Lavender & Honey Face Mask


Who doesn’t love a little face mask from time to time? This one is packed with ingredients that are perfect for eclipses, air energy and retrogrades! It is made of Lavender, Honey, and Coconut oil, meant to balance, brighten, restore and refresh. This is an ode to Spring, but also the calm that we must find in the storm. Use this right before bed or just after a hot bath/shower. It will leave you relaxed and your skin hydrated. The lavender is associated with Mercury, calming the anxious energy around the planet. Honey will cleanse and ground. Coconut oil can bring about luck and abundance, while nourishing us.


2 tsp unrefined virgin coconut oil

1 tsp of dried lavender without pesticides or 4 drops of skin-safe lavender essential oil 

1 tsp raw honey


Mix together coconut oil and lavender

Add honey and mix all ingredients together with a spoon or mask brush

Apply to clean skin and leave on for at least 20 minutes

Wash off with warm water or a washcloth.
Tip: You may need to rinse a few times to remove excess oil.

Magical Note

Combine the above ingredients together while stirring the mixture counterclockwise. The counterclockwise motion will help with banishing and letting go. Once thoroughly mixed together, apply to the skin. While the mask sits on your skin, envision the ingredients seeping into you, nourishing and soothing you at your core. Beauty is never just skin deep. As you wash off the mask, imagine you are washing away others’ perceptions and energy only to expose you and your true self. Once this is complete, look in the mirror and tell yourself one thing you love about yourself. Write that down, and place it under your pillow as a reminder that you are all you’ve ever dreamed of.

Added note: test this mixture out on a small part of your body before full application. Use as directed and avoid getting the mixture in your eyes. If allergic to any of these ingredients, please avoid use and substitute for something that works best for you. The magic isn’t due to the ingredients, but instead lives in the intentions and energies you infuse the ingredients with. Thus, you can use your own products or mixtures and still follow the ritual all the same for the desired effect.

anthony perrotta