will be helpful.

Mars and Neptune are also very helpful at this lunation, luckily. They are showing you a level of support that is unmatched from your 7th House. A partner, close friend, or relationship in your life is giving you some much-needed peace and clarity. Mars leads this lunation, so there could be some positive influences from your inner circle or friend group. Perhaps someone in your life will come in and support you, taking the lead without a word — especially if you are feeling a bit overwhelmed or in need of a break. Lean into this and allow them to show up for you. Alternatively, ask for help — people will show up in droves.

Use this Full Moon to work on your dialogue. Use your voice as a tool for change and growth. Speak up and talk about what is happening below the surface. Establish strong relationships with those you trust and take a leap of faith on the things you believe in. Discern anxiety vs intuition and find peace in knowing you are still working toward what you want — even if it feels unclear. Perfection is unfolding. Right now, you have to address today to get to tomorrow.

Libra & Libra Rising

Libra now is the time to flex your skills and stand your ground. This Full Moon will have your mind on resources, self-worth, and value. You can help to get yourself in a good position. But be your own advocate.

You may find that you have changes to your values, self-worth, resources, or assets. There can be a call to open yourself up more – but also to find stable ground to stand on. This Full Moon brings an awareness to your 2nd House of ownership, income, value, and worth. It may be time to visit the values and traditions you hold. Do they still align with you personally? Have you outgrown certain views? This is ok. With the 2nd House, we stabilize our identity from the 1st House, thus we have to be ok with evolving our view of the world and everything around us. You alternatively could have changes to your income and financial picture or need to address what you truly have ownership of in your life. The lunation will highlight where you could improve. This may come as a result of some valuable insight(s) you receive.

Luckily, Mars and Neptune are also well aspected to this lunation. It can ease tension. You are focusing on the changes you have made to your routines and daily life. Mars, the leader of this lunation, is motivating you to take control of your well-being. Perhaps there are necessary internal conflicts that need to be addressed. Whatever it is, you will do it with great energy. As work-related matters come up, don’t turn a blind eye. Mars is definitely ensuring that you are working your way into being noticed. Something is coming to a close, but a new beginning is right around the corner. As Mercury retrogrades, take time to reflect on how far you’ve come and your visions for the future.

Use this lunation to reflect on your values, morals, and beliefs. Also, take stock of what you own and what resources you can obtain. See what could use changing, reimagining, or refocusing. You will be making major changes to how you handle personal and shared resources in the near future. Your efforts are not in vain.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, there is a Full Moon in your sign! This is important and points to the New Moon we experienced last year in November. Think back to what you started around then and how you are carrying a similar theme. Perhaps you are ready to start a new cycle for yourself or pieces are starting to come together!

Your 1st House is fully lit up at this lunation, which rules the self, the identity, and motivations. Here, you will be staring at who you are, what you want, and what drives you. This isn’t always easy, especially if you have been in a complacent or stagnant phase. You may have to find peace in discomfort as you know that things around you are changing, and you will be asked to step out of your cocoon — to transform yourself and the world around you. The spotlight from this lunation will have you questioning yourself, your boundaries, your goals, and really anything that is personal to you. This could bleed into your relationships, because as you change, so will they.

Now, Mars and Neptune are also well-aligned at this lunation. They sit in your 5th House, highlighting areas of joy, pleasure, adventure, and growth. Mars leads this Full Moon and tells you to focus more on your happiness. It invites you to find creative solutions and take a risk for yourself. Some of you could find some much-needed excitement in exploring new horizons and being part of something you are passionate about. Additionally, maybe it is time to take some old ideas off the back burner — especially as Mercury retrogrades at this lunation. You are invited to comb through the past and find inspiration again.

Use this Full Moon to work on yourself and focus on your needs. See what needs to be adjusted or refined. Where could you benefit from being more gentle with yourself? Where could you be more disciplined? How can you see yourself more clearly? You can make great strides in standing out and allowing yourself to be seen and heard. You are on a path toward really making shifts in your identity and overall life.


Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

You are being pulled into a need for rest and relaxation. You have been going nonstop for quite some time, and now you’re being asked to slow things down. The Sun and Moon oppose in your 6th and 12th Houses. There are important endings afoot now.

Service is a word you may not actively think about, but it is one that holds value now. Service is not always to another person —it can be to yourself, your body, your heart, mind, or soul. You need not always sacrifice to care for yourself. This lunation will highlight where you could use more balance, rest, and realignment.

Of course, that may come with something being let go or being tied up, but that leaves more room for you. If you have been on a one-way train to burnout, it is time to slow that train and take active steps toward recovery. The Full Moon falling in your 12th House will have you asking yourself the bigger questions in life, which could include how you find respite, faith, and how you engage in any sort of spirituality. This is a House of healing and suffering — perhaps it is time to end the things that bring you suffering, grief, or pain. Make room in the waters for you to swim more freely.

Mars and Neptune are well aligned to this lunation. They sit in your 4th house, inviting you to take time to rest and slow down. Perhaps you have been on the go in some way. Mars leads this lunation, and it helps to bring motivation to you in terms of your healing. Avoid burnout by taking those moments of respite where you can. A theme of breaking cycles and knowing how to get off the merry-go-round is important. What you inherit isn’t always yours to keep. Sometimes we can alchemize that into something else, something useful and joyful.

Use this Full Moon to focus on the places that you escape or choose to ignore. See what needs to come to a close and what needs to be expanded. Make peace in the quiet. Find power in resolution. Explore new areas of faith, belief, and spirituality — but also be ok with not knowing or having answers. You are on the precipice of closing a chapter and starting a whole new one. What is needed to fully walk through that door?

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

I know you don’t always like to ask for help, but this Full Moon will have people showing up for you left and right! The amount of support you have is uncanny. You are making new friendships and maybe saying goodbye to old ones that aren’t as solid as they used to be.

This Full Moon will shine a light on your 11th House, where you are reflecting on your friendships, network, hopes, and goals. You may have to come to terms with a friendship or community that needs to be addressed. Perhaps you are ready to approach these relationships differently or welcome the possibility of growth with a friend or group. Maybe there is a call to reflect in order to see things more clearly around the situation, especially with Mercury retrograde at this time. Alternatively, you may be changing and shifting your outlook on your future self — learning how to better seek support to make dreams a reality. You asking for help or leaning on others doesn’t make you weak. It is a reminder that you can be filled and nourished by others, as much as you may nourish them.

Luckily, Mars and Neptune are very helpful at this lunation. They gift you the power of words and the ability to say exactly what you need. Perfectly timed since Mercury is retrograde. Mars leads this lunation and reminds you that sharing with those close to you can be empowering. Some relationships will be motivating for you, especially those that are close like a partnership. Information could come to you suddenly around this lunation, as well — listen and digest first before acting.

Use this Full Moon to reflect on your goals and future visions. See where you are and ask for support where it matters. Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to pleasing people. Learn to find the community and friendships that are worthy. Invest in the relationships that challenge you to grow. Your hopes and dreams can become a reality when you genuinely ask for help. You are finding your strength again.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

You have been working hard lately. This Full Moon in your 10th House is asking you to reframe your thoughts around your direction in life, your career, and what you want in the end from all of it. Your mind will be on work and your goals in the coming year. This is the start of something new!

The lunation falls in your 10th House. A position that sits at the top of your chart. The Moon will be beaming a light here, having you focus your attention on your career, life direction, and practical goals. You know that you want to do something different in this area of your life. Is it a new job? A promotion? A complete 180º? Whatever it is, the lunation will bring it to the forefront of your mind. Some of you may move up, while some may quit or lose a job. Others may feel a general pressure at work, and it can be the catalyst for something new coming later on. It is hard to say how it will all shake up, but new pathways will soon begin to show up for you. Over the next few months, any changes at work will feel monumental. Thus, its gravity can be heavy — but once it finally reaches a head, it will alleviate all of that compounding pressure.

Luckily, Mars and Neptune are both very helpful at this lunation. They work from your 2nd House to give a gusto of motivation to your resources and daily life. Mars leads this lunation, and it finds that you could be bringing in a new job, a form of work, new resources, or even a new client. You may find that you are willing to tackle the details or small mundane tasks you may have put off. You can also leverage a natural talent you have more readily. Don’t let yourself devalue your worth.

As there is so much happening around this Full Moon, use this time to truly reflect on where you are. Are you happy at work? What needs changing? Are you doing what makes you happy? Take steps to get what you want out of your life. Redirect your path. Ask for the promotion. Find new employment. Witness the dynamics at work and then assess your next moves. It is time to lean in and go after what you want.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You are reaching new heights! You have recently taken a leap of faith, and you know that there is no way you can go back now! Doors of opportunity open and possibility awaits — a portal into something new. It is time to grow, grow, grow! You are being asked to expand past your current limitations. Whatever your goal is, now is the time to make sure you are fully aligned with it.

As this Full Moon sits in an expansive part of your chart, there will be changes in how you see the world around you. Your 9th House is being impacted here, and for the first time in a long time, you are willing and able to see the obstacles standing in the way of your growth. In so many ways, this is the beginning of a new adventure for you. One where you are asked to take a leap of faith and trust yourself along the way. You could explore new ways to expand your horizons, whether that be travel, education, spirituality or even through experiences. It can feel like a trust fall into the universe. The big-picture perspective will be important, as you can reframe fear into motivation.

Luckily, Mars and Neptune in your sign are both very well-aspected for this lunation. They are granting you opportunities to see through the fog and maintain a broader perspective. Mars leads this lunation and motivates you to act on your hunches and from a place of joy. It helps to promote more autonomy and independence, especially as it adds fire to drive you forward to what you know is best for you. Mars is a destroyer and builder — similar to Saturn, it may be time to let something go. But on the other side, you have so much to gain, too.

Use this Full Moon to assess the big picture. Where could you use more adventure in your life? You could feel a push and pull of acting immediately — give things some time to settle. You will see that you are on the brink of a new journey, one that allows you to take the lead. You can explore new perspectives, educate yourself and seek out more spontaneous experiences. Nothing is perfect, but you can enjoy every moment that is set out before you. No time is wasted when you truly are living.

AstroStyle Book Pre-Order

What is the AstroStyle Book?

The intersection of astrology and life on Earth is as simple as living and breathing for me. I see the stars in the way I move and the things I create. The constellations drawn across the very fabric of the clothes I wear. I adorn myself in their brilliant light and wear them with pride. I use astrology in mundane life, finding ways to make meaning of their luminescence in the everyday. I blend lifelong passions and work with astrology to create a seamless integration, furthering my connection with the cosmic energy that extends far beyond us. As above, so below.

I have spent many years styling and working in the industry to see the connections come to life in real time. It is a combination of over a decade of work, where the idea is to make the abstract more tangible. Consider AstroStyle your own personal styling experience that has been written in the stars.

AstroStyle will get you thinking about fashion and personal style "from above" by revealing how your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs can serve as the foundation for building a look that’s uniquely your own.

Featuring inspirational mood boards that correspond to each sign of the zodiac and in-depth discussions of palmistry and tarot, AstroStyle offers a hyper-personalized exploration into how each element, sign, house, and placement can affect your style. Along the way, you’ll learn to connect more deeply with your innermost self as you explore the possibilities of dressing based on the movements of the universe.


anthony perrotta